Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tiffany Caban has her own machine to help with the recount

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz (right) and public defender Tiffany Cabán are preparing for a recount.


Tiffany Cabán has marshalled a volunteer army of attorneys to fight for votes in the Queens district attorney Democratic primary recount.

The insurgent candidate has actively recruited helpers to monitor the tallying of some 91,000 votes. 

The process officially began earlier this week at a Board of Elections voting machine facility in Middle Village after a paper ballot count left Borough President Melinda Katz holding a razor-thin lead of 16 — triggering a full recount.

The Cabán campaign on Thursday said about 165 lawyers have enrolled pro bono to aid the ballot review. That’s on top of more than 200 volunteers charged with providing administrative support.

Meanwhile, Katz bolstered her legal team by hiring top election lawyer Martin Connor, a former Brooklyn state senator.

“I’m joining their legal team, but 99 other people aren’t,” Connor said, taking a shot at Cabán’s swelling volunteer ranks.

Experts noted the size of Cabán’s volunteer legal squad is unusual.

“I can see having shifts of watchers,” said Sarah Steiner, a former chair of the Election Law Committee for the New York City Bar Association. “But it’s the having that many that is impressive. I’ve never heard of that many volunteer lawyers for a recount… You’d normally be lucky to get a single volunteer lawyer.”

Steiner said the volunteers could come in handy with counting sessions as long as 12 hours a day, giving the lead campaign lawyers a chance to take breaks and rest their eyes

.“In that position, they can be very helpful,” she said of the volunteers. “They are getting a crash course on the short list of legal objections and how to spot them. They don’t need to know any other election law.”


Anonymous said...

The only thing we can be sure of is that the winner of this primary is a piece of trash.

Anonymous said...

Do they all get a free ride ho?

Anonymous said...

That many lawyers just shows they are trying to steal the election. What don't they understand? Not a citizen? Not a registered Democrat? You CAN'T vote in this election! Throw that paper ballot out, it isn't worth used toilet paper!

ron s said...

Either way, you get a totally unqualified AG.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, whoever played the DA on Law and Order on any given season seemed to have an easy time of it. Sam Waterston did all the work. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Aint nothing like lesbian rampage, I doubt this will end with a recount.

I agree: Not a citizen? Not registered?
Yep, you cant vote period, the ballets are invalid.
Many of these are simply too stupid to understand, add some rigging on top of that.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, whoever played the DA on Law and Order on any given season seemed to have an easy time of it. Sam Waterston did all the work. ;-)

That was Manhattan, and we all know that Queens is a completely different political species.

Anonymous said...

No one ever asks Katz about how she hooked up with the faker Curtis Sliwa and obviously lied about having kids through artificial means with him. The court depositions in Sliwa's divorce trial goes into graphic detail about Katz having sex with Sliwa. Do we really want a confirmed liar to be D.A.?

Anonymous said...

The voting equipment is no good, it runs on top of Windows 7 operating system that can be remotely controlled, hacked or edited, even booted with a USB thumb drive to bypass security, access and edit databases bypassing hidden and encryption.
The below link kind confirms any tech with access can likely do it by plugging a Bluetooth into the USB port to a mini wireless keyboard.
Then just hit the F key to select a boot device during bootup. lots of thing can be manipulated.
They need to bring the big old mechanical machines back


Anonymous said...

"That was Manhattan, and we all know that Queens is a completely different political species."

LOL! What are you smoking? Vance is Caban in drag.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

"No one ever asks Katz about how she hooked up with the faker Curtis Sliwa and obviously lied about having kids through artificial means with him. The court depositions in Sliwa's divorce trial goes into graphic detail about Katz having sex with Sliwa. Do we really want a confirmed liar to be D.A.?"

Matrimonial actions in NYS are not public record and are sealed to the public for a period of 100 years from the date of Judgment. You did not in any way have access to a "court deposition" related to Katz' divorce action. Only the parties and their attorneys-of-record may have access to those records. Anyone else requiring access would need to obtain a court order approving access and would need to have good cause. So stop lying.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

Please let them both lose!

Anonymous said...

165 lawyers ? I’d rather have a 165 Detectives .....

Anonymous said...

If the election is recalled its best to get everybody possible educated to vote in order to destroy the machine from the inside out, not the smartest or less of 2 negatives.
I think Caban is the best Trojan horse to install into the hive to accomplish this.
Katz has too many friends, total chaos, fire & brimstone is what's needed to bust hives & machines up.
Look how well Ali-Casio Cortez worked out starting trouble and chaos with Washington DC democrats and Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

"The court depositions in Sliwa's divorce trial goes into graphic detail about Katz having sex with Sliwa."

Matrimonial files are sealed records. How would you know what was said at a deposition?

Anonymous said...

We need to canonize Pius Eugene Pacelli, Joseph Raymond McCarthy, and Charles Edward Coughlin to end this Putin Bolivarian Revolution! You understand, if they had left Joe McCarthy's HUAC alone, we would have won the Vietnam War and the hippies would have been executed long before they could breed these millenial hipsters.

Anonymous said...

End the drama. Just hold a runoff in September and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

You know, the candidate with the army of lawyers on their side is usually the corporate candidate. Guess Caban's 80% of donators from out of the City are trying to make sure they get their money's worth.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Katz and Sliwa, his wife revealed this:

Anonymous said...

"donators"? donors! you know what the call folks who add unnecessary syllables? phoney!

Anonymous said...

Here's the 1970's YAF "KGB Approved" sticker as 2x3x10 labels, but

Mediafire is a popup pain. Put it on all you liberals.

Anonymous said...

Don't you understand the census controversy? Illegals don't actually vote, they reshape districts. Redistricting is based on total residents, legal or not. If the district is full of illegals, it is far cheaper to campaign in it. This scheme was devised by none other than Andrew Jackson to counter when a slave counted as 3/5 person in redistricting. This is why the AOC Jihad Squad is up in arms.

Anonymous said...

"Don't you understand the census controversy? Illegals don't actually vote, they reshape districts. Redistricting is based on total residents, legal or not. If the district is full of illegals, it is far cheaper to campaign in it. This scheme was devised by none other than Andrew Jackson to counter when a slave counted as 3/5 person in redistricting. This is why the AOC Jihad Squad is up in arms."

VERY astute observation. That said, in the current Demoncrap Party, apparently non-citizens deserve more attention than actual Citizens. Why would anyone here illegally want to become a citizen? Their current status is more valuable according to more than half of the House of Representatives. Disgraceful.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

Hey, are the Repuglicans nutjobs? I know plenty of hot Latina Republicans in their twenties, even a few from Puerto Rico, so they go and run anything but against Ocasio? Thay can dance! Cat Fight, Please! The Jamaican would do well against Meeks if she got money (which Repuglicans won't give) - that district has plenty Desi and African New Americans. And beware of Armenians, it s no coincidence their language sounds like Iranian, just like the Kurds and the Georgians. Anders Aslunds thinks Putin is Stalin's gransdon. Maybe. What is known is Putin's grandfather was Stalin's cook and food taster. Hang out with Armenians and all they talk about is Mother Russia.

Anonymous said...

Cat fight? Linda McMahon is at SBA , nolonger WWF

Anonymous said...

Puerto Rican people are good people,let them run N.Y. for the next 50 years,I'll BET net never give it away like we did.

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