Sunday, May 12, 2019

Jimmy Van Bramer calls for more surveillance cameras to stop parking in bike lanes

Sunnyside Post
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer joined forces with members of Transportation Alternatives in Long Island City this morning to condemn motorists who block sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks—and to call on the NYPD to ticket these drivers.

Van Bramer also announced his support for a pilot program that would bring 20 cameras to the streets of New York tasked with catching drivers who block bicycle lanes and pedestrian pathways. The program, which is likely to be introduced as a bill before the council, is part of Transportation Alternatives’ new #TechforSafety campaign.

 When cars turn our sidewalks into parking lots and block our bike lanes and crosswalks, they put pedestrians and cyclists in danger,” Van Bramer said. “The NYPD must step up its enforcement against illegal parking and ticket and tow cars that are blatantly breaking the law. We need a comprehensive, zero-tolerance policy and legislation to increase penalties.”

Sure we need more enforcement of habitual pig parking offenders, but more cameras on the streets is not the answer and any ideas from TransAlt are always bad.

It's a short post but the comment thread is long and interesting. Notably the one dink who describes drivers as "car people"


Anonymous said...

Here in Whitestone on Utopia Parkway the bike lanes are blocked all day by carless drivers shopping in the strip stores. They could care less when told so cameras and tickets might work.

Anonymous said...

Shove your bike lanes where the sun doesn't shine, stupid socialists.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the damn cameras! Stop monitoring every movement we make to try and score political points! Cars dip into bike lanes because as a concept they don't work well here; in European cities where bicycle is just as viable as car, they fit and the lanes actually were designed well. Here they cut out driving and/or parking lanes, threw down some green paint and the lanes don't even connect well, they randomly appear and disappear and the main problem, hardly anyone USES them! And yes Crappy, any idea by Trans Alt needs to be shut down from the start..

Anonymous said...

In Whitestone and Bayside, drivers deliberately try to force bicyclists to break the law, which is why we need undercover cops on bikes.

Anonymous said...

Look at Jimmy trying to stay relevant and in the spotlight. Looks like he's trying to do something for the people. His agenda only includes himself. After the Amazon fiasco, people who vote for him are truly clueless.

Anonymous said...

no more cyclists riding on sidewalks and blowing red lights.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was almost hit many times lately by Bikes riding on sidewalks you POS Van Bramer I hate your stinking guts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

come on guys, the pols don't give 2 sh*ts about bicyclists, the only people they care about are donors and those of you in the public silly enough to support them.

bikes reduce carbon which permits more buildings to go up. more buildings go up, more donations the pols can collect.

we live in his district and they want to put up a 15 story building in a 2/3 story area. no jimmy. no call. no interest.

Anonymous said...

What a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

What we really need are license plates on bicycles and a licensing requirement for the riders who should have to carry insurance. The bicycles are more of a problem then the cars, they are up on the sidewalk, blasting through red lights,and going the wrong way. I'm tired of everyone blaming cars when the bikes are the real problem.

A car stopping in front of the store in an unused bicycle lane for a few minutes is nothing compared to the dangerous things bicycles are constantly doing. If you want to solve this issue, the city needs to provide more parking and lots for motorists.

Anonymous said...

The biggest grandstander of them all, making the World's Boro (third world shithole) so proud.

Anonymous said...

Lots of money trading hands in the construction of bike lanes, while honest hard working home and business owners have to put up with this infantile concept of alternate transportation. It's, just coincidentally, happening all over the U.S.A. Not in the small towns, like where I live, but even in medium sized cities. One friend of mine who lived in a town of about 200,000 had to close her small business due to lack of access by customers while the long, long, long, construction process process was underway. Now they have this mess of a bike lane that is rarely used. Hard to ride a two wheeler in the snow and rain. Who knew?

Anonymous said...

Bike hating deplorables are so obese they need to be motored to their turd hole

Anonymous said...

Is called Agenda 21, globalist nightmare for the slaves. Has nothing to do with bikes.

Anonymous said...

Alas, all of those surveillance cameras should be pointed in the direction of City Hall, Albany, the Legislature——Van Brainless' office included (PRIORITY)!

Maybe that way all of the 'ALL PAY and NO WORK' taxpayer funded, cradle-to-grave hacks and sycophants would finally stop crying about their 'lunch-and-a-manicure' as a stressful day in 300% fake government service that never serves its ever languishing public.

The whole government failed system is on the verge of collapse——and, without strategically (and perpetually) located surveillance cameras at the TOP of the kleptocratic cabal (and, endless kakistocracy) of corruption, graft and never-ending greed, it won't make an iota of a difference if cameras are placed at the bottom rungs of the rotting tree——when, ironically the systemic decay and erosion of epic, government fail has always begun at the TOP of the diseased tree——the breeding point of all corruption itself!

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ——Robert LeFavre

❝A nation of sheep soon begets a government of wolves.❞ ——Edward R. Murrow

❝Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.❞ ——Friedrich Nietzsche

❝A people that elect corrupt politicians, impostors, thieves and traitors are not victims ... but accomplices.❞ ——George Orwell

❝A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?❞ ——Marcus Tullius Cicero

Anonymous said...

"What we really need are license plates on bicycles and a licensing requirement for the riders"
Stop already with this "tax" idea on bicycle riders.
What's next ? Tax my feet ?

Anonymous said...

These aren’t even protestors, they’re his staff

Anonymous said...

"What we really need are license plates on bicycles and a licensing requirement for the riders"
Stop already with this "tax" idea on bicycle riders.

Its not about tax, its about accountability for reckless riding. Make it 10 dollars to register a bike, just enough to cover the cost of making the plate. Bike riders always complain about drivers, but when any attempt or idea is brought up to hold them accountable for their recklessness they go nuts.

And God forbid the bicycle community pay anything towards the millions of dollars of infrastructure built and maintained just for them, like the protected bike lanes and concrete median tips at each corner, green painted lanes, and bicycle only traffic signals (which they ignore anyway).

I'm all for having a conversation about street safety but peds, bikes, and drivers are all at fault and need to be criticized equally.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Van JOB KILLER , this moron has to to go .

Anonymous said...

He'll pander to the LGQBT and illegal immigrant communities because they are what makes Queens "Diverse"

Anonymous said...

He's so tiny. Does he really ride his bike around using bike lanes. Doubt It!

Anonymous said...

Lot's of bike hate here why ?
Car drivers are so distracted by cell phones that they are killing thousands of people on our roads. Wake up and put down your cell phone you might save a life !

"U.S. pedestrian deaths totaled nearly 6,000 in 2017" USA Today

"Cell Phones And Marijuana Are Killing More Pedestrians In America" Forbes

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