Friday, September 14, 2018

Paladino, Sullivan, Barnwell, Cruz win primaries

These numbers come from NY1:

• Precincts Reported: 82/82

Brian 5,214

Melissa 2,902

• Precincts Reported: 56/56

Catalina 3,736

Ari 3,016

Yonel 225


• Precincts Reported: 224/224
Vickie 1,640

Simon 1,220

• Precincts Reported: 223/224

Thomas 3,188

Slawomir 1,508


Gary W said...

Hey don't forget Salazar in Brooklyn. Another pathological liar socialist.

I guess these old time dems didn't think the monster they created would bite them in the ass first. Lol.

Teach the kids how great socialism is, expand the voting rolls, what's the worst that could happen. I'm LOLing

Anonymous said...

Go Vickie go !

JQ LLC said...

@Gary W

Socialism advocate here (I don't care for identity politics), and I don't like or trust this woman either, and it's not for her past ideological beliefs but that she is pathological liar who is taking advantage of desperate people that are being forced out from gentrification and the stupid hipshits that have moved into this district ironically doing the gentrifying that I think embrace progressive causes not because they can help the poor and middle class, but solely because it makes them feel good about themselves.

I have a feeling she's gonna turn like a pro wrestler once she wins the seat or something salacious and criminal is going to pop up about her.

Anonymous said...

What about Alissa Cortez and the fat guy with the guitar or is that the big election in November? I'm worried about all these young commies for Scandinavian socialism

Gary W said...

Scandinavia is not socialist. You notice these pigs like Deblasshole, and Bernie never visit Scandinavia? No they go to Cuba, Moscow(Bernie went there on his honeymoon) support the Sandinistas. That's the type of "socialism" they want to bring to this country. The type that can only be enforced with a boot stomp on your head.

Anonymous said...

Call me an advocate for free-will, personal accountability and self-sufficiency within the framework of a strong republic. Just don't call me Shirley.

The micro-picture here is one of a divided Democrat party at odds with itself and biting pillows to pieces over their defeat by Trump. Everything was going just fine in lib-town NYC ....until that fateful day Trump won.

We were on the road to a sort of Nirvana where social justice would be our mantra and teddy-bears and hot cocoa would be dispensed at every subway station. Our mornings were to start with a daily affirmation of how flawed our nation is compared to China, Russia, Iran, Sudan, Bangladesh and anyplace else that people were fleeing to our shores from ...that was the dream...

Yes, 2016 caused a sort of psychotic break in the democrat party. In Queens, which has become one of the dingier fiefdoms in the party network, that psychosis has taken the form of a sort of revolt against the ersatz "party leaders" wearing creased, polyester blend suits.
Thus, the rise of the new and improved "socialists", the Democratic Socialists who will see Queens through these troubled Trump years with free tuition, free housing, free medical care and free all-you-can-eat buffets from Auburndale to Astoria.

The macro-picture is of NYC following the direct path to San Francisco (away from the Center-Right nation) with democrat "elites" crowding into a high priced core while dictating from above to create a bubble of self-delusion while the middle class neighborhoods that defined the character of the city for a hundred years are scrubbed clean of their silly bourgeois values in favor of third world conditions and artisanal cheeses.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Vickie Palladino might actually have a shot in this race, that is if certain demographics can see it there way to vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

Alissa Cortez = Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
the fat guy with the guitar=soon to be former Rep. Joe Crowley (great description though)

Anonymous said...

""pigs like Deblasshole, and Bernie never visit Scandinavia""

HUH? He always going to Amsterdam to smoke dope, attend conferences and "How Too" meetings and bringing all the bike lanes, anti private car ownership, anti private home, and bullshit here.
Every dam thing he's doing is based on what Amsterdam, Denmark and Sweden does. --Including banning guns and certain word combinations from the press and media by using "The mayors office of media" to issue all the press credentials, professional film, professional TV and professional photography permits the media needs to operate in this city.
Try and setup a tripod, any professional camera outside city hall or any street the mayor is visiting without a permit. The mayors security detail and cops will have you detained, write you an appearance ticket and confiscate your gear.

Amateur photography too! They will almost any DSLR camera or intent to film professional if they don't like what your doing, confiscate your shit, media cards pending a hearing

Jeez, are this many New Yorkers that blind to whats going on ?

Rob in Manhattan said...

"Try and setup a tripod, any professional camera outside city hall or any street the mayor is visiting without a permit. The mayors security detail and cops will have you detained, write you an appearance ticket and confiscate your gear."

Is that you again, "Joe"?

How about some firm dates times that this happened personally (that means to you). You've been writing this crap since the Bloombag adm with never any actual cases.

Rob in Manhattan

Gary W said...

Congrats anon, you are a typical Queens idiot. Way to miss the point. Maybe sit this one out while the adults are talking.

Anonymous said...

I'm a former Whitestoner, now living in a small, really small town, elswhere, in relative obscurity and I would like to say congratulations to Vicki Paladino. Where was she hiding the 45 years I lived in Whitestone? Go get 'em girl.

Anonymous said...

Vickie grew up in Whitestone and was elected largely on the efforts of her parochial school classmates. She will win because Menshling's millenials would have voted for Liu just like Avellas' Greeniacs.

Anonymous said...

>Amateur photography too! They will almost any DSLR camera or intent to film professional if they don't like what your doing, confiscate your shit, media cards pending a hearing

Source, please. Haven't seen anything about this on Photography is not a Crime, and they cover NYPD fuckery heavily.

Anonymous said...

Chinese people prefer mother hen to frat boy.
Chinese and Italian family values very similar.

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