Wednesday, August 22, 2018

QCA wants artists' housing, but Katz wants a soccer stadium

And there you have it.


Anonymous said...

I never trusted her. She is not balanced. Does she really believe the immigrant community can afford to buy a $100 ticket to see a game? What's going on with the $10million she set aside to "fix" the NYS Pavilion structure that is still an eyesore... 55 years later. Let the taxpayer decide if we want or need a soccer stadium.

JQ LLC said...

The secrets of Moya and Katz' secret meetings are out. Another tax payer money wasting stadium. And for a boring ass sport.

Those stupid cretins are more concerned with getting the World Cup than setting aside development to stem the growing the crass economic division, the homeless crisis and displacement of working people with affordable housing. They don't give a shit about their constituents. Or anything in particular.

Anonymous said...

Clearly pandering to the (illegal) immigrant community. She needs their votes.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Katz firmly opposed to a stadium here and infringing on parkland?

Anonymous said...

Was this land rezoned?

Here is a thought.

Sell the land as commercial and require adequate parking.

Think of the tax revenue a WalMart would bring in.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Machine in Queens is broken throwing parts and hitting anyone that gets near it. The entire system has to be shut down, dismantled, and replaced with something from the 21st century. We are wasting time and money trying to work with them.

Everyone holing office in Queens as a favor from the Clubhouse, and we mean everyone, should be hauled out to the scrap heap and melted down into something useful.

All that is needed is for the Queens public to get a backbone. And that will magically appear very soon as their faces have been hauled through the mud for a very, very, long time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Think of the tax revenue a WalMart would bring in.

Sacre Bleu!!
WalMart is a four letter word to all democrat politicians.

Anonymous said...

how about neither.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Olshan. When will you people understand NOBODY will pay you to do art. Go get a real job and pay your dam bills instead of playing the victim.
Artists are perpetually broke-ass, near homeless, starve to death and die next to vending machines at hospitals.
It is not my or the governments duty to pay for your bad choices in life, my friggan rent is high also. Quit crying and get a real fucking job or go back home.

Anonymous said...

Why should taxpayers pay for for called "artists"
The only art one will pay you for is : graphic design, animation, illustration and architecture. Now if you choose to do music, fine art and fingerpaint your misery is on yourself.

Stop listening to Hillary Clinton and your brain dead hippy college professors who claim
"Be who you wanna be, the government will pay for it" --because that's a lie !!
Why? Because the money (trillions of dollars) to substantiate such a claim for so many young MTV-Disney generation who expect to make a living doing art, music and social work does not exist.

Anonymous said...

I wanted a unicorn.

Anonymous said...

I don't want a soccer stadium, this will only encourage the illegal aliens to sell their crappy food. I see them selling it on the streets, in the subway and at construction sites in the City. Why illegal aliens are not given fines for this? Citizens wouldn't be able to get away with it. Deport them.

And I don't want the QCA to administer any so called artist's housing.
They 're not properly administering their organization. Who died and left them God and Judge of what art is? No doubt they're giving money to illegal aliens too instead of Americans. They're working hard to marginalize White Americans.

Kevin said...

Anonymous said...
Was this land rezoned?
Here is a thought.
Sell the land as commercial and require adequate parking.
Think of the tax revenue a WalMart would bring in.

WalMart(WMT) would require a 20 year abatement of property taxes, a payroll tax waiver & a dead restriction on the land forbidding its use by a competitor. I have only been in a WMT a few times; but in some parts of the country WMT may agree to build a mini-precinct inside the store and require the local police to staff it. This allows WMT to avoid employing its own security and shifts the cost to the local community. I'm a big believer in Free Enterprise; but WMT is a bloodsucker and a bad business for any community.

Anonymous said...

They have that WalMart shit in Westbury and Riverhead. It attracted the worst shit & garbage on the planet wile wiping out all the cool cheap discount stores (like you see on Myrtle ave) When leaving a Walmart you need to take 2 showers and pray you didn't catch lice, Turbuculoses or some 3rd world disease. Nasty things that were once eradicated in this country. (gifts from both Obama Bush and the liberals)
Be careful what you ask for because Walmart is the kiss of death for any neighborhood, Better off with a stripper joint, whorehouse or helicopter depot.

Rev.RP Jones said...

I been listening to this stadium saga on World Harvest Radio shortwave.
The mayor and all those politicians up in New York are devils, spawns of Satan who do not believe in obeying the law of the land.
Like the rolling ball of serpents nothing will change until you cut all the heads off

Anonymous said...

That's got to be the shortest article in history.Affordabe housing for artists, not saying where, what, how??? Soccer stadium, where,what,how???? More info please

Anonymous said...

They want it short an quiet not to draw attention and bad publicity. These people feel they were elected and appointed to make the decisions and voters will only know the facts and details when these bastards are done and everything is written and locked in stone.

That's a "soccer specific stadium" meaning its design can only be used for soccer and everybody else will be locked out. It will likely also be owned and run by some corporation ---Its a good deal for the TV people like Spectrum & Cablevision and IATSE union people but a lousy miserable raw deal for taxpayers, especially all the locals.
They stole private land to convey it to private commercial use!!
I believe this is 100% illegal according to the imminent domain statutes, where are the feds and supreme court ? Why have no lawsuits been filed?
Hmmm...Perhaps that the answer.
They are having strategy & loophole think tanks in secret to prevent a lawsuit that would tie them up for years

Anonymous said...

So why doesn't QCA use the Steinway Mansion? - hell half the 'warehouses' are underused (unsold?) - they can convert them too.

Anonymous said...

Instead of the politicians pandering to their illegal alien constituents, why don't they represent the legal taxpayers and use this land for senior housing? With all the gentrification in the boroughs, the seniors are being forced out and have no place to live with reasonable rent. If only the politicians represented the working class. I guess there's no money in that.

TommyR said...

>When will you people understand NOBODY will pay you to do art. Go get a real job and pay your dam bills instead of playing the victim.

Well said...also voting "how bout neither" can do your art on the don't require special subsidies. In recent history stadiums have not been a net positive benefit to the communities they are embedded within...

Anonymous said...

Why are all the hippies, bohemians and trust-fund fairy's suddenly infesting that area. I saw a girl with magenta hair dressed like Morticia from the Addams Family in green sneakers. Where the hell are these mutant inhabitants coming from?

Anonymous said...

The folks in the neighborhood like to PLAY soccer....they ain’t paying to see it. Hey if it fails,turn it into a homeless shelter.

Anonymous said...

A nice park where the 1 or 200 Mets fans can tailgate would be nice. Put a dome on Citifield and bring the NY Giants back to NYC.

Anonymous said...

"1 or 200 fans can tailgating"
And who foots the bill to clean up after these drunken slobs? What will you tell the family of some guy coming home from work killed in a DWI incident?

The traffic is a disaster whenever they have a ballgame and you need to carry a baseball bat on the LIRR due to all the drunks starting fights and screwing with you.
Its gotten so bad on weekend night games the LIRR Port Washington line workers are told do not enter the cars after the train stops at Willets/City Field to punch tickets. (meaning people who got on in Manhattan pay and these drunken baseball and North shore brat bastards get a free ride too)

They should pack all the stadiums up and move them to Randalls Island or the Jersey swamps. Sports fans take these ballgames and shitty soccer way to seriously, its a disease.

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