Saturday, August 25, 2018

Plane noise is killing us

From PIX11:

For years, the Federal Aviation Administration gave tennis fans first-class treatment.

During the U.S. Open, the FAA diverted planes from nearby LaGuardia Airport, away from Arthur Ashe Stadium during the tournament. But in 2012, the tennis climb, as the flight path is known, stuck.

The decision permanently sent airplanes over the densely populated areas of northern Queens during takeoff.

"It's pretty loud, sometimes you think it's just a few meters above your roof," said Daniel Vasquez, who lives in Bayside.

Vasquez said he's constantly woken up by the rumbling of planes flying overhead. Now, according to a new study out of Columbia University, it turns out that turbulence may be causing more damage than anyone realized.

"I think the most damaging and shocking is the fact that given the noise impact, the air pollution impact, the noise from the planes, you could lose one year off your life," Sen. Tony Avella said.

Avella represents the impacted neighborhoods and said the FAA committed a classic double fault when it made the switch permanent. Not only was there no environmental impact study, but he said, the FAA didn't even bother to let the community know about the switch.


Anonymous said...

In 2006 sulphur content was reduced slightly in aviation fuels and home heating oil,more so for diesel fuels. Lead was removed from gasoline in 1982. The overpopulation of nyc is far more polluting,in every way possible.

Anonymous said...

Where is Boro Hall, where is the Queens weeklies, where are the community boards, and where oh where are our beloved elected officials? Why is it that we see stories like this year in and year out?

Why the hell are they wasting our dime on people with sexual issues and people that are not American citizens - bullshit topics while real crap like this is ignored.

Anonymous said...

Poor folks at the US Open would die instantly if they heard a plane pass by during a match. Trump please help!!

Anonymous said...

I grew up under the JFK flight path (22R) and now live under another JFK flight path (31L). Planes are loud. Airports are busy. I deal with this so I can have a 20 minute commute to work and live in a desirable community.

Anonymous said...

If I am not mistaken, the reporter was in North Flushing and NOT Bayside.

Anonymous said...

Just wait till they build the new soccer stadium the local politicians have drooling over for years. But what does make me happy is how Queens Crap keeps the politics local. Very difficult to do, since Americans like to bitch all the time about Washington and whichever president is in office. A great deal of your headache starts right in you backyards, where you bitching could do some real good if you organize it.

ron s said...

It's the double dump-first the USTA takes your parkland for its 2 week profit making glitz show and upscale land grab, then the PA sends planes over your house. Queens residents are viewed as shlubs. Central Park land is sacred, and we don't send planes directly out of LGA across midtown. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

why not just have the flight paths go over the water?

Anonymous said...

Folks we live in the most densely populated city in the US and you live near an airport you are going to have airplane noise.I live next to the LIE and it's part of the flyway for planes going to LGA and they sometimes pass over every minute or so.The planes are noisy and so is the LIE but you learn to live with it.Over the years the planes have gotten quieter and things have been done to the LIE to lessen noise but we live in a noisy crowded city and you have to expect some noise.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gee folks! Just learn to live with it. Don't throw the Democrats out, keep 'em. Just keep making the same mistake over and over and over. Einstein called it insanity!

Anonymous said...

Downtown FLushing gets a lot of noise. and dumped excess fuel. Whitestone is annoyed at Hamptons helicopters.

Anonymous said...

>Central Park land is sacred, and we don't send planes directly out of LGA across midtown. Why is that?

This is why:

Anonymous said...

"If I am not mistaken, the reporter was in North Flushing and NOT Bayside".

A distinction without much of a difference, it is all "Little China" now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's ban planes. I'm sure that's a feasible solution.

Anonymous said...

>Yeah, let's ban planes. I'm sure that's a feasible solution.

I'm sure they'll tell you to use a bicycle instead.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there is plenty reason to eliminate laGuardia and expand JFK into the water.

Anonymous said...

Tonight 8/31/18 at 9:00PM the Jet noise is horrible in Whitestone.
Thank you elected officials for all this noise and pollution over our homes.

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