Tuesday, August 21, 2018

ICE deports 95-year old Nazi living in Jackson Heights

From Fox News:

A former Nazi SS labor camp guard was deported from his home in Queens, N.Y., to Germany, the White House announced in a statement early Tuesday morning.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents implemented a 2004 deportation order against Jakiw Palij, who immigrated to the United States in 1949 and became a citizen in 1957 after concealing his Nazi background, the statement read.

Palij admitted to Department of Justice officials in 2003 that he trained at a Nazi camp in German-occupied Poland. Court documents indicated that men who trained at the SS Training camp in Trawniki carried out the Nazi regime’s plan to murder Jews in Poland.

The 95-year-old also served as an armed guard at the adjacent Trawniki Labor Camp – where he served an “indispensable role” in the death of roughly 6,000 Jews who were killed in one of the single largest massacres of the Holocaust in 1943, according to the statement.

Palij, who claimed he was working on a farm and in a factory during World War II, had his U.S. citizenship revoked in 2003 by a federal judge, and ordered to be deported a year later. His appeal was denied in 2005.

Palij’s deportation process was hindered over Germany’s unwillingness to take him back because he is not a German citizen, ABC News reported.

President Trump tasked U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to ensure Palij’s deportation was on the top of his list when he arrived to Berlin, according to the outlet.


Tony Notaro said...

No outrage over this but filthy third worlders...OH MY GOD WE CANT DEPORT THEM...ITS RACIST!!!

JQ LLC said...

With the relentlessness of ICE enforcement under Trump, it's kinda surprising and disturbing that this took this long. This guy had been exposed as a Nazi guard years ago.

Queens Crapper said...

They needed a country to agree to take him. You can't just put someone on a plane and say arrivederci.

Anonymous said...

Where are the protests? This isn't representative of "NY values"... Whatever those are.

Trumbull Bully said...

I don't think Chef Tony understands the issues. He's a Ron Popeil wannabe.

At Least I Can Read said...

It must take so much of your energy to turn every topic into a reason to insult "third worlders".

>> Tony Notaro said...
>> No outrage over this but filthy third worlders...OH MY GOD WE CANT DEPORT THEM...ITS RACIST!!!

Gary W said...

Well I feel safer. How about you?

JQ LLC said...

"You can't just put someone on a plane and say arrivederci."

Although it's a different situation, Sessions actually tried to do that weeks ago to and immigrant mother and daughter that were in the midst of a court hearing.


What I find interesting about this guy is that even though people and the local news were aware of his past, nobody, including the media, asked him what his beliefs are now. Maybe he's not like one of The Boys of Brazil. For another movie reference comparison, there was that Nazi in that movie The Pianist (starring Woodhaven resident Adrian Brody) who was so moved by his playing that he aided his escape.

Not that I support or am advocating for this guy staying here, but there is a disturbing return and new generation of neo-nazi's and white supremacists assembling happening now that is way more dangerous what this 95-year-old man is capable of.

Anonymous said...

As usual too little information in the article. Why did Germany agree to take him now and not 14 years ago? Why do we need a country's permission to take back someone from that country? How was this guy supporting himself?

Baby Dog said...

Of course I do not support Nazis. But, this guy was a guard at 20 years old. The German Nazi's setup many youth Nazi groups and compelled thousands of kids to be a part of it. The kids could go to "jail", be killed or work for the Nazis.

If you read the full article, there is this:

"German prosecutors have previously said it does not appear that there's enough evidence to charge Palij with wartime crimes."

So, he was basically deported for lying in 1949 to get a Visa. He will now not be charged at 95 years old and live the last few years of his life in Germany. Seems like a lot of wasted energy for a man

Because he was from Poland, then that part of Poland became the Ukraine...and then he moved to Germany. So which country is he from?

Also, they will send the person back when he arrives at customs at the other airport.
>>Why do we need a country's permission to take back someone from that country?

Anonymous said...

Ok so doesn't this prove that trump isnt a racist? He made sure that a nazi was deported! Go ahead news media, I'm waiting for you to correct yourself on his racism status.

kapimap said...

Why they effing with dusty old bones? He is about to go any time soon. Is there not some form of statute of limitation?

Man said...

No, this doesn't prove that at all.

It could mean he doesn't like people that lie to get Visas.
It could mean he is not an anti-Semite.

I'm not saying Trump is a racist but this hardly proves he isn't a racist.

>>> Ok so doesn't this prove that trump isnt a racist? H

Anonymous said...

JQ, it does not matter what his beliefs are. He falsified his background on his citizenship application. This is the same way we got rid of Rasmea Odeh last year. War crimes have no statute of limitations. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Not deported for being a Nazi.

Deported for lying on his immigration paperwork.

He was a Nazi soldier. They should have dumped him at the German embassy as a veteran and not let him back on US soil. Let the Germans pay to fly him 'home'.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't Argentina take him?


How about some Neo-Nazi group? He was more of a hard core Nazi than any of them on their worst day!

JQ LLC said...

"He falsified his background on his citizenship application."

That's a pretty good reason. Being a Nazi guard isn't something anyone would want to inform immigration officials about. I stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he Polish? So then Poland should take him? It seems he can't walk and am guessing he will be in need of 24 hour care.

If they put him in Germany, he'll be right at home with all the Muslim Nazi's. They want to destroy western civilization and Jews, too.

Anonymous said...

He is going to a state of the art assisted living facility paid for by the German government. He is so lucky, Americans have to go to crappy, dirty centers that are understaffed. His house in Jackson Heights will be sold for a million dollars.

Anonymous said...

A lot of immigrants who became citizens without learning English should also be denaturalized and deported because their application was therefore fraudulent.

TommyR said...

>Deported for lying on his immigration paperwork.

good for goose....

Anonymous said...

Another 'Much Ado About Nothing' incident in the incinerated borough of Queens, while the rotting stench of corruption abounds everywhere else.

So, this 95-year-old has lived nearly his entire life in Jackson Heights, and this administration finds that he committed a heinous crime. So, what's their point? He's not a danger anymore to anyone - so unlike BrainWashington, D. C. and The White House (the 'ORIGINAL' House of Terror, and global terrorism).

Leave the man alone to finish out his years in peace. The delinquent action (by decades!), of a relocation for this nonagenerian will be nothing more that what amounts to a Pyrrhic victory. Clean up the scourge of corruption, graft and endless greed and sycophantic political corruption instead - and there's no shortage of stories for this 'LAMESTREAM' media to cover if they are truly interested in redeeming themselves after 45 years of 'lunch-and-a-manicure' as a stressful day on the beat!

ron s said...

Sorry to see sympathy for a vicious murdering Nazi. Even if he is 105, deport, convict and punish. May he die a long painful death.
Or maybe he's one of the good people "on both sides"...........

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