Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dems don't want de Blasio's help

From the NY Post:

Thanks, but no thanks.

That’s the message some Democrats running in competitive state Senate districts have quietly delivered to Mayor Bill de Blasio, who started a federal political committee in part to help their campaigns.

Politico-New York surveyed 15 Democrats facing stiff competition from Republicans this November and found the majority of them wouldn’t accept de Blasio’s money.

“The further you get from Park Slope, the less popular Bill de Blasio gets,” said one senior Democratic strategist. “His support would be counterproductive.”


Anonymous said...

Because hes a dummy....hence his name mayor dumbdumb.

Anonymous said...

worst mayor in modern times, there is nothing good about this shyster

Anonymous said...

But they will take his dirty money!

They have had multiple chances to make a run at him and no one will.

They have had multiple chances to make an item of his woeful mayoralty. They don't.

Remember the lead in the projects? What happened to that?

Remember Rivington House?

The only upside: just another nail in the coffin of 'DeBlasio for President'.

He has peaked. He will be a term limited bad memory.

Anonymous said...

He's not as toxic as Pelosi - yet.

Anonymous said...

Only a handful of local dopes like the big dope from Park Slope.

Anonymous said...

I can only hope the republicans take the seats, don't trust these dems distancing themselves from him. He's corrupt and greedy, he should be in JAIL. We didn't elect his wife but she's pulling his strings for sure.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell would they?? The guy is a piranha not worthy of any support or cooperation!!

Anonymous said...

I guess you would only want him if your goal is to to make this city into more of a fucking total shit storm. I mean look how much this city has really gone downhill since he was elected. It is one BIG FUCKING SHIT MESS. Bullshit far left liberal policies that don't work, accountability and total disrespect for the middle class. For someone who ran on a Tale of Two Cities, the inequality has actually grown under his incompetent leadership.

Anonymous said...

People are running from him yet today he meets with Fauxcohantas? (Elizabeth Warren)

He still has grand plans and dreams.

I hope to see them come crashing down.

Rob in Manhattan said...

Forget it. Aside from Dibalsio's shortcomings, he lacks the main ingredients that would make a New Yorker acceptable in flyover; the will to cynically manipulate fear, prejudice and resentment.

It is really startling when one realizes that the "heartland" was willing to overlook all the transgressions, failures and lies of a thing like trump and all he had to do was push the right bullshit buttons.

Rob in Manhattan and Astoria last night.

JQ LLC said...

Well of course they don't, because he is toxic and everyone knows it. The last time Bill de Bastard tried to help is when he was soliciting funding for upstate state senate seats by encouraging that restaurant guy to "do whatcha gotta do" and come up with straw donors for the cash.

And now this motherfucker cannot stop for he has started another fundraising PAC while running the city (to the ground of course), so the dummy can travel the country to promote progressive policies, but all he will do is sabotage the campaigns of the candidates. It's like he WANTS to fuck everything up, just like how he runs HIS city (he said while being interviewed on CNN) as crime is going up and the roads are collapsing and the subway is getting crushed by overcrowding and way too long overdue repairs.

Cortez better stay the fuck away from this putz (and she should certainly stay home and campaign in her district before people come down off her buzz)

All this guy knows how to do is fund raise, it may be his only skill. He is like a telemarketer with way less ethics and morals and a giant head.

Anonymous said...

I dont know anyone at this point who wants his advice or use his profile as a platform to get themselves elected.

Zoë said...

Why do they call him dope from Park Slope, isn't he from Nicaragua?
The Italian men with the wine in Spaghetti Park call him Sandinista Bastard.

Anonymous said...

Worst ever, instigator of race division, instigator of violence against the police, and a case could be made he's a flat out criminal. Nothing more to say.

Anonymous said...

>Why do they call him dope from Park Slope, isn't he from Nicaragua?

I thought he was originally German.

JQ LLC said...

He's part self-unacknowledged German and part Italian. And 100% bag of shit and dead dicks including his nepotistic opportunist political hanger on wife.

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