Friday, August 10, 2018

Caption contest doubleshot!

(Interesting how all the Crowley kiss assers are lining up behind someone who not only beat him but doesn't have much competition in the general election. Where were they before the primary?)

"I’m a fan of Bob’s more than anyone but it’s a great one." - Jack


Anonymous said...

Who's the soy boy on the right??
Also good to see Karen being a human and not a partisan

JQ LLC said...

Top: Political groupies. Especially the purse carrier on the right. Get off the bandwagon.

Bottom: Who would have thought human shit would be piling up in your district?

Anonymous said...

I have moved out of the district and wouldn't have voted for Joe if he had won, but I have seen her on TV. She really seems to have no idea what she is talking about. She has a lot of grand plans to spend money. She has an economics degree so she should know you can't just spend and spend, but it doesn't seem to faze her when she is asked about how to pay for anything.

Her answer to if she will support Nancy Pelosi was hilarious.

I can see people voting for Joe on the Working Families line. He is doing the smart thing, not campaigning, not speaking out. Just lay low and let the people decide.

She won the Democrat primary, NOT the Working Families party primary!

Joe will win.

Remember this is the party that dug up Robert Menendez to run in place of Toricelli in NJ just weeks before an election. Rules don't matter.

Anonymous said...

If you wear a t-shirt over a collared shirt or carry a man bag, you should be voting for Alexandria.

Anonymous said...

Now if we could only get the 6'5" Mayor to hold up a metal handled umbrella in a lightning storm we might get our problems solved.

Anonymous said...

The real question is how did Bob's big head fit into that umbrella?

Anonymous said...

Brown is my new shade of lipstick!

Anonymous said...

Koslowitz: "If water hits my face, the grease paint comes off and I won't look like the Joker anymore."

Holden: "I thought this was a nursing home."

Those on the Ocasio-Cortez bandwagon: "Socialism schmocialism - I'll help anyone if they'll toss me a bone."

Dan Halloran (in prison): "Keep that bone away from me!"

Anonymous said...

"Hey Karen, is that a camel toe sneaking out of your tent?"

ron s said...

1) Cool dudes in a loose mood
2)Hi, we're from Queens!

Anonymous said...

"Psssst...Karen, weight challenged Mike Miller is behind you getting soaked because they don't make umbrellas in his size."

Gary W said...

The Torch was replaced by Lautenbwrg.

But as for She Guevara, her parents should get their money back from BU for that Econ degree. Holy shit is she dumb. But obviously not as dumb as the Queens voters who might send her to the Hill.

Juan Mann said...

Anonymous said...
Who's the soy boy on the right??

That was my first impression also!

What a pair of repulsive soy boys!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree on Crowley getting back in.

TommyR said...

Lol @ these comments...Holden's not awful (that I know of, yet) so I'm disinclined to pounce on him yet, though of-course borough politics being what it is I always expect to be disappointed. I thought this was a telling quote from an interesting article:

Holden’s constituents, though, seem to appreciate his focus on the little things. Residents interviewed in Juniper Park, the central green of Middle Village, almost uniformly decline to give their names, saying that the neighborhood is very close-knit (“I don’t want to get blackballed,” one woman said), but praise Holden’s opposition to the Holiday Inn shelter and his attention to small details like potholes and sewer breaks. (“Better than that piece of shit Crowley,” one man pontificates.)

anyhow, eventually the old hacks must die off, but it's not inevitable that they'll necessarily be replaced by worse, newer, ones.

Anonymous said...

She is like the student who wants to be President of the Student Body and promises them more lunch periods....

Anonymous said...

Who are the two people in the top picture?

Anonymous said...

Are they at a child's party in a park? See the bouncy castle?

Looks like a pair of creeps hanging around kids. Call the police!

The guy on the left should get a ticket just for wearing a t-shirt over a dress shirt.


Anonymous said...

I agree.

Vote for JOE on the Working Families Line!

Anonymous said...

That ethnic looking "whatever that is" with the purse sez it all.
We are witness to the death of a country and its a dam shame.

Anonymous said...

And, as usual the 'OTHER' camera lurking scourge of all political worthlessness, Michael Miller, is off in the background contemplating the dinner menu for his next stop at White Castle! What a collective waste of skin——depleting the Earth of precious oxygen!

Kevin said...

The majority of candidates Ocasio-Cortez backed lost in the primaries. The candidates she backed were all in solid Democratic Party districts, so regardless of who won, a democrat goes to Washington. Her mistake, the winners that beat her candidates will be no friend of hers in Washington. Thus putting her district at even greater disadvantage for electing a freshman.

Warts and all, Joe had leverage and I would vote for him if it was my district.

Anonymous said...

>But as for She Guevara, her parents should get their money back from BU for that Econ degree. Holy shit is she dumb.

Remember that she beat Crowley in a debate. So if she's dumb...

Anonymous said...

Wow...Gianaris is just a waste of skin...Ocasio-Cortez has spent most of the summer campaigning for candidates outside her she's going to come back and find that her new constituents are already tired of her

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ocasio-Cortez and Gianaris would make a cute couple, they are both dumb as trees

john said...

¡Ay, caramba! no me gustó!

Anonymous said...

Morons from NY, the entire world is getting rid of socialismn, but here we are...

Anonymous said...

The majority of candidates Ocasio-Cortez backed lost in the primaries. The candidates she backed were all in solid Democratic Party districts, so regardless of who won, a democrat goes to Washington. Her mistake, the winners that beat her candidates will be no friend of hers in Washington. Thus putting her district at even greater disadvantage for electing a freshman.
not so fast - the Dems will have one hell of a fight on their hands with Trump - and to alienate Occassio and the millennial and hipsters who do they have left? Claire and her ilk? illegals? Vallonians? not a pretty picture no matter how you cut it. and then Crowley will get a senior spot in congress - that will go over like a thud.

Naw, they are stuck with her.

Anonymous said...

You have cashews,almonds,Brazil nuts.........and Ocasio-Cortez.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Party districts" Yep and the dumb ass sheep that created that mess are gonna get slaughtered, especially homeowners.

Anonymous said...

Ocasio-Cortez won’t debate Ben Shapiro ......she just handed Crowley the win.

Ned said...

Hi, we're the Queens of Queens!


Anonymous said...

The taxpayers paid for Ocasios BU degree. She's a socialist. She doesn't pay for thing that American taxpayers have to pay for.

Anonymous said...

For the top one:

"Let us both welcome you to the inaugural meeting of the 'Wimpy Men With No Upper Body Strength For Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' Club!"

Gary W said...

You are right anon. I should have added she beat Crowley in a debate, WTF!?

I don't think I'm going to like living in a country run by dorm room socialists.

Anonymous said...

Like the socialist weenie with the man purse.

Very Metrosexual.

georgetheatheist said...

Now if only Koslowitz had a more sensibly-designed umbrella instead of that dome-like contraption, Holden wouldn't get wet.

Anonymous said...

Mark Levin on WABCam said he offered over the years to debate Obama,Clinton, Sanders,Schumer and Cortez and donate $100,000 to their charity or PAC but they have all declined.How Crowley lost to Cortez is a mystery,she has no platform except banish ICE, amnesty for all the illegals and have open borders and piss off Israel about Palestine. I predict Joe will win.

JQ LLC said...

"The majority of candidates Ocasio-Cortez backed lost in the primaries. The candidates she backed were all in solid Democratic Party districts, so regardless of who won, a democrat goes to Washington. Her mistake, the winners that beat her candidates will be no friend of hers in Washington. Thus putting her district at even greater disadvantage for electing a freshman."

This is phenomenally incorrect.

And so are these:

"I can see people voting for Joe on the Working Families line. He is doing the smart thing, not campaigning, not speaking out. Just lay low and let the people decide."

"She won the Democrat primary, NOT the Working Families party primary!"

"Joe will win."

"I agree.

Vote for JOE on the Working Families Line!"

Anonymous said...

Joe had leverage


ron s said...

Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley because she worked hard and campaigned, while Crowley sat on his ass. She is a democratic socialist, so she favors crazy ideas like health care for everyone--can't have anything radical like that! The USA will fall apart!
Old white guys from Queens (and I am one)-- the new world is younger, browner and not likely to accept the old crap. C'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

These are the criepiest photos I've seen in a long time. Everyone looks bad

Anonymous said...

You folks just keep electing them. I only hope you keep 'em corralled in NYC. Whew. What a mess!

Anonymous said...

Always be careful of what you wish for. Look at the mess we are in now!

Anonymous said...

Anon. No need to worry about keeping those bloated elected's corralled. The assholes who voted for them for decades ago are leaving N.Y. in droves and spreading their liberal diseases.

Anonymous said...

Yes,she favors health care for everyone,but has no clue how to implement that. Tax the rich!! Lots of people have good intentions,doesn’t mean they should hold elective office. She’s in way over her head.

Anonymous said...


You can write what is phenomenonally incorrect but you need to give a reason. I do think Joe will win. There will be better turnout for the election and both parties will be voting. The Republicans will pick Joe over AOC based on her Bernie based views anyday.

He has a real shot at winning. The question is what happens then. I think he has every right to run on the alternative party line and be seated if he wins.

Anonymous said...

It dont make a dam difference what the Republicans do, they are outnumbered by browner and younger voters who WANT socialism. They are gonna lose the house and senate because Republicans pick who they believe is smarter and NOT who's appealing to younger (and browner) voters. ---they are friggan clueless.
Look at all the bald and grey headed ugly stubborn bible packing suits Republicans have in the House and Senate pissing all the young people off. -- They blew it and dont stand a chance. Trump will be the last Republican president.
A tsunami wave of more young people like Cortez are gonna win this election, Republicans are gonna be in such shock many will need defibrillator and CPR

This country is in deep DEEP shit, and if you have a car, money, property or an unused basement be prepared to assume the position.

Anonymous said...

She’s in way over her head.
Dems just like Cortez will take both house and Senate, impeach Trump and install a socialist that will support all the shit she wants. They now have the young stupid voters to do it.

Anonymous said...

The Dems want the same things Cortez wants, they just wont admit it. They all will all flip and go along with massive cradle to grave socialism once elected

Anonymous said...

Yes it's true. When Liberals are finished screwing up where they once lived in a fantasy world, they jump ship and spread their disease all across America! They just don't have a clue. Maybe the next generation will wake up, but after what I've been seeing, I doubt it.

Kevin said...

.....JQ LLC said...

"The majority of candidates Ocasio-Cortez backed lost in the primaries. The candidates she backed were all in solid Democratic Party districts, so regardless of who won, a democrat goes to Washington. Her mistake, the winners that beat her candidates will be no friend of hers in Washington. Thus putting her district at even greater disadvantage for electing a freshman."

This is phenomenally incorrect.

I realize you are a NYC School Teacher and thus must rely on Comedy Central for your News, but do your Homework! AOC endorsed six (6) candidates for the 8/7/18 primaries and only two of them won: Rashida Tlaib (MI-13th) & Brent Welder (MO-4th)

While your boy Jimmy Dore claims AOC endorsed Matt Morgan in the MI-1st; AOC did not endorse him but endorsed loser Cori Bush

Your boy Jimmy claims she endorsed Robert Schoolcraft for MO-7th; once again, not true, Schoolcraft a middle-aged white guy ran unopposed and there was no endorsement.

Jimmy also claims AOC endorsed Robert Davidson, a Physician that believes in Universal Health Care with reasonable premiums, deductibles & co-pays! Once again, this middle-aged white guy was not endorsed by her.

AOC four remaining endorsements wre: Abdul El-Sayed (MI Governor) LOST; Fayrouc Saad (MI-11th) LOST; Cori Bush (MI-1st) LOST; Brent Welder (KS-3rd) LOST

Since my August 10th comment, you can also chalk up Kaniela Ing (HI-1st) as another AOC supported loser. Losing to a 65 y/o white guy and in Hawaii! Things are bad when you are a native and everyone votes for the white guy.

You are phenomenally dumb!

Anonymous said...

Is Holden auditioning for Chiller Theater?

Zoë said...

I’m going to take a good try on this major malfunction don’t beat me up too bad because I believe it's not only the truth but also common sense.

Republicans lose because they are over educated and jackass stupid in the common sense department. I’m guessing in 2018 half of voters do not read newspapers, especially the Wall street journal or even know why the USA even has a Constitution let alone recite more then 2 lines of it.
To win today, a politicians needs to tell all the stupid people they are victims, promise free stuff and that you will make their lives better. Take a tip from this Sandra Cortez and simply cook up some savory dishes of bullshit to please these masses and they will think it’s a meal. Its OK to lie to them, trust me they’ll like it. I know because I work around most of them part time bartending and playing music.

Last: For heaven sense will somebody please tell these Republicans to take off them suits. They all look like they just got done after a day of stealing down in the bowels of the financial district KKK meeting. Yes as in business and financial monopoly, speculation, theft, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. It seems all these fucking people think the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own d%ck's, egos's and affair's. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

And anybody who looks connected with any of that is the last thing some young voter with $3bux in the pocket wants to see or hear from.
And thats the primary reason why I think THEY LOSE and are going to lose again in my opinion, thank you for reading.

JQ LLC said...


Jimmy is not my boy, I posted the video because he's got a good track record and the corporate news stations (FOX, CNN, MSNBC) have been superwrong most of the time and are undermining anyone trying to make a change running for political office, most of all from the dem machine. I am glad you found the time to correct me on Ocasio-Cortez's efforts, she did manage to persuade two districts though.

Apparently you found the time to do more research than I did, so job well done and more power to you. (And I am relieved Cori Bush lost by the way, she is phenomenally dumb) I suggest you take your findings and post it in the comment section on that youtube video to let the nation and world know. And don't call me dumb.



That was a great synopsis on the left and right, but it's Alexandra not Sandra repub hack pundits on TV are getting her name wrong a lot recently, this will only backfire on them (unless Sandra is a deminunitive version of her name that I was not aware of, maybe Kevin will correct me on this too) And I don't think it's bullshit and this may be naive but these people are elected precisely for the reason to make people's lives better, how the hell is spending another 72 billion dollars on weaponry and a fucking space force going to help the middle class and working poor of America? Why are fucking towers being built while the homeless population grows and grows (maybe it's so the shadows from them will hide the poverty and blight) People keep talking about how Trump will bring the apocalypse but this nation has been in a limbo purgatory apocalypse since 2001.

Anonymous said...

Read the Constitution!
Then read the "Affordable Healthcare Act" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
for all you snowflakes that never had a real education in history;
Impeachment is only an indictment, it is then referred to the United States Senate where a trial is held and 2/3 vote is required to remove a sitting president.
fyi - RINOs will hold the Senate.
BJ Clinton was impeached AND RE-ELECTED!

if they go full blown socialism, there will be a revolution
remember we have over a 1/2 million guns and 8 billion bullets
the other side is trying to figure out which bathroom to use ;-)
OBTW, how do you think the 2 soy boys will fare?
my caption: "cannon fodder" or "useful idiots" - you decide

Anonymous said...

--RINOs will hold the Senate.
LOL, Yeah and I'm the pope.
We are witness to the end of a country, Its Constitution, everything else American and white.
This country will be lost and given up without a single shot fired and the RINO will say "It is what its is" and roll over.
Those bible packing know it all continue to make the same mistakes and totally blew it!
Where is the Obamcare repeal they promised then rolled over on by wanting to keep the free stuff I have to pay for? they suck just as bad as democrats and that why socialists like
like Crazy Eyes Aexia Cortez (whatever the f#ck her 4 names are)are winning elections. Add Mario Cuomo for 2020.
Its going to be a disaster epic proportion for any middle class with money in the bank or a home.

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