Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Avella: Unsafe trees need removal, now

From PIX11:

Queens State Senator Tony Avella is calling on the Parks Department to respond to hundreds of constituent complaints about dangerous city trees in front of their homes.

Avella said he conducted a tree survey in February, and received 700 responses from homeowners claiming dead trees or damaged sidewalks. He then submitted 700 complaints to the Parks Department. Of those complaints, Avella said about 600 of them have been logged with the 311 system. He said only about 20 have resulted in tree removals.

"Homeowners said they're scared for the safety of their family and their property," said Avella.

Avella said the complaints remain largely unanswered because he said the Parks Department is understaffed and underfunded. "I know at least one homeowner is waiting over a year for a dead tree to be removed," said Avella.


Anonymous said...

Dangerous contenders , like crooked John Liu, need to be pruned out of politics too.
Go Tony!

JQ LLC said...

In my hood, I've counted over 20 trees that are leaning, including a particular one with electric cables embedded in the trunk and another one that is clearly rotted on the top where it was broken off who knows how long ago.

Somehow, when Mayor Fun Size Bloomberg implemented that million trees program, the city decided to keep all the old trees up instead of removing them and planting new ones.

I guess a home has to be destroyed or someone has to get crushed and killed for the parks dept. to react accordingly.

That elderly man is super lucky he lives on a spacious street and in a house with a big lawn.

The obvious question that should be asked is how is it that the Parks Dept. is fucking broke??? With all the events and unsightly advertising related to them that goes on in parks almost every week, you think there would be sufficient funding to take care of the environment everywhere in the "world's borough".

Anonymous said...

Did the City Council member of that area follow up with the complaints?

Anonymous said...

Trees are a threat but how about cleaning up the toxic water in flushing bay or meadow lake. There are other environmental issues out there that the city is not dealing with.

Anonymous said...

The biggest, heaviest——and, most useless——stump that needs urgent removal is a total asshole like Avella HIMSELF!

The trees are the LEAST lethal problem in Queens County (despite that it's a serious issue), that remains way down the totem pole when political corruption is so high up on top!

Anonymous said...

And now the Homeowner gets charged for the Sidewalk Replacement.

Anonymous said...

Trees are great, as long as the City is run by someone competent enough to keep them maintained and get them removed when they die. Too bad we won't have that until 2021.

Anonymous said...

Blah! Blah! Blah! Tony's just doing what he's always done, given it lip service and disappearing. These dangerous trees have been there for years,just like him. When he was a Queens City Councilman some of these very same dangerous trees existed and he did nothing. Let me point one out to you Tony; how about the 80 year old pin oak on 5th Avenue between the Whitestone Bridge Service road and 147th Street. People in the direct aim of that giant, that takes up most of the side walk and part of the street with it's roots, that have been chopped and chopped over the years, have asked the City to take it down, many times since you've been in office, in the name of public safety, and nothing's been done. Nothing will! Remember Tony! Because we remember!

Liman said...

The City has lots of cash for frivolous bicycle lanes to make out lives more difficult, but not for this actual necessity. And at least Avella speaks up on issues that homeowners care about.

Anonymous said...

With the highest taxes in the country, how can another city agency be underfunded? Well money be wasted on many useless city positions like the Borough Presidents and their staff, the Public Advocate and plenty of other high paid useless city positions. Then there are the numerous wasted studies, like "is the sky blue", the idiotic pet projects like the fucking trolley, bullshit like WiFi in the subway and all the corruption in all the city agencies that need a good cleaning out. AND what about all the summons/fine money that is never collected or all the summons that are not issued for all the quality of life issues. Face it, NYC is one of the most poorly run cities in the country, besides the fact that there are too many damn people in such a small place.

Anonymous said...

Why remove them with a huge cost of a full day work requiring over dozen $$$ union men, Then add a half dozen more workers to deal with the stump and sidewalks.
A crew of 3 can do a pallard prune and simply cart the branches away in 3 hours. Good for 10 years. A nutral outside firm needs to check out the trees because Racketeer city employees are fulla shit. They want to remove them to get the big ticket money.
The stupid city pays something like $1500 for 2 guys and a cement truck trip not including another $1500 for a cubic yard of cement.
Drive 3 blocks and repeat the process $1500+ $1500
That $6000 for 2 cubic yards of cement 6X the cost of other city's WTF ?

Anonymous said...

My neighbor had a large half dead Maple tree with a large dead branch that hung over the street and this is across the street from an elementary school.It took a few years of writing letters and they finally removed it now they are waiting three years for the city to remove the stump which stretches across the width of the house.A million trees,a million headaches.

If the city can't address these problems promptly nobody will want a tree planted in front of their house.

Anonymous said...

Tony should worry about trimming his opponent John Liu! Before Tony gets cut down.

Anonymous said...

>>> The biggest, heaviest——and, most useless——stump that needs urgent removal is a total asshole like Avella HIMSELF! <<<

You should talk lowlife. Who is paying you? Liu? Ahole.

Anonymous said...

The problem here is that we have those who say that Avella has done a lot for his constituents, but no one is willing to say exactly what he's done. I'm afraid what he's done is nothing. Which would be accurate. Liu is no better and probably worse. The only solution, for the time being, is to stop voting in Democrats every time. Try something different. Maybe a third party will work harder and get something done. The Dems are just not doing it. To "Why Remove Them, Trees that is" Because some are dangerous and can potentially kill innocent New Yorkers, is the reason. DUH! NYC has allowed humongous trees to grow on tiny two foot sections of NYC real estate and wishes to keep them for the environmentalists vote. There's a disconnect here. Don't any of you see it?

Anonymous said...

Because some are dangerous is not a solution to the primary problem..
Tress will be hollow, diseased or dead or they need trimming.
Destroying trees just because they are old is no solution.

Every tree branch that I have seen down, or crushed a car has been a healthy branch from a healthy tree that was not trimmed. You need take the sail out long branches before they get hit with high wind.
Also-- nothing is safe from a tornado

"can potentially kill innocent New Yorkers"
Now that's a good one, are you Avella ?
Lightning, illegal immigrants, guys on bikes, homeless nutters shoving people under trains kill more innocent New Yorkers then trees.

Question: WTF is some jackass (likely a habitual democrat voter) doing under a tree during 50+MPH wind & lightning in a first place?
Perhaps the trees are trying to do us a favor, leave shit alone Avella or at least give the affected homeowner the option to pay for professional trimming themselves before sending Nazis to remove it. You know dam well once a tree is removed this shit city will never come back to finish the job let along replace it in our lifetime.
A lost tree can triple an electric bill during summer, will Avella or deBlasio pay the increase ?

Anonymous said...

Avella has been a career NYC gov't civil servant for three decades. Where's the evidence of him having improved things in thirty years. Of course Liu and his crooked family are a political pariah!!
Damned if I get forced to choose between two different cans of rotten beans!
In general ...I DUMP INCUMBENTS!

Anonymous said...

Avella has been boating around in my commode for years. BAWOOSH!
Time to flush ALL incumbents! They get too comfortable after awhile.

Anonymous said...

As for Liu..,,nip this poison ivy vine before it really takes root.
DONT VOTE! I'm writing myself in as a candidate with an FU next to my name!
E PRESS YOURSELF or get reamed!

Anonymous said...

Blah-Blasio's million trees are insane. They litter us with the smelliest leaves, tear up our sidewalks and make us totally miserable. In fact, they emit a stinky smell.

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