Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"With liberty and freedom to build crap"

"This corner on Albert Road and Hawtree Street by the Aqueduct Train Station has been vacant for over four decades. (Hell, maybe more, I am going by how long I have been alive.) Anyway, suddenly this regal looking monstrosity has sprouted on that corner.
I cannot fathom any rationale why someone would build and some moron bureaucrat in the DOB approve building something on this corner which contains a very busy traffic corridor with the Belt Parkway exit that's maybe 30 yards away and an overpass from Howard Beach where the only direction is towards this properties path, much less build something this massive and garish.
This may be the holy grail of Queens Crap and may be the last straw when it comes to the issue of over-development and in the case of this neighborhood, incongruous and ludicrous house building."
JQ LLC, Impunity City (Your City)


JQ LLC said...

Thanks for posting this thing, crappy.

It should be noted that the green fence has been taken down and it actually is huger and uglier. It may have been best to keep that up. I thought this mcmansion shit stopped in the early 2000's when Greg Meeks buddies Ahmad Realty was dominating the town.

It should also be noted that that street has seen massive development including a school but that's another story.

A lot of speeding takes place on this street, since it intersects with an exit off the belt parkway and a bridge coming from Howard Beach. If anyone lives around there , you might know what I mean.

Happy birthday America.

P.S. check out my posts on the city's summer bike share bullshit and a palm tree jungle pop-up nightclub on a streetlot near the holland tunnel entrance and exit on canal st.

JQ LLC said...

Another thing:

Check out the redfin link and look where the green marker is located for the house. It is wrong as fuck, it's actually about 20-30 yards north right next to the train station and not on the corner where it should be

Anonymous said...

They also have not applied for a Certificate of Occupancy. Would someone actually buy this??

It will be a single room occupancy. Rooms for rent. To be advertised as "convenient location".

Anonymous said...

Seriously now .... a "notice of deficiency" was issued:

Anonymous said...

Its 3rd world - what do you expect? Manhattan or Brooklyn - or even S I or the Bronx? Its listed as a $1.5 million 2 - 4 family house (which in Queens means several dozen people) and look at the name - Persud Realty - in their homeland they build anywhere - flood zones, yards where they break ships, epic trash heaps, next to refineries ... hell this is an ideal location by any 3rd world standard.

Remember in Queens we celebrate what is good for the Democratic Party even if it means this trainwreck. Look at the positive and apply 'Queens Values:' it will be a house that will soon be full of people to use the Party's programs, make good backdrops for our Tobys and Claires, and above all vote the 'right way'.

You look at the rest of the borough (like Queens Civic Congress) at what takes their attention - important things like shopping bags, bioswales - in other words, trivia that has not changed much over the past 20 years, and cultural events like taking picture after picture of (good God) the Triboro Bridge at sunset.

The boro is full of happy people who get angry if they are challenged to think or see what is happening outside of their comfort zone (read the borough's boundaries)

Besides, in another 30 or 40 years this will be underwater so in the greater scheme of things, who really gives a Crap?

Anonymous said...

There is no accounting for taste.
Most of these Mc Monsters are being built by peasant mentalities just to prove that they've made it up the social ladder from previously living with goats in their kitchens.

Anonymous said...

Take a ride through North Flushing, it's the same. Beautiful old homes being demolished for garish, ornamented, show-off pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

Way back in 1983, I came upon one of the ugliest homes in an exclusionary area of Southampton (located on the tawny, East End of Long Island).

The ornate and massive home was built on the orders of a new, obscenely tacky mogul in the computer industry (and his even tackier wife, who was dripping in designer blood and ostentation jewels), and he actually had turrets and gables built into what I labeled a 'hideosity' at the time——not realizing that such a word did not exist——BUT but for the fact that I had just created the word itself!

And, that didn't even include a tour of the inside of that gargantuan structure (which featured a large, aquatic tank and multiple, indoor waterfalls cascading down massive rock formations in the living room, no less!), for permanent marine life to swim about——replete with a full-time marine biologist living on site, in order to oversee the audaciously traumatized fiasco——I kid you not, it was all too true, and it had to be seen to be believed!

Consequently, the people of the tiny hamlet of Southampton (residing on the exclusionary Meadowmere Lane where the home was located), were about to go Medieval and ballistic, where threats of public unrest and actual threats to the family became ominous and frequent. Soon after the home's completion, the housing inspectors arrived (as the locals, in their collective quest for vengeance, reported all of the code violations immediately), and the house was slowly picked apart like a turkey carcass, until Calvin Klein came to town from Georgica Pond in East Hampton, and practically demolished the 'hideosity' and spent millions more to create yet another eyesore that incensed the townsfolk even greater than before (the more things change...).

And, now I can now use 'hideosity' all over again to describe this equally hideous eyesore of a haunted ski lodge——as IF there isn't already an abundant supply of shame, dishonor, dishonesty, corruption, graft, greed and outright, full frontal disgrace from all southeastern Queens County politicians themselves (not public servants), like Jerkface Addabbo and Derelict Ulrich, to name but two, both of whom continually pollute the active raw sewage plant of a hamlet, that ironically makes the Newtown Waste Treatment Plant in Greenpoint, Booklyn, look like a clean and user friendly 'Swimmin' Hole!'

JQ LLC said...

hideousity is a great term, If I use it for future posts you will get credit.

You know something, you can't build a hideousity without grotesqchiture

Anonymous said...

North Flushing isn't being developed high rise. Still a most valuable nabe to live ranging $800,000 (lowest end) to sky high.
Stop your crying! And best school district!

Anonymous said...

Way back in 1983, I came upon one of the ugliest homes in an exclusionary area of Southampton (located on the tawny, East End of Long Island).

The ornate and massive home was built on the orders of a new, obscenely tacky mogul in the computer industry (and his even tackier wife, who was dripping in designer blood and ostentation jewels), and he actually had turrets and gables built into what I labeled a 'hideosity' at the time——not realizing that such a word did not exist——BUT but for the fact that I had just created the word itself!

And, that didn't even include a tour of the inside of that gargantuan structure (which featured a large, aquatic tank and multiple, indoor waterfalls cascading down massive rock formations in the living room, no less!), for permanent marine life to swim about——replete with a full-time marine biologist living on site, in order to oversee the audaciously traumatized fiasco——I kid you not, it was all too true, and it had to be seen to be believed!

Consequently, the people of the tiny hamlet of Southampton (residing on the exclusionary Meadowmere Lane where the home was located), were about to go Medieval and ballistic, where threats of public unrest and actual threats to the family became ominous and frequent. Soon after the home's completion, the housing inspectors arrived (as the locals, in their collective quest for vengeance, reported all of the code violations immediately), and the house was slowly picked apart like a turkey carcass, until Calvin Klein came to town from Georgica Pond in East Hampton, and practically demolished the 'hideosity' and spent millions more to create yet another eyesore that incensed the townsfolk even greater than before (the more things change...).

And, now I can now use 'hideosity' all over again to describe this equally hideous eyesore of a haunted ski lodge——as IF there isn't already an abundant supply of shame, dishonor, dishonesty, corruption, graft, greed and outright, full frontal disgrace from all southeastern Queens County politicians themselves (not public servants), like Jerkface Addabbo and Derelict Ulrich, to name but two, both of whom continually pollute the active raw sewage plant of a hamlet, that ironically makes the Newtown Waste Treatment Plant in Greenpoint, Booklyn, look like a clean and user friendly 'Swimmin' Hole!'

Anonymous said...

❝Most of these McMonsters are being built by peasant mentalities, just to prove that they've made it up the social ladder from previously living with goats in their kitchens.❞

Not merely a peasant mentality, last Anonymous——but, ACTUAL peasants, despite how they've ditched the 'Third World,' peasant costume and uniforms.

In fact, it's a Devolution of Society——but, no more than what continually passes for the American, neo-urban, middle bracket culture and society, like what the people of Howard Beach embrace (and other parts of shabby Long Island), when they cavort with mob and Mafia owners of oversize, tacky wedding and reception compounds like Russo's On The Bay, owned by the harmless looking lawyer, Georgie Russo (and his criminal enterprise family of openly practicing mob rule and intimidation), where everyone celebrates in their faux, knockoff ballroom gowns gigantic, tank-like Cadillac Escalade mega trucks, as they laughably (and tragically) believe that THAT is what modern day society looks like and represents——the greatest falsehood and tragedy of ALL!

Anonymous said...

Only 23 minutes to Penn from Broadway LIRR station. Beats far reaches of Queens undeserved by adequate transportation.
Crying with 3 loaves of bread under your arm. Spoiled northeast babies!

Anonymous said...

❝Most of these McMonsters are being built by peasant mentalities, just to prove that they've made it up the social ladder from previously living with goats in their kitchens.❞ .... Not merely a peasant mentality, last Anonymous——but, ACTUAL peasants, despite how they've ditched the 'Third World,' peasant costume and uniforms.In fact, it's a Devolution of Society .....


Vallonia, Howard Beach Lite? Astoria Manor/Riccardos, Russo's Lite?

Anonymous said...

Mamma Mia....YES!
After the Borchetannos tried to muscle into St. Andrews....but failed. They muscled into St. Luke's and St. Mel's. PEASANTS!

Anonymous said...

This is probably the future home of the guy who parks all those 18-wheeler trucks in the neighborhood.
...or perhaps someone who hit it big at Aqueduct Racino next door.

Anonymous said...

Ozone Park is soon to be Howard Beach North aka Howard Beach sans flood. Watch fo more McMansions to come.

JQ LLC said...

Last 2 anons:

Great comments but I differ with the first, and the second is on to something

This mansion has entrances, 2 on Albert Road and one on Hawtree st. Even though it's being sold as a mansion, this looks to be a three family house. By the way, there is a lot more of these hyper mcmansions being built on the conduit and that may be why there has been so much pig parking by these rigs.

As for Howard Beach North, well it was called Hawtree st. but not anymore, a week before this hideousity went up, the Hawtree sign was dangling from the light pole and now there is a Cohancey st. sign there, which is a street in Howard Beach. Which means they changed the street for this fucking monster.

Anonymous said...

Why do people hate on these so much? They're a million times better looking than the Fedders specials that usually get put up.

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