Sunday, May 20, 2018

Upstate senators support a denser New York City

From Crains:

Support for a state Senate bill allowing the city to zone for denser apartment buildings is breaking down along geographic lines.

Representatives from within the five boroughs—aside from the Bronx's state Sen. Jeff Klein—voted against the proposal earlier this month, while lawmakers from outside the city were in favor.

The bill would roll back a state law capping residential development at 12 times a city property's lot area. The legislation's stated aim is to give the city greater leeway to address the housing crisis by zoning for denser development wherever the City Planning Commission deems appropriate. Doing so would bring residential planning in line with commercial properties, which are not subject to a state-imposed cap. That idea is supported by the de Blasio administration, the Regional Plan Association and the Real Estate Board of New York. But new housing is often opposed by preservation and community groups, a dynamic that makes the geographic split in the Senate Committee on Rules, which voted May 7, unsurprising.


Anonymous said...

Queens is the true Third World Shithole! Invite these clueless, corrupt assholes to ride the #7 during rush hour with the unwashed mases!

Anonymous said...

Why waste time making new laws if no one enforces the ones we already have on the books?

Do nothing politicians at their best!

Andy said...

We need more housing and a lot of it. Denser housing allows more people to live closer to work and for more options to rent or own.

Anonymous said...

Albany is up there. NYC is down here. Gravity rules. Take a dump downstate and the skies rain shit over the big apple!
Those Albany "Apple bonkers (Beatles "Yellow Submarine" reference) are making mucho $$$$$$$$$ off of boonking us in the tookas! Silver and Skelos are only the tip of the crooked corrupt iceberg in Albany!
It's an undrainable swamp since the mid 19th century. All of the city council members that get term limited out of office run up to Albany for jobs! The creme de la crap rules far from any scrutiny.

JQ LLC said...

How about some hyper-development density in towns in cities like Binghamptom, Utica and Syracuse, what would these state senate assholes think about that.

Of course de Faustio is all for it. Borough Neighborhoods are going to turn into ant colonies.

Anonymous said...

Why do these idiots think they can keep putting more people into nyc? Do they not realize how unsafe it us to have so many people in one little surface area? If everybody for some reason had to evacuate all of nyc and long Island then most people would not make it out alive. And we have to face the fact that we do live on an ISLAND!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Anything that hastens the denouement of the polyglot corPUScle known as NYC is good for America.MAGA

Person said...

Why would you build denser developments in places that don't need it.

They aren't putting more people in NYC, the people are already here. People don't want to commute two hours to their jobs.

It seems to make sense to build a few 1 mile tall buildings in Manhattan and move a few hundred thousand people a few blocks from their jobs.

>> Anonymous JQ LLC said...
>> How about some hyper-development density in towns in cities like Binghamptom, Utica and >> Syracuse, what would these state senate assholes think about that.

Anonymous said...

>> How about some hyper-development density in towns in cities like Binghamptom, Utica and >> Syracuse, what would these state senate assholes think about that.

Good point - what deal was cut by our bums so upstate pols could take the heat from them?

Why do not our pols come out protesting this? Oh thats right, it does not involve that important Queens voting block the undocumented trans-gendered Pacific Islander with 3 out of wedlock births in tow living in a hotel.

Anonymous said...

Alas, the REAL density exists upstate (and downstate), as every single one of these worthless political scourges reinforce why there is CLASS WARFARE and CLASSISM in the first place (that ironically didn't PREVIOUSLY EXIST!), BECAUSE of these empowered, cradle-to-grave idiot-hacks of epic, government fail.

Get used to seeing a whole lot more of President DONALD J. TRUMP (and his second term in 2020), as long as the hyper-corrupt, entrenched, and establishment-rigged, Deep State, DemonRat New York sycophants, hacks and bullies continue to hold ALL taxpaying New York State residents in a continual, 'Hijack-and-Hostage' holding pattern that enslaves its ever languishing constituency for life!

Hence, the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' entails believing that Donald Trump——a single individual——is more corrupt than the entire decrepit, two-party-machine-failed duopoly political system that is surrounding him. It's a remarkable delusion when you think about it, and yet so many appear to be under this hypnotic spell that it is Trump HIMSELF who is the white devil (and NOT the entrenched, decades failing system that created a Trump Presidency).

That's why I have always (correctly) maintained that Donald Trump is America's 'Cause & Effect' President, after decades of the two-party-machine-failed duopoly's stranglehold over its NOT FREE subjects, and the propaganda lying-and-denying, hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged system that reinforces (and cements) a perpetual state of neo-feudalism, neo-fascism, neo-Bolshevism and neo-liberalism, all four of which are life-destroying tactics that have already (and long ago!), raped, ravaged and tonsured We, the People's flag, country and Constitution so completely, that the kleptocratic, American (and global) cabal of concentrated wealth (that determines worth), now DEVALUES honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect—and, the public be eternally duped, bilked, robbed, scammed, SCARRED FOR LIFE, and damned!

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.❞ —Voltaire

❝A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?❞ —Marcus Cicero

Anonymous said...

It's Donald J. Drumpf (let's use the REAL family name here) that's been one of the perps dumping high density in NYC.
Second term for the prez?
Doesn't look like it from here.

Anonymous said...

Upstate cities in places like Central New York have continued to lose population over the years and have become increasingly depressed. Why would you want to pack more people into an already congested NYC. The more you bring in the more the demand for class room space, subway/bus seats, congested roads etc.

If you can't find work in a prison or a college then downstate will subsidize (already occurring anyway) you to stay up there and shoot deer. It's pretty straightforward Upstate has land and no people NYC has too many people and no land.

Anonymous said...

Yep! A bunch of fantasyland morons here.
Trump is a real estate developer. Who the fuck do you think promotes higher density?
That's right....real estate developers.
His failing base is being raped. Developers do what's best for THEIR pocketbooks. They don't give a fig shit about their lackey voters.
Once they've been buggered they've been buggeted and they will remain buggered!

Anonymous said...

They aren't putting more people in NYC, the people are already here. People don't want to commute two hours to their jobs. 

It seems to make sense to build a few 1 mile tall buildings in Manhattan and move a few hundred thousand people a few blocks from their jobs.

Not true!! Most people who live in NYC aren't even from here! Plus we have taken in many people from Puerto Rico now here too after the hurricane! And do you think these Puerto Ricans are going to go back? Absolutely not! It seems like new people move into NYC every single day INCLUDING ILLEGALS! and these people WERE NOT here before! Also, who do you THINK they will be making these new buildings for? NOT the "middle working class". Do you know there are new developments that are sitting here half empty because their income requirements were too high for the majority of people who live here? That's all these buildings are going to be, the buildings that do go up near people's job's in the city only cater to the high income makers, not the hard working middle class. Go ahead check out the income requirements for the new "affordable housing" going up in nice parts of Manhattan and lic! Good luck affording an "affordable housing" apartment if you have a family, the income requirements to some of those apartments are ridiculous!

dan barton said...

The reason the idiots think they can keep putting more and more buildings and people in the five boros of nyc is because "they can!" The Politicians get bucks from the residential high rise apartment building developers so they can build more and more, higher and higher buildings. The only way to slow down the graft machine is to vote every rep. now holding office, out of office, each and every time. Stop pulling the party levers and vote them out. We need more third pary independent candidates anyway. It confuses the bundlers.

Anonymous said...

Trump is gonna change all that? He's a developer. LOL!

Anonymous said...

While I'm in favor of more development, it should be the City Council and Community Boards that make that decision, not Albany. Though in this case it looks like they're just undoing a previous rule they imposed on us.

TommyR said...

Apparently, ^Crazy Anon's comment was so nice, Crapster allowed it...twice? Nutty.

Anyhow, the boroughs are already ant colonies, practically. Readership here should've taken a gander at the original source's comments - re: FAR, zoning, etc.

Best thing to keep outer boroughs livable is to make existing density even DENSER. Manhattan can and should get as tall as possible, to the point where people with the means to live there wouldn't consider bothering with anywhere outside the river-adjacent hoods.

All of that aside, it is rich how upstate politicians are totally for this crap, but not surprising. Easy brownie points to score without alienating your base, like the article sez.

Anonymous said...

We can build as much as they want.. but you need the support to be there as well.
We would need additional rail lines / additional buses / additional schools / additional parking spots... where are all these things coming from. The city is eager to build but we're complaining about congestion - what will happen with these larger homes. You expect that those people won't have cars that need parking spots and kids that needs to go to schools? Where is the money for infrastructure. All of this over development adds to the depleting of the resources that are already low. The real estate board are the only ones making money here. Build it, dump it in a community, let them deal with the rest. And let's not get into who we're building it for... it's not for the working middle class. It's for the middle class to be priced out of their homes. These developers need to be charged heavy amounts to be put into the community. Looks at what's happening to the sewage backups all over queens... the lines aren't made for all these bodies.

Anonymous said...

What hypocrisy coming from Tommy Efreeti, who called me crazy (above), followed by referring to my 'on target' comments 'nutty'——but, then he digresses, by essentially agreeing with nearly everything that I said about our dense, upstate politically failed leadership that was printed TWICE. How crazy and nutty is that, buckeroo?

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