Friday, April 13, 2018

Is it time for Joe to go?

From Roll Call:

Pelosi has been in power so long that only 58 House Democrats seeking re-election this fall have known another floor leader. In the interim, a long line of lawmakers viewed as potential future speakers have taken themselves out of the running. First, Rahm Emanuel left to be White House chief of staff and then mayor of Chicago. Then, Chris Van Hollen opted for a Maryland Senate seat, Xavier Becerra opted to be California attorney general, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was fatally sidetracked by her national party chairmanship.

Crowley remains the only member mentioned among that group who’s still got a shot.

To take it will require him to win an 11th term, of course, which is proving more work than usual. The district, which covers northwest Queens and a slice of the Bronx, is lopsidedly Democratic, but in June he faces his first contested primary in 14 years against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old political operative and community organizer running an impassioned grass-roots campaign to his left.

“We have basically, on one side, a multimillion-dollar machine candidate that was never elected, who does not live in the district — he lives in Virginia, his children go to public school in Virginia,” she told the Queens Courier. “It’s really kind of the pinnacle of someone who is a little out of touch but very influential.”

Her reference is to the old-school way Crowley cruised into Congress after a dozen years in the state Assembly: His mentor Thomas Manton, who was both the Queens Democratic chairman as well as a congressman, announced his retirement from the House so late in the 1998 campaign that it was effectively up to him as the party boss to pick a replacement nominee. (Crowley has been county chairman himself since Manton died in 2006.)

Now, he portrays his blue-collar sensibilities as just right for leading his party in combating a president “born on the other side of the tracks” — meaning the Long Island Expressway, which separates Crowley’s Elmhurst from Donald Trump’s Jamaica Estates.

Like the president, Crowley said early in the Trump administration, he’s ready to use colorful language to express outrage and frustration and aims to “talk turkey and talk straight” to workers. “Part of my strength is that I come from the same borough,” he added. “Maybe I sound a little bit like him. But my life could not be more divergent.”


Anonymous said...

garbage communists, voted by ignorants.

georgetheatheist said...

"...combating a president 'born on the other side of the tracks' — meaning the Long Island Expressway, which separates Crowley’s Elmhurst from Donald Trump’s Jamaica Estates."

Huh? This is s-o-o-o vermischt.

Crowley's 14th CD does not cover Elmhurst. Meng's 6th CD does.

And according to this source, Crowley was born in Manhattan. If I'm not mistaken, Crowley's parental (and boyhood?) home is north of the LIE in Woodside. Trump's birthplace, Jamaica Hospital, is south of the LIE. Trump's two boyhood homes are also south of the LIE. And craphole Jamaica is south of the LIE.

The other side of the tracks? What "tracks"? The LIE?

JQ LLC said...

Re: Paul Simon cover

He brings his fucking guitar to work? Oh, and his singing is flat and guitar is out of tune.

That picture of him a few rows back of Obama is just pathetic.

It's like he uses his elected office to store his memorabilia. Failed musician, existential failure congressman who like his idols Pelosi, Obama and Manifest failure Hillary all gigantically benefited financially during their elected positions while the citizens finances stagnate and decrease.

Get him, Alexandra.

Nice fact checking by George outshining the professionals paid to do these puff pieces.

Anonymous said...

Polically crowley eats from the same silver spoon as Donald trump. Never worked a day in his life and inherited his political seats from the queens machine run by his family. Useless, pandering tax and spend vote buying democrat

Anonymous said...

Creepy music at the start.

Anonymous said...

The Taminent Regular Democratic Club still holds the Praetorian power of Boss Tweed and the Americus Fire Company No. 6! it will do so forever.

Anonymous said...

Like Dracula....the only way to make sure that politicians like Virginia Joe stay to drive a stake through their corrupt hearts! His kind of trash keeps on being recycled.

Anonymous said...

"Time for Joe to go?" all wishful thinking. Keep dreaming on. He's in firm control of the Dem party as well as the Dem Board of Elections. Recall what Stalin said: "It's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes."

Anonymous said...

"...Crowley's parental (and boyhood?) home is north of the LIE in Woodside.

And he and his wife and children currently live in Virginia.
His kid's speak with a southern accent and that ain't a south of Queens Boulevard accent!

Anonymous said...

The Taminent Club resembles the dayroom of a nursing home, it's a relic. I really hope Alexandra wins this. She's smart, she's eager, and she seems passionate about getting things done, as opposed to Crowley who is just lining his pockets, and those of that law firm that does his bidding. I may actually volunteer for her campaign.

Anonymous said...

The Taminent Regular Democratic Club still holds the Praetorian power of Boss Tweed and the Americus Fire Company No. 6! it will do so forever.


Anonymous said...

It's time for Crowley to go... but it's really really way past time for Pelosi to go.

> “Maybe I sound a little bit like him. But my life could not be more divergent.”

They both inherited their positions. Crowley just inherited it from Manton instead of from daddy Trump.

Anonymous said...

The political clubs in Queens are about getting each other jobs and selling favors in exchange for donations. The favors are your community's future that no longer benefits you and your family, but that donor.

They are bullshit artists with their 'listening sessions' whose purpose is not to help you but to assess who is the potential troublemaker for them.

The Queens politicians are more Fascist than Trump could ever be, and since he is not part of their network, and can do a lot of damage to them, they are going ape over the President.

Anonymous said...

This video is so typical of the self-congratulatory political hacks of Queens County..."look at me, look who I met, look where I've been, look at all the cool things I get to do because I'm a congressman". Does this guy ever do anything for anybody other than himself and his lowlife family.

Gary W said...

The Dem Primary, or who can be the biggest Marxist.

Millennials? To busy eating Tide Pods.

Anonymous said...

'Tide pods' is the best you can come up with?

You're an ignorant fool. If you want to hate her, hate her on actual issues. She'd wipe the floor with you in a debate. We need really smart, young people in politics because frankly these old geezers haven't done shit but line their own pockets.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who she is,but she has my vote.

JQ LLC said...

Here are two videos with the young turks interviewing Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.

She's on point about everything ailing government and the effects on the constituents. (I don't agree with her on Rikers though) For now she's the best shot at ridding the nation of Crowley unless the looming federal case on his patronage mill in Queens gains traction.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea of illegals voting, but I have to admit if they could, Ocasio-Cortez would stand a much better chance of ousting him.

Anonymous said...

She's bright, and on point on a lot of issues. I think she actually represents the concerns of the district. This is our opportunity to rid ourselves of Boss Joe, his troika of porcine bottom feeding lawyers (Sweeney, Reich, Bolz) and his minions, hangers on, young Democrat wannabees, patronage ne'er-do-wells. I don't agree with Ocasio on anything, but she could help drain the swamp here in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Nassau county republicans provide better leadership than Queens democrats.

Joe said...

This is raw cuts for some shit they are going use on WNYC TV, its even the same music use they use. Somebody at WNYC must pulling some strings !!
I recognize the work and believe its from the same crew that produces "Bare Feet in NYC" with Mickela Mallozzi and "City Scope"

Shit, cant this asshole from Virginia even write his own simple 5 note background music?

Anonymous said...

Men will vote for her because she is attractive. Woman will vote because she is a woman. Younger folks because she is young and Hispanics because she is too. I kicked in $25 and I’ll give her my vote and tell my neighbors about her.

ron s said...

Why does the Crowley tape start running every time I open Queenscrap? Is is an ad?

Anonymous said...

Too bad Crowley has forgotten his own constituency and Irish Americans. None of his staff are Irish American. If you call his office, they bum rush you saying that they have to spend time helping others - meaning the illegal alien Spanish. Manton was one foot in the grave when Crowley wrested the position from his almost cold hands. Crowley lost my vote with this No Irish American Need Apply attitude.

Anonymous said...

I may actually volunteer for her campaign.

Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Has to be written by scummy hack from her campaign.

Voting for neither. The Republicans got my vote on this one.

Anonymous said...

That stuttering idiot Crowley has no talent. He can't sing but apparently nobody ever told this fool.

JQ LLC said...

Re: raw music cuts and WNYC

Joe may have exposed something big here. That WNYC could be a pravda-like media outlet for the DiCCC's and the de Blasio administration. Something to ponder when gothamist makes it's return with the public station's funding (after they are done soliciting donations from high end fast food dining and craft booze imbibing hipshits)

Anonymous said...

I have to LOL after reading all the comments rooted firmly within the Democratic bubble that is Queens County and NYC.

Everyone is so dissatisfied with politics as usual and yet they won't even consider the possibility of voting Republican!

Yes, I said it, the dreaded "R" word.
God forbid these people should align themselves with:

-the idea of keeping more of what you earn at work.

-limiting the endless inflow of people to this nation which is already has over 300 million citizens (just how many people are we trying to sustain ultimately before our standard of living becomes equal to areas of the world where even potable water is a challenge?).

-championing a common culture (yes there is an American culture despite the leftist's attempt to place everything else above it, and it starts with a common language to ensure effective communication).

-limiting the influence of big government on our everyday private lives. Some of these people would be quick to vote in socialism even as an entire nation (Venezuela) is imploding before our very eyes following these same failed ideas.

-standing behind the foundation principles of individualism and personal responsibility as a common sense approach to building effective communities as opposed to a weak and ineffectual victimization mentality.

Put it this way folks: Trump is hated by both the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, he must be doing something right.

Please don't start bombarding me with leftist double-speak either. All I'll keep saying in response will be : Leftists= Venezuela = no toilet paper and starving masses.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

>Put it this way folks: Trump is hated by both the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, he must be doing something right.
>Please don't start bombarding me with leftist double-speak either. All I'll keep saying in response will be : Leftists= Venezuela = no toilet paper and starving masses

The Democrats and Republicans in Washington both hate the communist government of Venezuela, does that mean they're doing something right, too?

Anonymous said...

I wish we could oust Crowley from running the Queens Machine while still keeping him in Congress. His political positions are unoffensive, and having NYC politicians in places of power in DC is good for us. But his corruption is destroying the Queens Machine.

Anonymous said...

If Crowley beats Ocasio-Cortez he will face Jim Dillon, Democrat on the Reform Party line. Who is Dillon? Dillon was the only man the machine had to beat in 1998 after Matton annointed Crowley his successor. Dillon ran against Crowley in 1998 as the a Republican nominee. Dillon has been campaigning for months in CD14 with not much publicity and should not be taken likely. Dillon is veteran politician and civic leader and he campaigns old school complete with campaign buttons.

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