Monday, March 19, 2018

Back-to-back-to-back film shoots taking over public streets

"Do Queens residents ever get to park on the street? Not in Long Island City. (Taken on 21st Street and 44th Drive.)" - anonymous


Anonymous said...

This one guy who wanted to film his little short movie on my block tried doing this to us. He posted a sign for a certain day and that day he didnt show up so he posted a sign for the next day and he never showed again and the third day was the same thing. So I called the number on the sign and complained to him that I would like to park on my own block and he needs to start showing up because he is inconveniencing everyone including the elderly people who lived on the block. He said he got backed up in shoots and promised that he'd be there the next day and he was. So problem solved thanks to me.

Sunnyside Al said...

I can remember an episode of “Ugly Betty” being filmed by my house near the Laurel Hill cemetery. The production team actually removed a large portion of the cast iron gate to bring the cameras into the cemetery to film over the graves. I felt that was disrespectful to the dead (even though it’s done time and time again) and I was even told that I couldn’t use the only sidewalk which led to my house. I asked, “how do you expect me to get home?”, his reply, “you figure it out.” Knowing the NYPD wouldn’t care because Bloomberg encouraged NYC filming all over the place and being a high school kid at the time (which is why I was being treated like dirt), I barged through the whole set with the production assistant threatening to call the police but made it home in one piece. When these “celebrities” come to town, the locals are expected to bow down and keep quiet. They have filmed quite a bit in my area (The Cowboy Way, Bad Company, Spider-Man, Raising Helen, Now You See Me,excluding numerous TV shows, etc.), where I manage to get into a yelling match with someone when they like to park their trucks on streets without a filming permit posted and film after dark, when people have to get up at 5 am to get to school and/or work. Stand up for your rights to live in peace and quiet, even when they threaten you with police action.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me about these film caravans is that they include a catering truck. Why not give business to the nearby restaurants and grocery stores?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Guess what, director of this shoot makes Porn flicks!

Joe said...


Oh bullshit the public know nothing other then the lies they are told. Nice try, from some PR firm or IA member. Allow me to expose how these people REALLY work.

I was a local one IATSE and know the deal soup to nuts, note the word "was" I worked on some of those movies you mention, NBC, Saturday Night Live, Beacon, Carnage. All used IA people and out of those people a very few were from one of the boro's outside Manhattan. . Everybody else was locked out
Up at NBC I was a tech put in bowels of the paint department for refusing to bow to Al Gore in the hallway of 30 Rock. 15-20 years ago these people were all liberals (many were both gay and your Harvey Weinstein types) pushing out everybody who wasn't part of what they called "family" or a threat. --Its 10X worse today.

This industry being "beneficial" is the biggest scam in NYC going !!
It does absolutely NOTHING for the local folks that must put up with the bullshit.
In NYC and 30 mile zone of Los Angeles the unions to get these so called "jobs" are all closed father & son like the IATSE and to get the tax break to operate in NYC they must MUST exclusively use catering and other services on The Mayor List.
All set building is now done in New Jersey and Mexico and trucked in, the only locals that get hired are perhaps some cheap non IA temps running water bottles & coffee for minimum wage. Everybody else benefiting is brought in. Including these bi-coastal Hollywood migratorys with summer Hamptons homes who work here during summer.
These unions are locked so tight somebody must die and any new membership job must be offered to a family member first.

Its impossible for a "regular person" to get a job so stop feeding the public shit and telling them its a meal !!.

Do we need shit ?
HELL NO let this filthy, crooked, corrupt, lying, underhanded movie & TV industry die and move to Canada where they will will fit in perfect!

Anonymous said...

Production Assistants are such a-holes, they think because they have a clipboard and a headset they own the planet.

Anonymous said...

No laws preventing you from walking right through their set, especially if you're in a rush and they are being dicks about it.

I like to stop by their food trucks and take a few things just for fun. Half the time they have no idea who they are supposed to be feeding.

Joe said...

"Production Assistants are such a-holes"

They are ALL a-holes.
Believe it or not that industry operates exactly like the progressive dirty liberal-dem politicians we have running NYC and all its public schools.
Somebody from the city is watching this blog ! I believe that "WE CANT AFFORD TO LET THE INDUSTRY DISAPPEAR" public relations secretarial crock of shit was typed out on a mobile device. Its near word for word the same ebullition that went around the NBC newsroom from The Mayors Office of Film & Television sent under Bloomberg. It requested “co-operation” and requested assignments to “educate the public”

Anonymous said...

"Joe" has issues.

Joe said...

"I like to stop by their food trucks"

Yea just act like a stuffy shithead like you belong, remember the rule of no eye contact or talking to anybody you don't know and its usually no problem.
Sometimes they want to see wristbands. Other then that most those poison deli tray heart attack food goes untouched to the homeless or garbage

I was pissed off when my water heater broke and I needed stuff in the hardware store out in Mattituck Love Lane some years ago. I had said "they took over the whole parking lot, what is this shit, who dresses like these assholes"
Henry Winkler turned around cracking up, said its a new TV show that takes place in the Hamptons, its called "Royal Pains"

Joe said...

"Joe" has issues.

Yes I have BIG issues with this dirty filthy underhanded industry having had both a front seat to behind the scenes. This including hiding in closets, AC vents during production meetings to protect myself and co-workers.
--No, I don't deny it.
Id say my facts derived from "in the field" experience are right on the money, your just attempting to steer the dialog. I'm guessing your a PC IA industry related writer or slave unhappy with the comments and worried about your job. Well pick another trade because both your industry and job security is sinking faster then the Titanic, you all all know it.

"has issues" is one of the exact politically correct industry standard words used on a production when they don't like somebody or 2: a script. This primarily because you weenies are afraid to be sued, fired or involved in costly libel lawsuits that bring bad press.
Good try asshole, May I suggest you and your "family" find another fields of work, hopefully honest respectful work because odds are you wont be picked up for the Fall 2018 season.

JQ LLC said...

What kind of scenery are they trying to capture on that block anyway?

It sure looks like the starfucking toadies at mayor office and film dept are just rubber stamping every film shoot request that plops on their desks. Or maybe it's because 99% of the thousand streaming tv shows are all film in New York

Everytime I pass by these shoots I give a scowl at anyone there as much as I can get an eye on them. There are too many shoots and they contribute nothing but take and take and take from the city, especially after Mario's son gave them (especially shitty marvel comics films and shows) tax abatements to film here which basically makes NYC a sanctuary city for shitty film and tv productions

And Joe formerly of NBC and anon make great credible points, why do they need catering and put their interns through the indignity of fetching them coffee when there are diners and bodegas all around that serve food, because they don't give a shit about businesses. And I wouldn't doubt at all the elitist limo liberal fauxgressive culture amongst the higher-ups.

The city gives these invaders more rights than they the citizens have as they monopolize and cordon off the streets with help from the NYPD.

Joe said...

"elitist limo liberal fauxgressive culture amongst the higher-ups"

Every stinking single one of them JQ LLC, and your comment is an understatement.
By the way many of the people making these stinking video camera shows aren't even Americans but people exported by conglomerates in Europe, the UK and Canada.
--and Mayor Stoned Bird and Andy Gargoyle love that because they are all liberal progressives with the same agendas and standards of principle.
These people run these TV shows and movies globally via re-run & syndication cheating everybody of every dollar in the process.
I have absolutely no sympathy for this corporate global monopolized scum; let them go to Vancouver or Toronto and F_ over the Canadians.

Anonymous said...

"at mayor office and film rubber stamping every film shoot request that plops on their desks"

Yes, For example: You play the game nice, don't badmouth the mayor on your CBS channel 2 news and all your permits for CBS shows get guaranteed stamped. This goes especially when you agree to use services (members) from the mayor office and film & television list. Free taxpayer police and standby FD if you need it too !!

Anonymous said...

Smoking kills.

Anonymous said...

Film or Television Production Complaint

Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME)

If an issue arises, we can help you.
MOME expects crews to be courteous and accommodating to residents and business owners at all times. Production should always provide safe pedestrian walkways and allow access for buses, trucks, vans and cars. If you are experiencing a problem, explain your situation to the production assistants on set or, for larger shoots, the NYPD officer on site will assist you. If a problem remains, contact us immediately by dialing 212-489-6710. Do not wait until after the shoot. We will take appropriate action right away. After business hours, you can contact a Supervisor of the NYPD Movie/TV Unit at 646-739-9900.

(11106 resident still mad that city let Kaufman Astoria Studios close 35 St btwn 34 & 35 Aves)

Anonymous said...

@ jq llc. What kind of scenery are they trying to capture on that block anyway?

Lol i asked the guy who filmed that stupid short film on my block the same question. He said he liked my block because the color of the houses are all different. I was like "ummmm ok"

JQ LLC said...

Re: CBS nice news

No wonder I hardly see Marcia Kramer anymore.

I actually am curious to see "the good fight" show. Christine Baranski is a reliable actress and Audra McDonald is on the show too. That lesbian chick on the show is super hot too. The thing is that show is based in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

>In NYC and 30 mile zone of Los Angeles the unions to get these so called "jobs" are all closed father & son like the IATSE and to get the tax break to operate in NYC they must MUST exclusively use catering and other services on The Mayor List.

Is there somewhere we can read more about this?

Anonymous said...

> He said he liked my block because the color of the houses are all different. I was like "ummmm ok"

Seems like a pretty good reason to me.

Anonymous said...

They use the 30 mile zone to call the shoot "Local" where industry labor unions call the shots to determine rates, work rules, and work & travel compensation for those workers.

In New York this "union protected zone" is called something else but its the same shit. Years ago until 1970 or so it was called monopoly & racketeering and it was illegal.

Anonymous said...

The corruption with these movie people goes on and on
Why is the Governor handing these people $38,000 to subsidize each $155,000+ IA job. It must be nice to own a summer home in the Hamptons next door to the Governor.

Anonymous said...

These people pay for both the Governors and Mayors campaigns to keep them in office.
Its TENS OF MILLIONS $$ dollars and that's a low ball number.
Disney, Sony, Time Warner, CBS, NBC, Twentieth Century Fox, 21st Century Film, Columbia Broadcasting System, General Electric (NBC) EACH of them hand out at least 2 million dollars (or more) campaign contributions. That's just for the governor and mayor's campaigns. They are on a mission to seat Cuomo as president, and one of their own IA members as NY Governor. !

Its a pay to play scam, all benefit in the deal. All but the taxpayer that is.
Democrats can stay in office for life with that kind of money to burn on media propaganda, scripted seeded press conferences and news. These media company's then recoup that money back in campaign advertising fees.
Its the best racket in the country going !!

Anonymous said...

Now they are trying to take over the airports and flight WiFi

Anonymous said...

A NYC Firefighter has just died because of these morons.

JQ LLC said...

Re: Firefighter death in Harlem.

And the city is covering it up. I cannot, no refuse to believe that the producers and director, Ed Norton (wow, what a huge disappointment) weren't responsible. The whole building was used for a shoot, a building that should have families and working individuals living there. And it suddenly engulfs in flame? There had to be combustible materials inside or they might have left something on.

Something about this is similar to the Chooper Crash in the Hudson, we seen what scumbags were running that business and the recent work site death in Jamaica at the Chetrit Group's development that had overworked workers under duress moving materials around even though the site was shut down for violations yet they found a loophole to keep the site open

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