Monday, February 19, 2018

Lefferts Blvd elevator finally open

From Impunity City:

In what I admit could be an aberration in the usual posts that get written here, here is an actual good news bulletin and sign of albeit late ass civic progress. As reported here since this digital publication’s inception, it took almost 4 years, but the main entrance of the Lefferts Blvd has completed with the activation of the elevator! And it actually is quite shiny and nice. It official got turned on about a few weeks ago about 4 months ahead of the proposed 3rd quarter deadline.


JQ LLC said...

Thanks for posting again, Crappy. But the elevator has been working for a few weeks.

It should be cause for celebrating but it's the shitty MTA after all. And I expect a malfunction soon, given recent history with the escalator breakdowns at the west side stop on 34th and on the new second ave line at 86th street last year.

And what's going on with the elevated track station renovations in the Woodside and Astoria areas at the expense of small businesses is dreadful.

Queens Crapper said...

Sorry! I corrected the title.

JQ LLC said...

Thanks, we don't want to make the MTA look bad, I mean worse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw this and That creep Albert Baldeo is taking credit for it...

Anonymous said...

And what's going on with the elevated track station renovations in the Woodside and Astoria areas at the expense of small businesses is dreadful.

As these comments appear, the rest of us have to play wack a mole. The community was notified, and its political leadership did not give a rats ass - until landlords (read campaign donors) were getting hurt.

Once the Party starts a rumor that covers its failures in Queens its almost impossible to stop, as, for example, the mess Astorians had with Con Ed nearly a decade ago.

At that time, it was so funny seeing party hacks (we know the type, someone could hold down a job in the real world) make grating comments (with authority of a utility expert) to the local munchkins that the fault was Con Ed.

In reality that fault was (as with the trains) poor planning coupled with contempt for the community.

The Con Ed event was caused by putting new wiring for yet to be built waterfront projects - at the expense of not replacing wiring at the end of its life in the rest of the community (who, by the way, financed the waterfront installations from their own utility bills).

BTW, the waterfront (including the Vallone enclave north of Astoria Park) experienced no electric outage.

Adding to the stupidity (at that time) was all those restaurants air-conditioning sidewalks getting a pass from the press, the politicians, and the much abused munchkins whose blind loyalty was, yet again, deservedly repaid with poor government treating them with contempt.

Just for the record, communities that are critical of their government get the best service and never have serious issues like this.

Anonymous said...

YAY! So, when can I expect de BLASS-hole and 'Gargoyle Andy' (who refuses to admit that the MTA is governed by the State of New York - especially the MTA Office of the Inspector General), to board the new elevator to the train of homeless bums who smell, Third World day laborers who can't speak or write English correctly, and the rest of the sewer rats of City Hall and Albany, all of whom are flying and driving in style——any 'OTHER' mode of civilized transportation to escape the ravages of the rank and file whom they have never served (and never will)?

"It's dangerous to be right when government is wrong." ——Voltaire

Anonymous said...

how much of our taxes are used to pay hacks to make stupid comments to make this blog look bad and divert attention from the real problems.

"It's dangerous to be right when government is wrong." ——Voltaire indeed

Anonymous said...

"Third World day laborers who can't speak or write English correctly, and the rest of the sewer rats of City Hall and Albany, all of whom are flying and driving in style——any 'OTHER' mode of civilized transportation to escape the ravages of the rank and file whom they have never served (and never will)?"

Please learn proper sentence structure before complaining about 'third world' people. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The elevator looks "quite shiny and nice"? It looks absolutely ridiculous.

There is probably dozens of superior ways that it could have been incorporated into the existing overhead rail work especially considering all the money and time it took for construction no less pre-construction issues. Shake my head every time I pass it now.

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