Friday, January 19, 2018

An icy dilemma

From CBS 2:

A water leak is creating dangerous, slippery conditions on a sidewalk in a Queens neighborhood.

As CBS2’s Dave Carlin reported exclusively Thursday, complaints are pouring in. But the water is still flowing and turning into ice in the cold.

A two-story cascade of water has created icy dangers on the sidewalk to the below-grade Grand Central Parkway Service Road between Aberdeen and Tudor roads.

The unwanted waterfall started gushing over the top of a wall more than a week ago.


Joe Moretti said...

Typical NYC, play the blame game BUT don't do shit. MTA vs LIRR, Home Owner Vs City, etc.

Like the guy said, just fix the fucking problem and bill who was responsible. Instead leave this shit like this for a lawsuit. If I was the college girl, I would get a friend, start walking on it, fall and sue the city for a thousand times what it would have cost to fix the damn problem.

How can we make people responsible for their behavior/actions, when the city and elected officials don't.

Anonymous said...

After the success with the bike lanes, bus lanes now we have iced skating lanes also.

Anonymous said...

After the success with the bike lanes, bus lanes now we have iced skating lanes also.

Anonymous said...

The latest scam from NYC/NYS - congestion pricing.

$12 to drive into the city?

“We have the ability with technology to put tolling anywhere in the city . . . So we can be very flexible and variable so there are a lot of options,” Cuomo said.

And you people want this guy to run for President?

They stole the money from the subway system and want motorists to pay for fixing the mess?

Cashless tolling was a beta test to see where else they can put tolls, charge for every mile driven coming soon.

TommyR said...

City would love to peg the home owner for this. Take a look at the maps, have DEP or whomever come in and do a trace. It's WATER. You're not looking for a gas leak here, how hard is it.

This isn't really news or even of interest. I see hydrants over flowing (and later frozen) all over. City doesn't seem to be in a rush to fix those - and this is all over Ridgewood where tons of Muni-Sani traffic would've surely spotted it way earlier than I did.

georgetheatheist said...

Joe Moretti wrote: "How can we make people responsible for their behavior/actions, when the city and elected officials don't."

Joe, we can't. That's because you know, as well as we all do, that we live in a shithole borough in a shithole city.

And thanks Joe for all your invaluable commentary over the past few years on this Queens CRAP blogsite as well as on your former blog. Commentary given in inimitable


georgetheatheist said...
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Anonymous said...

The girl with the pink hair is 'thinking' about walking a different way home? She is in college? That is money well spent.

If the woman in the home says she is a tenant they won't let them turn off the water!

Anonymous said...

But Tommy I heard is Trump's fault.

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