Thursday, December 14, 2017

Council member wants to bring back sidewalk clothing bins

From CBS 2:

Sanchez said the Eddie Bauer winter gear was found discarded outside the 5th Avenue store on Sunday night. She wanted to know why the store would ruin the men’s merchandise so it couldn’t be worn when it could have done so much good.

“This is not a singular incident,” councilman Rafael Espinal said.

Espinal is working on a bill to fine companies that deliberately destroy and dump clothing.

“Incentivize the donation of clothing by creating bins to place in front of retail stores,” he said.

Didn't we just spend years trying to get rid of clothing bins on sidewalks?


JQ LLC said...

What a repulsive scene. Sure Eddie Bauer( which shocks me that their tacky ugly clothes is considered a luxury brand) did damage control for their pretty twisted policy of destroying unsold merchandise in this wretched era of rampant homelessness but this was obviously done to fuck with people struggling to afford to live here and even to get basic necessities. I surmise that the decision to maul these ugly yet warm coats (and blankets too!) was to ward off homeless people grouping around the area, but it creates another a hideous sight on the sidewalk.

Another repulsive scene is seeing this weasel Espinal, looking like an imbecile hipshit with his t-shirt and suit jacket ensemble with this utterly stupid unoriginal idea. A pathetic attempt to garner media attention and boost his political profile with his fauxgressive concern. This chump has no idea what the streets are like and the struggles of the working class and the growing indigent people are going through.

I have seen lot of these bins on Rockaway Blvd and they all look like they have been broken into. Which would make sense since the majority of citizens living in this exorbitant city are forced to spend what little they save to choose between having a roof over their head, food to eat, and clothes to wear.

Joe Moretti said...

SO just why the fuck does a bin need placed on the sidewalk in front of such stores when these stores already have plans in fact (as according to a spokesperson for the store) where the distribution center either fixes them or donate them. While this was totally fucked up what this store did, putting bins on the sidewalk (which were completely out of control a few years back) is not the logical answer, but then city council is not logical at all.

How about this instead:

CONSTITUENTS Want To Punish CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Who Destroy Communities, Steal Tax Payers Money and do not properly serve the constituents and communities they are elected to serve.

AMAZING, one isolated incident and this political whore jumps. In the meantime, the homeless situation is out of control, communities destroyed with the unsecured hotel homeless shelters and NOT ISOLATED incidents of the same old quality of life issues that are never properly addressed year after year.


Anonymous said...

Can you say anything without name calling ?

JQ LLC said...

Re: name calling


see, I just did it.

Name calling has been around long before I started commenting on this site a few years ago and it has been ingrained in humanity since the dawn of man and even the first evolutionary stages.

And it has exacerbated a million fold with the advent of the internet and the incessant vomiting from the last few years of social media which is why we have such a volatile political climate consisting of lousy elected officials from Figurehead Trump to this worm Espinal, who was elected unopposed.

I make sure the facts behind the targets of my scorn are correct and will retract them if proven wrong. The subjects that I pilloried here are obvious. And Mr. Moretti confirms it by calling him the media whore he is. Christ this incident happened in Chelsea in another borough, why the hell is Espinal being interviewed about it. Clearly him and his minions made a call or have a direct line with a producer at CBSlocal.

If I had a dollar for every insult thrown my way on this mortal coil, I'd be a billionaire and would be able to enjoy the massive gift from the government with these horrendous tax cuts that are about to be enacted.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that the coats are the retailers' property, and the retailers can do anything they want with them. If they want to destroy them and throw them away, they're completely entitled to do so. If they want to sell them as leftovers through an outlet, they can do that. If they want to give them to charity, they have that option. But it's completely their choice.

If anyone has a problem with a retailer throwing away coats, there is a simple solution. Buy them, perhaps at a lower, negotiated price. Then they become the purchaser's property, and the purchaser is free to give them away at his/her option.

Despite the efforts of DiBlasio and various other local, state and national politicians, this is not yet a socialist nation. Private persons have a right to own private property, and dispose of it as they will, so long as they don't create a public nuisance. If a retailer decides that giving away product will somehow cause financial loss, or perhaps damage to the brand by making it the garment of choice for the local derelict population, that is a valid business decision, even if it may not be a popular one.

If people don't like the decision, they have an option at hand. Buy the coats and give them to whoever they choose. Talk is cheap; let's see who's willing to put their money where their mouth is.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say anything without name calling ?


OH I see, calling out the TRUTH in people is now "name calling". JQ LLC description of yet another in a LONG LINE OF POLITICAL HACKS is spot on. Ironic, that you more than likely approve of such political hacks.

In today's pussy ass climate of "safe spaces", "haters", "shaming" and other assorted bullshit liberal crap, a BIG FUCK YOU for CHRISTMAS!

TommyR said...

destroying instead of reusing or recycling is maliciously stupid. waste not, want not.

Anonymous said...

the items belong to the company they can do whatever they want with it . big government getting involved in private business

Anonymous said...

Really? In the days of improvised explosive devices and bedbugs.....this idiot is really nuts!

Ralph Nadir said...

“This is not a singular incident,” councilman Rafael Espinal said.

Espinal is working on a bill to fine companies that deliberately destroy and dump clothing.

In other news, CBS contacted Councilman Espinal's office regarded NYC government waste, inefficiency, and corruption.

His publicist had no comment.

Unknown said...

What has the retailer said about it? Could be a defective return or damaged in store somehow. The store could have been more discreet about it. But if the store is know to put good stuff on the curb, that just creates a new problem, people standing around waiting for crap!

Same thing happens too many bakeries, dumping food curbside, with a few people waiting for the garbage to come out.staking claim for garbage is a thing you know.

Anonymous said...

Calling out the truth and calling people names is not the same. It’s what people do to cover up not having substance in their argument . It’s actually a personality trait of a weak person not a strong person .

>>OH I see, calling out the TRUTH in people is >>now "name calling

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the asshole who tells bicycle riders it's alright for them to run red lights, or is that another asshole?

JQ LLC said...

Yes that's the asshole. Apologies for showing weak characteristics.

Self-righteous anon. Way to show condescension and insult people, including myself, without profanities. Too bad there is absolutely no substance or truth in your argument. Sure it seems classy but it's not. Which makes you, quite weak. Thank you for reading my blog though.

Note that I haven't and didn't before, insult or malign you with profanities. But I and we all know who these hack officials are. And what little or lack of substance they have.

I couldn't find the link about his condoning on bikes blowing reds (by the way I support bike passing reds but like a stop sign where you have to stop full and go when there is no oncoming vehicle or pedestrian traffic, Raffi wants his hipshit base to run it unconditionally) here's some more truth on Espinal. He's a REBNY and nightclub/upscale restaurant whore.

And he's a protege of and groomed by notorious serial sexual harasser Vito Lopez

Joe Moretti said...

>>OH I see, calling out the TRUTH in people is >>now "name calling.


IF the "name calling" fits the person, like these asshole, political whores, then YES, it is the truth.

You know what is a sign of weakness, HIDING BEHIND ANONYMOUS.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why the store didn't put out their trash in garbage bags or bins or did someone pile them on the sidewalk to expose them.The company should investigate this someone is probably ripping them off somewhere.
Please don't bring back clothing bins they are an eyesore.They are vandalized and set on fire and encourage people to dump whatever they don't want in and around them.Who knows how reputable some of these charities are too.

Anonymous said...

Throw him on one!

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