Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Weiner behind bars

From ABC News:

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner reported to prison Monday to begin a 21-month sentence for sexting with a 15-year-old girl.

Weiner is being held at the Federal Medical Center Devens in Massachusetts, a Bureau of Prisons spokesperson said.

The facility in Ayer, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) west of Boston, has over 1,000 inmates at the medical center and over 100 more at an adjacent minimum security satellite camp. It's the same prison that once housed Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Weiner was sentenced in September by a judge who said the crime resulted from a "very strong compulsion." At the time, a tearful Weiner said he was undergoing therapy and had been "a very sick man for a very long time."


(sarc) said...

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

May what his intentions with little girls, be perpetrated upon him.

Again and again and again...

faster340 said...

He should get 21 years instead of months.

Anonymous said...

He and cell mate Bubba ca sexy each other.

Anonymous said...

I remember when this guy was the hero/leading light for the Democrat Party!

How the mighty have fallen!

What does his mentor Schumer have to say?

How about his wife?

Does Hillary blame him for Comey reopening the investigation with less than two weeks to go? He might be safer in prison!

Anonymous said...

Weiner is behind bars for sexting with a girl he never touched or even met, but deserter Bowe Bergdahl will not have to serve any jail time.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in other news Hillary Clinton, the Podesta brothers are free.
So is Harvey and the rest of the Hollyweird pervs.
Some justice system we have here.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Meanwhile in other news Hillary Clinton, the Podesta brothers are free.
So is Harvey and the rest of the Hollyweird pervs.
Some justice system we have here.
Typical right wing idiot response. DO THESE NAMES ring a bell below and what is the common denominator (hint: REPUBLICANS, beside sexual scandals):

Herman Cain
Newt Gringrich
Chris Myers
John Boehner
Christopher Lee
John Ensign
Larry Craig
Bob Allen
Mark Folley
and that is just a few.

If you are going to play the blame game, play it right instead of sounding like Fox News or Trump.

Anonymous said...

A man like him should not be allowed to drink, behind a bar or behind a home, certainly not behind the toilet

Anonymous said...

@Joe Moretti

Typical left wing commie response.
I know is not OK to have the Arkansas mafia rule the country via the DNC, but
at least you are Ok with it.
I couldn't care less about right or left, obviously they are part of the problem.
You do sound like Fake News CNN, MSNBC and their saint Obongo.
Donna Brazile sounds familiar?
Now she is part of the Russian conspiracy according to Fake News, Fake News where the reporters donated to Hillary's campaign. at least 80% of them did.
So come again with some better arguments.

Anonymous said...

@ Joe Moretti said

Anonymous said...

"Weiner is behind bars for sexting with a girl he never touched or even met, deserter Bowe Bergdahl no jail time"

Weiner was totally setup and that so called "Little Girl" was another unsupervised brat whore with a PayPal account representing herself as an adult a professional tease to eventually get money from the men she flirted with.

Wiener may be an idiot but isn't a criminal, Its the Mayor and some Queens politicians who belong behind bars to protect citizens !!
What happened to Weiner was not fair and too harsh.
I dont give a shit what he does on Skype, text or his bedroom, Weiner as and idiot would have been a much better deal in a mayor then the shit we have now.
--and the dumb stupid sheeple just like the judge on Weiners case are sure to reward da'Blasshole, Vallone and the Crowley thugs with re-election.

If this has become the new logic in New York I'm gotta get the hell out of here.

Anonymous said...

He will be in protective custody and will be let out in 6 months.

Anonymous said...

*Typical right wing idiot response.*

Typical snowflake serenade, courtesy of the Deep State propaganda channels and newspapers.
Congratulations, your brain has left you.

Anonymous said...

Karma chameleon?

Anonymous said...

No “good time” in federal lockup. You do the full term.

Anonymous said...

>May what his intentions with little girls, be perpetrated upon him.

You want him to receive a bunch of consensual lewd texts from somebody several states away?

Anonymous said...

Our no good justice system is despicable !
If a minor was the primary issue why isn't the parents of that girl who initiated the lewd conduct and text flirting in jail for parental neglect of a minor?
Weiner should not be jail, he didn't even touch her and has no priors of anything!!
The guy was in his on home, on his own sofa, wearing his underwear Christ sakes!

Dont people understand. If they can do this injustice to Weiner in his own home they are setting a precedent to cart anybody away they dont like (with no record) for any reason they want like recent Libya under Gaddafi and present day Iran . People dont understand and fail to see how bad this is because they dont like Weiner and cant see the real issue.

Anonymous said...

***Dont people understand. If they can do this injustice to Weiner in his own home they are setting a precedent to cart anybody away they dont like (with no record) for any reason ***

Exactly. Prison is a business and is actually called prison industries, that's why we have more and more insane laws that punish people with jail time for all kinds of petty made up "crimes".

The big league criminals are walking free with no problem.

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole ,do think guys in their own homes should be able to download kiddie porn? He knew what he was doing and didn’t care.. He’s an arrogant scumbag who felt he had the power and connections to do what he wanted without consequences.

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole ,do think guys in their own homes should be able to download kiddie porn?

Now you are twisting it. Asshole. Nobody said that. If Hillary had won this would have gone away.

Anonymous said...

He’s an arrogant scumbag who felt he had the power and connections to do what he wanted without consequences.

Perfect description, fits like a glove for Bill Debozo 2.0

Anonymous said...

He had to report the day before Election Day. Hillary wanted to make sure he got the message.

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