Thursday, November 16, 2017

Holden's ballot lead stands

From NY1:

City Councilman Elizabeth Crowley acknowledged Wednesday night that her opponent's margin of victory held during a tally of absentee ballots Wednesday in a very close Queens city council race.

The Board of Elections said it will not certify the result until it certifies all the races, as it does every election.

Sources from Crowley's opponent, Republican Robert Holden, have told NY1 that he has won the race for the 30th city council district.

Holden declared victory on Election Day, even though he was ahead by only 133 votes.

It appears his lead has grown by four votes, although the total has not been confirmed.

Well this is getting very interesting. And check these quotes from Holden in the Times Ledger:
“This mayor wants a one party socialist Marxist regime and anyone who thinks differently than him is the enemy,” Holden said. “He judges people based on labels and that is something he should be against. Instead he bad mouths the Republican Party as no good and that’s the type of approach that put this country in such a divisive mess. Did I run on the Republican line? Yeah. Am I a registered Democrat? Yeah, but the bottom line is I’m apolitical. I’m a civic leader and I’m going to work with anyone that can help my community and my constituen­ts.”

Holden added the mayor was wrong to launch the 14.7 mile Select Bus Service route on Woodhaven and Cross Bay boulevards Monday.

“It’s such a disaster. People are sitting in traffic jams for hours. It’s just another bad policy from this administration, and one of the reasons I got so many votes,” Holden said. “He wants to take away our cars, he doesn’t understand Queens at all. The traffic is crippling all over the borough and all we get is more bike lanes and more SBS lanes. The administration is taking away one of our basic rights — the freedom of movement — you can’t just get in your car and go anymore.”


Joe Moretti said...


Anonymous said...

Woot. Congrats to Mr Holden and the residents of D30.

Anonymous said...

Huge congrats to District 30 for electing someone with brains and common sense -- a rare find these days!

JQ LLC said...

De Faustio is going to have a scorpion up his ass for the next 4 years. Or maybe 1 or 2 if the scandals of the last term catch up to him.

Anonymous said...

You don't hear Queens Civic Congress talking like this - oh that's right, a honcho is a Democratic District Leader - which is why they are focused on shopping bags and bioswales and don't notice the really important stuff.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bob Holden, we knew you could do it. Now starts the real fight. Your first assignment is to try to undo the havoc that was thrust upon us from the SBS lanes on Woodhaven Blvd. I was at a gathering last night and this topic was the talk of the town. The disaster that is Woodhaven Blvd is being carried over throughout the adjacent neighborhoods. Any possible detour off Woodhaven Blvd and any side street that feeds into these roads has now been brought to a standstill. If any incumbent from these areas wants to get re-elected in the future I suggest they start putting pressure on their leader at City Hall. This condition is untolerable and no, we are not giving up our cars.

georgetheatheist said...

A man after my own heart: "See the . . . County of Queens! . . . in your Chevroleens!"

Now that that ding-donged witch is dead, is the Warlock next? Virginia Joe?

Anonymous said...

Yeah congrats, lets see what Nassau county resident and Queens County Democratic Committee legal representative has to say... expect this to go to court... they will use every trick but as far as I'm concerned, it's Councilman-elect Holden

georgetheatheist said...

Nice coverage of the recount by Times Ledger reporter Bill Parry and fotog Michael Shain shedding light on what actually transpired at the recount table at the Queens Board of Elections. AND kudos to the Queens Crap blogsite which called to light this often mysterious procedure. I'M PRETTY SURE THE TIMES LEDGER FOLKS GOT THEIR INSPIRATION TO COVER THIS OFTEN BECLOUDED EVENT FROM READING OVER 100 QUEENS CRAP POSTINGS HERE, wherein we read statements like these:

"Can I watch too? In other words, is all this watching and counting open for public view? I'd like to show up and just see how this is all done. Maybe other citizens and the press as well. I'd certainly would like to watch the other watchers. How about doing all this in a public auditorium of some sort? A teaching moment and civic lessons for the school kids as well.

Just where and when do we citizens show up to "watch"?"


"This contest will be decided in an office at the Queens locale of the NYC Board of Elections - 118-35 Queens Boulevard?

Just WHAT happens here? Lawyers, commissioners, staffers, candidates but NO members of the public citizenry nor press sit around a table and take physical ballots out of cardboard boxes and actually recount one by one the election results? Some other procedure perhaps?

Does this happen on one particular day or are ongoing gatherings scheduled? Are there breaks for coffee and lunch? Who decides points of order if raised? Are formal recordings or transcripts produced of the proceedings? Is the atmosphere one of rancor or bonhomie? Are police guarding the room like they do at the polls? Who determines and how is the final outcome determined? Are handshakes extended? Backs slapped?

I have many unanswered questions as to what ACTUALLY physically transpires here. I AM TOTALLY IN THE DARK ABOUT THIS. How about you, Fellow Reader?

Time to shed some light here, no?"

Again, nice work Times Ledger for showing what actually happens at a recount!

And don't forget, folks:


Screamin' her head off E. Crowley said...

Joe, what happened? You useless mishpucha!

Anonymous said...

Big Joe Crowley backed down - the comments here is something that 2nd grade bully had never seen and he lost his nerve. Big mistake. Bullies are not smart, but great in bluff. Now something like this has happened, and all those smiles to his face are now winks behind his back.

Now we need to do two things:

1. cultivate challengers in 3 or 4 districts - sustain them now for the next 4 years. make sure the don't act stupid, and give them topics to discuss like government waste, arrogance and entitlement of party hacks, and how voters and taxpayers are being marginalized by the Democratic Party whose goal is not to govern, but to build its base and take over as the Communists and Fascists did throughout the 20th Century.

2. get the attention of the Trump administration - let them know the wisdom of the American public has carved a foothold in NYC - the belly of the beast - send up money, send up enforcement, send up the things needed to sustain the citizens's revolt. We can do the rest.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a guy with common sense got elected in this city. This is great! He is actually saying what is wrong in this city and not some pc nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr.Holden !!
I'm also no longer considering selling my house.
Please resist and fight this SOB bastard communist mayor every way possible.
Good riddance to Crowley, her, lies, thuggery, backstabbing and knee pads too !

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with everything Holden says or thinks, but he is at least someone who has a long history of involvement in the community, not some shitty political operative appointed by Virginia Joe Crowley.

Hey Virginia Joe, we're coming for your congress seat next. Get ready for retirement.

ron s said...

I hope the lead holds up. A really major improvement--an actual intelligent, thoughtful person replacing a dumb political hack.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what happens when Holden's team discovers how much money was funneled into unworthy pockets. I'm sure that's what the recount and disbelief was about, tee hee.

Anonymous said...

So now is he going in as a Republican or Democrat?

Anonymous said...

Holden opposes the Woodhaven Boulevard SBS, but he's not supportive of railroad revivals either. So what's his solution for the traffic woes?

Joe said...

He should be a Republican, love to see it but one problem: Due to all the jackass voters and yahoo hipshitz in Ridgewood he may lose the NEXT election (as a republican) and we get shit right back in office.
DeBlashole and his asswipe Crowley fucked everything up so bad Holden will need another term to fix things. --if that's even possible at this point, so much damage, socialism and quality of life issues.

One things for sure: This neo communist mayor is not happy today and will make every effort to get every illegal voting next election.

Anonymous said...

"So what's his solution for the traffic woes?"
Rescind the Woodhaven Boulevard SBS and Enforce laws already on the books. Then a god 1/2 the assholes & freeloaders will flee across to New Jersey where the new Governor has open arms, promising to make it the "California sanctuary of the East Coast"

Anonymous said...

Holden had the Republican line, and he defeated an incumbent Democrat. Maybe if Graziano had the Republican line, he could have prevailed in his district.

Anonymous said...

So now is he going in as a Republican or Democrat?

The City Council needs an Independent Democratic Conference, just like the State Senate - then caucus with the group that will best serve your constituents.

Anonymous said...

Is that patronage job, “liaison to the community boards” that Katz once held available? I’m sure the $105K “Job” should be up to $125 by now........

Anonymous said...

Let’s see how his fellow council persons treat him. He’s gonna have hard time,but he is smarter than the average bear.

Anonymous said...

"discovers how much money was funneled"

Yea good luck to Holden with that
Like that crook Estelle Cooper most any money funneled into unworthy pockets has already been washed, converted and buffered over many bar tops and restaurants.
We are talking about professional crooks with law degree's and special friends here !!

Anonymous said...

"Holden opposes the Woodhaven Boulevard SBS, but he's not supportive of railroad revivals either."

He's on the record supporting the revival of the Rockaway line.

Anonymous said...

If you win, get to work.Although you will not be able to get much done. City hall will see to that.
Good Luck

JQ LLC said...

I wonder if Liz is going to make a run at council or even congress in the district in her new digs in Breezy Point?

Anonymous said...

Some of us have long memories, remembering how Peter Koo was elected on the GOP line before switching to Democrat. Our borough also has a history of insurgents who become County Organization favorites after winning their elections- see Barnwell, Rozic, etc.

Perhaps Holden can be a non-partisan independent. None of us know who will be running in CD 30 in four years, so for now it's best to focus on how Bob Holden will serve his first term.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it’ll take him to get taken out in handcuffs?

Anonymous said...

Without Question, Breezy point Roxbury is loaded with Irish. Also Irish cops, firemen city service workers. Its like fraternity over their, and it has its own share of racism, nepotism & corruption. Crowley is a shoe in.
I know this because a friend bought a bar in Roxbury, they screwed her over with permits and forced her to sell it to a local.

TommyR said...


Anonymous said...

Holden says he is apolitical.

Yet, it is reported that his wife got a job as an aide to ex-Governor Pataki. We'd like to know how he wangled that without political connections.

Then, according to Holden, his friend is political hatchetman John Haggerty. It would not be surprising if Haggerty was his advisor. It should be recalled that Haggerty recently did state prison time after being convicted of fraudulently stealing money from ex-Mayor Bloomberg. If Holden is apolitical, he sure has a funny way of showing it.

In addition, Holden was just involved in one of the more slippery political moves in recent Queens politics. An individual who had no intention of running for the City Council had people sign petitions to get him on the Republican ballot. This individual does not even live in the district. The individual then drops out of the City Council race to run for a no-win judgeship as a Republican, and it just so happens that Holden winds up as the replacement candidate on the Republican line, even though he is a registered Democrat. Any suggestion that this came as a suprise to Holden is laughable. What was promised to the individual to drop out of the City Council race under these circumstances? It seems that a fraud was perpetrated on the Republican voters who signed for one candidate who had no intention of running for the Council. There was something rotten in Denmark, I mean the 30th Council District in Queens. So much for Holden being "apolitical."

Anonymous said...

Cousin Joe is already looking for a nice, cushy non elected position for her. Maybe she will show up at the Board of Elections next February. He'll let her know what he has found for her when she comes to visit her auntie at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Lizzy... Couldn't beat Grandpa Simpson... Now she's in a tizzy... She fears she is all done...But count on cousin Joe... To find work for the little 'ho.

Anonymous said...

"If Holden is apolitical, he sure has a funny way of showing it."

Holden beat the machine at its own game by using their own rules against them and I love it!

Joe said...

I think the elderly woman shoved (assaulted) by Crowley on that staircase and the video capture person should at least be treated to a dinner or some gift certificate.
--Something should be worked out, voters in district 30 should chip in do, do a $1 PayPal thing or something as a special thanks.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous of 11/17. Just because the Democrats were sleazy when Manton declined after his petitions were filed, to be replaced by Joe Crowley, doesn't mean that the Republicans have to engage in the same tactics. Two wrongs don't make a right, even in Middle Village. If Holden starts off in such a manner, then how can he be relied upon to act with integrity, and fight for meaningful ethics reform? It would be better not to be elected rather than to stoop to such tactics?

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