Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weiner sentenced to 21 months in the clink

From Daily Intelligencer:

When U.S. District Judge Denise Cote gave him an opportunity to make a statement, Weiner sounded remorseful: “I was a very sick man for a very long time,” Weiner said, his voice breaking as he read from a written statement that made no excuses for the pain he caused. “I stand before you because I victimized a young person who deserved better.” He hoped that a sentence in the community rather than behind bars would be good for his son, Jordan, whom he called his “salvation,” as well as others who may be struggling and needing counsel for the same ills that destroyed him.

The federal government wanted between 21 and 27 months. Cote chose the low end of that recommendation.

When Cote imposed her sentence, Weiner’s head fell and he placed his left hand over his head. The courtroom cleared quickly, and several reporters ran outside to recover their electronic devices and report the news. The usual throng of television crews and cameras swarmed the outside of the federal courthouse on Worth Street, awaiting the defendant’s exit.


JQ LLC said...

To quoteth Seinfeld, "that's a shame"

Anonymous said...

To bad, should have been more time in stir. Anyone who thinks this clown got a raw deal should watch Weiner the movie. What an arrogant egomaniac this prick is. Enjoy your time in lock up you wiener.

Anonymous said...

Not enough time for that arrogant scumbag.

Rob in Manhattan said...

The whole thing is just stupid. His behavior and the sentence.

He didn't have any actual contact with the "victim". Now, we will have to pay upwards of a quarter-million dollars to imprison him, during which time he'll be paying zero taxes and probably be on probation afterward. Whatever 'treatment" he gets will likely now be paid for by the taxpayers as are other medical expenses while incarcerated.

All cost -no real benefit to society.

A large fine and banning him from using either the internet and/or a cell phone for a minimum of three years or until he is certified "cured" would have sufficed. The jerk has been shamed beyond all rehabilitation for public office.

We have gone crazy in our "protect the children" zeal.

Anonymous said...

Only 21 months? This is the third time around with these acts (1. the ones he was caught for, 2. Carlos Danger, 3. The ones with his son in the pic) Why not longer?

He will be out in a year.

How long after before he runs for office?

(sarc) said...

This is all scripted theatrics.

The Weiner legal team stated, they would not accept any sentence greater than twenty five months.

Yet New Yorkers still claim to like him in news interviews.

When you ask "how stupid can people be?" There is your answer...

Anonymous said...

He will end up committing suicide. Tragic story all around.

Anonymous said...

Only 21 months?

I heard he pleaded for under 18.

Anonymous said...

How ironic it is that he's going to jail, yet he never met any of the women, never had physical contact with any of them.

Anonymous said...

The length of the sentence does not matter. He can now be branded a child-sex offender who could not keep his urges in abeyance even when he was polling at the head of the pack on his big comeback election, and his would-be supporters will not likely risk betrayal a third time.

Gary W said...

Probably the only creep to go to jail over Hillary's Email server.

Congrats Hil, that was some beard you picked out for Huma. Good thing someone with your judgment will never be Prez.

GaryW said...

Oh and anyone who thinks the sentence is to harsh, give me your 15 year old daughter or grand daughters contact info, so I can coerce them into taking their clothes off, and playing with themselves so I can get my rocks off. Yeah didn't think so.
Guys a creepy perv, and jail is where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

Once bitten, thrice shy...

Anonymous said...

He'll be out in no time. He'll run and win high office again (maybe Mayor/Governor/Senator/President?), as the idiots will vote for him. And he'll be jerking off at whatever desk he sits at. The "disease" never goes away.

Anonymous said...

Not long enough. That girl was someone's daughter and he is a predator taking advantage.

Anonymous said...

Remember he also sexted pics with his son in the bed next to him.

Huma should move next to a school so he can't live with them when he gets out.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wiener's contributions in getting Mr Trump elected cannot be understated.
Well done Anthony!

Anonymous said...

This is a harsh sentence considering he was doing this electronically. Dennis Hastert actually sexually abused many young boys and conspired to cover it up. His sentence was 15 months.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Sheldon Silver, Dean Skelos and his son Adam are still not behind bars, despite all attempts from DemonRat lackey (and Schmuck Schumer's bitch), Preet Bharara.

Silver stole more than $5 million from We, the People, yet he STILL gets to live in the comfort of absolute freedom until his appeals process is completed (likewise, free walking Skelos & Son).

Another travesty of a sweetheart justice system that rewards monstrous failure at the top, and punishes lesser perpetrators with greater sentencing guidelines that aren't justified (albeit, Weiner should have received, in lieu of jail, a large fine and cell telephone banishment for three years, as Rob in Manhattan has correctly suggested, above)!

Anonymous said...

Weiner was no doubt setup and took the bait !!
2 years is far to harsh, no physical contact took place. Perhaps people need to go back to supervising their children, teach them right from wrong and to keep the panty's on. This because our stinking liberal run educational systems are teaching then every dam thing possible to cause chaos, rip American culture and society apart!
Remember: Weiner, Coumo, deBlasio, the Crowleys and all the other shitheads all have bios showing they are products of this very same educational system's.

The victim: Yeah right: Like 1000s every day in this country (and 100s of thousands in Amsterdam and Europe) this so called "victim" was luring older men into "webcam shows" for pay-pal money. The records are likely "sealed" so we will never know.

Anyway Weiner, always busy being a pervert would have made for a less destructive mayor then deBlasio. Nothing destructive would get done and the the best kind of democrat you can have.
Id rather have had a pervert then a communist sandinista SOB bastard as mayor any day, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Ant-knee Ween-uh displays the pathology that afflicts so many of Hillary's circle. A sick man, set up as a beard for Huma by a sick Hillary and Bill.

Gino said...

"New Yorkers still claim to like him in news interviews"
Sure they like him, much better then deBlasio and all the shit we must deal with now..

Weiner was a visionary who cared about what we "regular people" have to look at every day.
1 Example: Rather then open book inviting the worlds garbage and 1/2 of central America to this city for free stuff Weiner sponsored a bill to selective increase ONLY the number of O-visas available to working tax paying foreign fashion models, to boost the fashion and garment industry in New York City. To both save jobs and keep the dirty city and developers away from landlords, old buildings and neighborhoods.

Weiner really wasn't that bad for a democrat, its the current NYC mayor and horde of underhanded corrupt dirty Queens democrat politicians who really deserve long jail sentences.


Anonymous said...

I'll take Wiener over the Clintons, DeBozo, Schumer and the rest of them, any day or night.

The sentence is BS, they are trying to make an example out of him since it cost Hildabeast the election, so to speak.
People out there steal, rob and maim and walk free.
Some justice system, paid for and by the elite.

Anonymous said...

He was a windbag just like the rest of them. Always saying but never doing.

Anonymous said...

Oh please.... I say this creep will be out in 6 months on good behavior. He will be out and doing it all over again. Then these idiot liberals will vote for him to make his 6 figure salary all over again. Politicians DO NOT go to jail even though they are the biggest criminals going.

Anonymous said...

Love the Weiner!

Made Trump President!

That is worth something!

(sarc) said...

Anonymous said...
"He will end up committing suicide. Tragic story all around."

It would be not surprising if HiLlEry's assistant and confidant's dear husband would find the same demise as so many other Clinton associates have such as:

Susan Coleman
Jon Parnell Walker
Ed Willey
Gandy Baugh
James Bunch
Kathy Ferguson
Bill Shelton
Charles Wilbourne Miller
Shawn Lucas

And of course forget not Vincent Walker "Vince" Foster Jr.

It would be SUCH a tragedy...

Anonymous said...

Near 2 years with a clean record ?
This was the biggest witch hunt to date in this century in New York City.
Somebody was pulling many strings with this.
Meanwhile criminals and Inner city youth with long arrest records mug people, hurt people, attack teachers, including almost every statuary rape involving a minor case ---all get probation 95% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Trump should let him do 2 months then pardon him, then jail the parents of the young slut for neglecting to be parents and endangering a minor.
--It takes 2 to tango!!

Anonymous said...


Right on the money.
I think they call it Arkancide since Bubba's and Hildabeast's friends and associates had a tendency to shoot themselves in the head a few times usually with shotguns.
Don't forget the girl in the WDC Starbucks, Mary Mahoney.

Anonymous said...

I say this creep will be out in 6 months on good behavior.

Focus on the real issues. This guy was railroaded because Hillary lost the election.
Now Skelos is free to go? Really?


Anonymous said...

Federal time,no early release.

(sarc) said...

Remember that this pervert was the protégée of Senator Charles Schumer, and his lapdog in the House of Representatives?

Every Sunday evening you can see a press conference where Upchuck Schmuk Schumer bloviates about some problem,issues or perceived injustice, yet never actually gets anything done of these faux issues.

The pedofile voted in lockstep with the party, never wavering. Being beholden to Chuck and HiLlEry voting independently was impossible. He would continue as a party hack, yes, he is articulate and well versed in the art of debate, but still has so many fooled.

Those who advocate for this mental defect to hold the trust of We the People, once released from prison prove that the voters of this city and nation more stupid and uninformed than most would think. You would vote for a degenerate to make major legislative decisions with intelligence and moral clarity, who is too stupid to know that you DO NOT send photos of your penis to the world !

And those perverts trying to blame a young impressionable girl rather than a so called adult, are so blinded by your politics, bordering on insanity.

Would you advocate for the elimination of statutory rape laws and release all of the teachers who had inappropriate relations with their students?

If this were President Donald John Trump, you would call for the death penalty...

Anonymous said...

Imagine. Just one slip of his finger on his phone caused this...

Anonymous said...

Almost feel sorry for the guy.

A skinny pervert named "Weiner" is going to get locked up in jail with real criminals for nearly two years. Unless they send him to a real country club, where he can consort with no one but crooked bankers and other politicians, he's in for a rough ride.

Almost feel sorry for the guy, but not quite. You don't engage in internet sex talk with 15-year olds, no matter if they consent. Not if you're any kind of a man.

But then, I suppose he's going to decisively lose the "man" role within 24 hours of stepping inside his new home...

Anonymous said...

there's a moral code almost everywhere including prison
it varies
BUT in prison the one thing that's not tolerated is pedophiles
even they know its wrong
he will have many ROUGH rides
guards will look the other way
you can only talk your way out of so much
karma can be a real Bitch!

Anonymous said...

During the last mayor election this guy made the most sense. Look how stupid he really is. Gives you an idea of the others - like Big Slow whom Weiner made mince meat.

JQ LLC said...

Not for nothing, but this guy going to prison doesn't mean a damn thing. He knew what he did and then he did it again and again. Hillary sabotage him and herself with her shady server that it led to the feds demanding the laptop of her patsy Huma.

I couldn't give a shit about him and the others who enabled him. Especially the others. Move forward, not backward everyone.

Anonymous said...

Never held a real job,what is his net worth?

Anonymous said...

Weiner with his law knowledge will do better in prison then Phil Spector --who now almost runs his joint teaching music.
Weiner is not in the category with child molesters and people that get bubba.

Anonymous said...

Thank allah for Weiner... he helped block that old criminal witch from stealing the presidency from Mr Trump, like she did from Mr Boinee frum da Brooklyn... lol... how delightful ...

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