Friday, June 23, 2017

Replacing Rikers

From Crains:

The most feasible location to boost flights is LaGuardia Airport, by building a new runway on Rikers Island in place of the jail complex that the city hopes to close within 10 years. The plan, a recommendation of the Rikers Commission, would involve laying another strip of tarmac on the reclaimed isle and connecting it to a new terminal next to the existing airport. Because Rikers is more than 400 acres, other infrastructure uses often loathed by residential neighborhoods could be sited there with 
little fuss. A waste treatment, composting or waste-to-energy plant could help the city make serious strides toward its environmental goals, Torres Springer said, and a solar energy farm could produce and store hundreds of megawatts of power.

From DNA Info:

A plan to close Rikers Island unveiled Thursday won't happen without the support of local city council members willing to clear the way for local jails in their districts, the mayor said on WNYC's Brian Lehrer's show.

The 85-year-old jail has been plagued by concerns for inmate mistreatment and deaths, security issues and mismanagement, won't close without new satellite jails, Mayor Bill de Blasio, said Thursday morning.

While de Blasio's ten-year-plan included a combination of criminal justice reforms to drive down the city's inmate population by making it easier to pay bail, investing more in mental health programs and decreasing crime rates, details of the satellite jails are conspicuously absent.

The mayor put the onus squarely on neighborhood NIMBYs.

"We're going keep driving [the inmate population] down with every tool we have, but we can't get off Rikers, unless there are specific places where the local leadership accept a jail facility," he said. "It just cannot happen without a vote of the City Council."

In March of 2016, DNAinfo exclusively reported that the city was quietly eyeing several sites for new satellite jails including locations in Hunts Point in the Bronx, in College Point in Queens, at 287 Maspeth Ave. on a vacant lot owned by National Grid in East Williamsburg, at 803 Forbell St. in East New York and at two sites on Staten Island.


Anonymous said...

"They just say College Point as if it's a dumping ground for the city," Morales said. "We've been working hard to create a Renaissance down there and we really feel that putting a jail in that area would be really detrimental."

No offense, but as a resident of College Point, there is no Renaissance going on. the neighborhood has been inundated with slime partially due to the "Spa" on 11th avenue and partially just due to the overall deterioration of the community as a whole. putting a jail in the community would be a further blight, but lets not act like its some amazing community with the greatest quality of life. it has become a slum, just tour College Point Blvd. now versus ten years ago. it has officially become "garbage Point" so they'll dump as much as they want.

Gary W said...

Wow, the people who live in Manhattan are really going to be pissed when they see the location picked out for them....oh wait.

Anonymous said...

All the boroughs have proposed jails except for one.

Can you guess which one?

kapimap said...

Keep the jail, fix the broken system, speed up justice.

Could be more easily done if you have more judges holding hearings, complete ferorm of the bail bonds business, create more mandatory programs as an alternative, harder labor sentances.

Anonymous said...

>Because Rikers is more than 400 acres, other infrastructure uses often loathed by residential neighborhoods could be sited there with 
little fuss.

Like jails?

Anonymous said...

Left-wing neofascism explained:

1. Garner fake compassion for inmates.
2. Instead of building a new jail at the same location, send inmates to neighborhoods that REBNY wants to clear out and rezone anyway. The neighborhoods proposed are mostly Trumpsters anyway, so fuck 'em, right?
3. Build the airport extension that REBNY wants.
4. Hold off opposition from generational Queens residents by demeaning them and calling them all NIMBY's or racists or whatever "the resistance" deems appropriate while they fix the world.

Social engineering and the big business, perfect together!

Some questions:
Why can't a new jail be built on Rikers, like a new airport is being built next door? Why must rikers be moved but not LGA? This has been suggested by SCHUMER himself. Why isn't anyone calling to task the mayor on his obvious collusion with REBNY, the Global Gateway Alliance and the Port Authority (which olnly leases the land from the city?

It's almost like the media PURPOSELY avoids these questions, perhaps because they are also owned by real estate kingpins.

Final thought: NYC will tax the HELL out the Port Authority when this happens. It's city land and so is LaGuardia. There is so much $$$$ going on here. It's not about the FUCKING inmates.

Another thought: Where the FUCK are all these planes going to fit in an already saturated airspace? Be careful, avgeeks. I'll be fact checking your impulse responses...

Anonymous said...

Stupid mofo, wants jails in the middle of the most populated areas.
Bad idea, just like having an airport like La Guardia in the middle of the most populated areas.
These people are on drugs that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

I heard they also wanted to "fancy" these jails up too by giving them a martha stewart touch to them. They claim that jail is a rehabilitation center and should look like one! I saw a pic in the paper on what they want it to look like and it looks like the indoors to a starbucks with just more radiant colors. It was in the "ny post" this morning.

Joe Moretti said...

Just when you think that Mayor Dumbo cannot outdo his own stupidity, he hits his stride all over again.

You have a jail in an isolated area, where damn jails should be. Just fix the fucking thing up and fix the fucking system as opposed to putting jails in already completely over-developed and over-crowded boroughs. Christ, the inmates are in Rikers, they are running the damn government.

What a major fucking mess this shitty city is. People talk about idiot Trump (which he is), well we have our own progressive version of Trump. DeTrumpio.

Anonymous said...

If anyone was still supporting this mayor, this is (yet another) reason to vote him out in November. At his point, anybody would be better.

If you look at the rikers plan on the new city website, they mention that almost 40% of the people in rikers have some kind of mental illness. Those people need treatment. But where is the discussion of closing rikers and building mental facilities? There is none! Close rikers, let the mentally ill wander the streets and the others can be spread throughout the boroughs. This benefits noone.

Anonymous said...

The money grubbing landlords with larger old run-down commercial properties are salivating over the idea of smaller community jails. The question is how much $ they have to donate to their City Council Member. Anyone on the City Council who is in favor of closing Rikers is suspect. Please make a point of asking all candidates in the upcoming election on how they will vote on this issue. If they are in favor, watch them squirm for their bullshit reason (like safety of the Correction Officers).

Anonymous said...

Great more Jet noise and air pollution to kill us even faster !

Anonymous said...

"If it's good for ex-cons, it's good for Queens."

JQ LLC said...

Like the scoundrels at REBNY might say, it's all about location location location. (location cubed)

OK, There will be two way west in Staten Island near South Jersey. I guess that was the real reason De Faustio went there first to scarf canolis with Oddo.

There is one that looks like the border of Brooklyn and Queens near Ozone Park and East New York like where the low level and project housing are by Linden Blvd. Wanna bet a bulk of the shelters are going to be built there too. This is where the city is going to thrust the homeless and next to be homeless to after East New York's government sanctioned gentrification(yes, I'm being redundant for effect).

No jails for Manhattan, shocker there. And yet again the needs of the tourists outweigh the needs and security of the native citizenry, the people who pay to live here full time. I tie this to De Faustio's earlier claim that people out of town know what's best for the city than his constituency does.

Of course for this to become a horrible reality, crime has to go down enough to ensure it's transformation, and I don't see that happening (new bad days, shameless plug)in the near or way ahead future and see it exploding in the next few hot months of a very suffering, humid, oppressing summer. Especially oppressing, considering the stunt De Faustio and councilwoman Chen pulled at the mayor's bogus town hall on the L.E.S. and Chinatown. Cellphone robberies, shootings, stabbings, slashing and of course sexual deviancy have seen an dramatic uptick in the past few months.

And the widening economic disparity and people being displaced from their apts from gentrification is going to produce more bitter and frustrated people, and will lead to more gangs.

The gentrification industrial complex has been gifted with generous rezoning and upzoning that has upended and changed/ruined the boroughs with their blade runner towers and fabricated market rates enabled by this corrupt mayor, but this time he and they will fail trying with this demented sociology project.

And damn right I don't want this in my backyard assholes. Or anyone other sane person's backyard.

resist. peace.

Anonymous said...

bdb is a piece of crap that cant stand looking at his white face in the mirror. Thats why he married the predator and seeks to destroy the city at every turn while lining his pockets. He gets rich and he gets to destroy working class white neighborhoods in the process. Not that NYC needed help driving out middle class whites.

Anonymous said...

Mandatory sentencing of deportation to country of ancestral origin. Revocation of passport and branding........ I just fixed the prison system ...

Anonymous said...

So much for the anemic effectiveness of that "Quiet Skies" group.

Anonymous said...

"So much for the anemic effectiveness of that community board 7 group."

Anonymous said...

College Point...uh...."Garbage Point" has been a dumping ground for nearly 100 years. Anything unwanted in Chuck Apelian's me log the woods gets put there. Whatever happened to that FBI investigation of the corruption at CB7?

Anonymous said...

CB7 is far from anemic when it comes to selling out their district. They are most voracious. How much overseas Chinese money has wound up in their pockets?

Anonymous said...

When will all this shit stop ? So many bad decisions by our elected officials and we just keep getting screwed over and over again !

Anonymous said...

"How much overseas Chinese money has wound up in their pockets?"
I wonder myself. Let's here it from Warren, Gene and Chuck!

"Whatever happened to that FBI investigation of the corruption at CB7?"
It's stopped. They found no evidence. Maybe the Citizens Union will investigate CB7 on their own. We'll see...

Doesn't matter. The final say on this Riker's project will come down to the 'Sliwa Slurper' Melinda Katz, Danny Dromm and Julissa Ferreras.

Anonymous said...

And CB7 just took over the community aviation roundtable from the people who started it and formed it.

I'm sure it will work out as splendidly as everything else they do. For the real estate industry, that is.

Anonymous said...

I agree with many of the comments. What a bold land grab this is!

Anonymous said...

Wheres QBP on this? I hope she's fighting against it. A jail facility in Garbage Point will finish off North East Queens. If the Mayor thinks he's hiking our taxes AND putting a jail in our midst he will drive out all the taxpayers that can barely afford his hikes, property values WILL plummett and NEQ will become another NYC slum.

Anonymous said...

"NEQ will become another NYC slum."

NEQ will become like Williamsburg and Hell's Kitchen. Completely rezoned and paved over for the snowflake horde. They would tear down churches and pave cemetaries if they had to.

Foreign investment into the Real Estate industry here will see that gentrification spreads to the border of the city and even beyond.

And when the little hipster handmaidens start complaining about flight routes and prostitution spas, then that shit will will stop. When we complain, they love it, because they know we'll sell...

Which is what they want...

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