Thursday, April 13, 2017

CBS visits Greenpoint parking trap

From CBS 2:

It is called the parking trap of Brooklyn, on Manhattan Avenue between Huron and India streets. Even a Department of Transportation driver and Greenpoint’s city councilman have fallen for it.

“I’ve definitely gotten one or two tickets there myself,” said Councilman Stephen Levin (D-33rd).

A sign is set up on the sidewalk, and it says two-hour metered parking is permitted from the sign to the end of the block. But on the other side of the sign, parking is not allowed – even though there is a space is all circled off by the same white line.

But the space on the other side of the sign is a no standing zone. There is another sign saying as much on the corner, where there used to be a bus stop.

The bust stop moved last year, but the parking rules stayed.

“The best solution is actually restoring all of the parking on that whole block because there’s no bus stop there now, and so they really should restore all the parking that they can, and not give people a major headache and $115 ticket,” added Councilman Levin.

Fed up drivers said they have tried reaching out to the city to no avail, so CBS2 decided to show the images to the Department of Transportation. A department representative told CBS2, “The DOT will look into adjusting the markings in this area to eliminate confusion indicating where drivers can park.”

In the meantime, there's a new app to help you pay your tickets!


faster340 said...

It's never about enforcement and always about revenue.

Anonymous said...

>The bust stop moved last year, but the parking rules stayed.

I'm still waiting for an explanation on why that is.

Anonymous said...

The DOT commissioner and at least one other borough commissioner I know are useless and incompetent.

Anonymous said...

Alas, last Anonymous: They are all useless and incompetent because their paychecks are beholden to enforcing all policies that falsely exalt and empower the few elitists (not egalitarianism), at the expense of the many.

And, the only reason why city, state and municipal government henchmen continue to misbehave like unresponsive tyrants is because corporate fascism/terrorism in now in charge, here in 'Gargoyle' Andrew Cuomo's 'police state' of daily fear and paralysis, which has replaced our former, democracy practicing Republic with the failed global policies of the past, where it's 'Deja Vu' all over again!

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