Friday, February 10, 2017

Ridgewood Reservoir nominated for National Register

From Save Ridgewood Reservoir:

NYC H2O has applied to the State and National Historic Registers for the Ridgewood Reservoir. You can write a letter of support and address it to the State Historic Preservation Office. Here's a link to a suggested letter.

New York State Division for Historic Preservation
Peebles Island State Park
P.O. Box 189
Waterford, NY 12188-0189

Ridgewood Reservoir Nomination by ridgewoodreservoir on Scribd


(sarc) said...

This would double the bureaucracies involved,essentially doubling the cost.

We could then have more involvement from the State and even greater beholden to their regulations and agencies.

This is how government continues its never ending creep into every single aspect of our lives.

Any improvements would require permissions from the State.

Oh a new conservation center? It must now get State approvals. This extends the times to do anything and I am sure, easily double initial costs and budget, this does not include project overruns.

Why are we allowing the Camel's nose under the tent?

Be cautious of your request...

Anonymous said...

Try decaf in the morning, (Sarc). You're getting much too wound up over things like this.

(sarc) said...

As stated in past posts, it is only later in the mornings that I carefully brew a bold cup of English Breakfast Tea.

My morning posts are always preceding my caffeine consumption.

It is my lunchtime posts that may or may not have a caffeine influence.

Although my midday meal always leaves me longing for a nap...

Anonymous said...

Make sure that you take a daily nap, sarc, because fighting THIS insane administration will leave you bereft and sleep deprived like nowhere else around the globe! Hell, even the Stasi Police weren't this invasive when I lived in East Germany, back in the days of the Iron Curtain!

Now, 75 years later, brace yourselves New York, for the Cuomo Dynasty-foisted Iron Curtain 2.0! This is NOT anything even REMOTELY close to the egalitarian and balanced New York City and State in which I was born and raised. Now, it's a padded cell——replete with political land mines!

May Divine Intervention help us all!

Anonymous said...

Make sure that you take a daily nap, sarc, because fighting THIS insane administration will leave you bereft and sleep deprived like nowhere else around the globe! Hell, even the Stasi Police weren't this invasive when I lived in East Germany, back in the days of the Iron Curtain!

Now, 75 years later, brace yourselves New York, for the Cuomo Dynasty-foisted Iron Curtain 2.0! This is NOT anything even REMOTELY close to the egalitarian and balanced New York City and State in which I was born and raised. Now, it's a padded cell——replete with political land mines!

May Divine Intervention help us all!

Anonymous said...

Big whoop. Even if it gets on the register, what does that mean in the way of protection?
Very little.

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