Thursday, November 17, 2016

Queens Library to protest Trump

From LIC Post:

Demonstrations and protests have dominated cities across the country since the election last week, and now a local politician is getting in on the action.

Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer will be leading a march across the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower on Saturday to protest against the values that President Elect Donald Trump espouses. The march will begin at 1 pm and will leave from Dutch Kills Green in Queens Plaza.

Organizations included in the event tonight are:

-Planned Parenthood of New York City

-Girl Scouts of Greater New York

-Make the Road New York

-Woodside On the Move

-Jacob Riis Center

-Sunnyside Community Services

-Emerald Isle Immigration Center

-Big Reuse

-Catholic Migration Center

-Queens Library

-Fortune Society

-Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City

-Muslim Student Association of Aviation High School

-Theater of the Oppressed New York

-Aids Center of Queens County

-The Arab American Family Support Center

-…And possibly more

These protests get more comical by the day. There were no protests when they were sure he would lose.


Anonymous said...

Where were the protests when the head of the Queens Library system stole millions of dollars and then received a huge settlement from Queens Library??? Where are your priorities Jimmy?

Anonymous said...

Protests against what? Stop whining, you lost the elections and that's all there is to it. Your democratic elected official Hilary Clinton never did a damn thing for ny when she was senator and she didn't do anything useful as Secretary of state either. I actually know a lot of military men who voted for trump because they all thought Bill Clinton messed up the military in general so that's why they were so hesitant to put another Clinton into office and also because of all of her lies and cover ups.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of how institutions in Queens are hijacked by Democratic machine nomenklatura running the welfare state

- after the image of the Library stamped by the (perhaps? shady) practices of the organization, suspicions that it is now little more than an the mistress (perhaps?) of the machine (and by extension developers who are ruining communities)

it should be comfort to the broader community that these people are not marching to promote Jimmy's career (which is in essence the point of this stunt) but to protect the funding of their programs.

Sorry, Jimmy, but this might have worked a decade ago, but by now people are pretty much on to your game ... and a surprising number of people read this blog.

.... which is something that should unsettle a very bright, and very ambitious boy like you.

Anonymous said...

Since the machine controls the local press to ensure that Uncle Joe Stalin is the only thing your read, check out a breath of fresh air from the real world:

White working- and middle-class fellow citizens – out of anger and anguish – rejected the economic neglect of neoliberal policies and the self-righteous arrogance of elites. The neoliberal era in the United States ended with a neofascist bang.

The political triumph of Donald Trump shattered the establishments in the Democratic and Republican parties – both wedded to the rule of Big Money and to the reign of meretricious politicians.

For 40 years, neoliberals lived in a world of denial and indifference to the suffering of poor and working people and obsessed with the spectacle of success. The age of Obama was the last gasp of neoliberalism.

Despite some progressive words and symbolic gestures, Obama chose to ignore Wall Street crimes, reject bailouts for homeowners, oversee growing inequality and facilitate war crimes like US drones killing innocent civilians abroad.

In this sense, Trump’s election was enabled by the neoliberal policies of the Clintons and Obama that overlooked the plight of our most vulnerable citizens.

Anonymous said...

So, the queen is marching across the Queensboro Bridge.
Where was the wining SOB when he took money from rapacious developers that screwed LIC?
Lapping up the gravy!

Anonymous said...

Right after this round of protests begins the "Don't cut our funding protests"


JQ LLC said...

Well, Don Worthless's diarrhea tweets about professional protesters just got vindicated, thanks to Councilman Jimbrowski. Since the majority of these are elected and appointed officials, they are being paid by us to march.

Frankly, I was for the original protest marches. But this is just political pandering. And because of the ego of the target, our repulsive leader will see this as more adulation. He feeds off this like a classic bad guy wrestler. Killer Kowalski in the ring had more tact and class.

A Better NYC said...

I'm already committed to attend a "Lock Her Up" protest in Chappaqua.

Anonymous said...

In fact, there was a headline on a story in the NY Times before Election Day that there would be demonstrations and riots if Hillary won --

Anonymous said...

Replace librarians with robots.
All they do is lobby patrons to send letters to get them more money!
Remember what 1960s construction workers did to protestors?

Samuel Beckett said...

Theater of the Oppressed New York

Should be:

Theater of the Absurd New York

Joe Moretti said...

“Queens Values”, really. You mean like crooked & corrupt Queens politicians like jailbirds Former Senators Malcolm Smith & Shirley Huntely, former Assembly Member William Scarborough, soon to head to jail Councilman Ruben Wills, corrupt yet not caught Congressman Gregory Meeks, lazy Assembly Member Vivian Cook and this sellout douche bag leading the march, Van Bramer, those values. OR maybe you mean values like “third world country ghetto” where people just trash communities and take no pride or hood rat values like blasting away another human being, those values. Or the values that destroy places like the Steinway Mansion or all the history that gets erased away to build third world country shanty towns, THOSE VALUES

Or do you mean values like the unethical BP Katz and all of her wonderful predecessors who sold out Queens like some cheap whore, THOSE VALUES.

Anonymous said...

I do want to give Trump a chance. He's not even president yet so I think these protests are getting a little ahead of themselves.

But, I wouldn't be too confident a man born a millionaire, living a playboy lifestyle and pushing out low income residents from his properties understands the plight of "the working man".

Obama worked to get healthcare for all citizens and people fought him at every step of the way. I don't think that's indifference to the poor.
>> neoliberals lived in a world of denial and indifference to the suffering of poor

Joe Moretti said...

Wait till the Donald puts "Rudy The Terrible" in as Secretary of State, a man who has no foreign policy experience and where listening to others is not his strong suit & so begins Iraq Part 3, then tax cuts for the rich & corporations, then the privatization of Medicare & Social Security, then no manufacturing jobs back to this country, illegal immigrants will still be here (do you know the amount of time and money it would cost to round up 12 million (but now he is back tracking, saying only the "criminals", which that has already been happening for years dating back to Bush.

When all the white working class in this country wakes up to higher taxes on them, no health insurance, medicare & social security taken away and they are handed a voucher to go look for this on their own, still no jobs and illegal immigrants still hanging out on their corner, then and only then, will they realize they have been played by the biggest elitist con artist, who could care less about poor white trash.

And what happened to his buddy Christie, he quickly gave him and anyone associated with him the BOOT. Guess he did not like Christie going after his asshole son-in-law's crooked father.

Ah, good times ahead.

But hey, you can buy Ivanka's $10,000 bracelet off the government website. Will make a nice Christmas gift for your loved ones.


And now begins the parade of comments from those who just don't want to believe that they got "trumped".

Did you really believe one of the biggest elitist in the world. Maybe he can start Trump University up and you can all attend for free.

Pepe Grenouille said...

so begins Iraq Part 3

The U.S. is currently involved in 5 undeclared wars: Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.

Got Hope and Change?

who could care less about poor white trash.

Yes, because Hillary Clinton loves the "basket of deplorables" and Obama loves those "bitter clingers".

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Pepe Grenouille said...

so begins Iraq Part 3

The U.S. is currently involved in 5 undeclared wars: Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.

Got Hope and Change?

who could care less about poor white trash.

Yes, because Hillary Clinton loves the "basket of deplorables" and Obama loves those "bitter clingers".


AND remind me who got us in Iraq to begin with under lies of involvement of 911 , then weapons of mass destruction, which pretty much destabilized the whole Middle East, put us in major deficit, while making the a few mega rich........ now what was the President and Vice-President's name.............sound like Tush and Heney...........but maybe I am mixing up actual fact with factoids.

Just own that shit.

Anonymous said...

And now begins the parade of comments from those who just don't want to believe that they got "trumped".

Liberalism is a mental disease, perfectly demonstrated by your comment.

To you people is OK to have a 2 bit liar, nutjob (who is selling state secrets) as POTUS or her pervert husband who made oral sex a dinner topic (thanks MSM) around America.
Now we find out that a lot of protesters didn't even vote!!!
The protests are paid for and by the chief globalist George Soros. You know the guy who created the european migrant crisis, not to mention color revolutions in various countries, currecy speculation that almost brought down the Bank of England and Malaysia.
So here is the deal. I'm no big fan of either party, but Donald J. Trump deserves a chance. He accomplished more in a few days than others in 2 terms.
If he is not working out, our constitutional republic allows us to vote him out in 4 years.
Grow up and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

I am all for peaceful protesting. Non violent.
Yet I read and heard how so many did not vote.
You can protest all you want...he is our president elect. He has not even got into office yet. You have four years to see what he does for this country. If you still don't like it then vote get your person in. Until then let's give him a chance.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is stupid but Obama was criticized from trying to pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan and then criticized for not getting more involved in Syria.

Since you and I don't have all the information that the NSA is collecting nor info on the secret operations, we can't really know what exactly is going on to make informed decisions .

>>The U.S. is currently involved in 5 undeclared wars:

Anonymous said...

>Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer will be leading a march across the Queensboro Bridge to Trump Tower on Saturday to protest against the values that President Elect Donald Trump espouses.

van Bramer's especially worried about the "drain the swamp" bit Trump espouses.

> These protests get more comical by the day. There were no protests when they were sure he would lose.

Why would there be?

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the bloated Queens Library administration - drain the swamp!

Anonymous said...

How can I return my Queens Library card. I no longer need it...

Anonymous said...

Argh, stop with the spreading of false viral news. We did not find out "a lot" of the protesters didn't vote . We found out 110 people were arrested in Oregon and about 80 could not be confirmed that they voted .

faster340 said...

The library should stick to books and crooked administrators who spend lots of money on office renovations...

Anonymous said...

I am glad Trump won, even though I did not vote for the clueless blowhard.
All of the dummies who believed in this false messiah will be hurt the most.
That will be their punishment for their stupidity.
I will gloat when this happens.
It ain't gonna really affect my financial position.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Jimmy will cut funding to the Girl Scouts if they don't march for him?

But we can be sure that he will encourage adult 'transgendered females' to share bathrooms with the girls, right?

Who knows? He keeps his aids closer to him than Hillary.

PS Like the publicity on the news this morning that someone threatened him on this. Methinks that this is just his publicity to encourage sympathy, because everyone that opposes this thinks the best thing is for him to do is to go ahead and do the march. His opponents are having a field day.

Anonymous said...

I heard someone called Jimmy's office wanting to march with a contingent under the banner

"Clean up the Queens Library Swamp or Close it Down!"

and no one has got back to them.

Its bad enough the White House has been accused of censorship and discrimination, now this from a Democrat. I am shocked. I am appalled

Anonymous said...

Girl Scouts!!

Anonymous said...

I hope these yahoos from the Queens Library aren't doing this on my dime, or there's gonna be another protest on their hands. I don't see how an organization run purely on tax funding gets to protest under their organization. Do you see other government run entities protesting under their agency name?

Anonymous said...

Is the Queens Library is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party of Queens that fronts as a public service?

The board mess is a black eye for the borough and if they think using tax payers money earmarked for programs and education to buy off the silence to protect that board, a Who's Who of Queens elite, they are sadly mistaken.

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