Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Queens is being inundated with shelters

Hey all, this info came to me late last night. As you can see from the City's own chart above, Acacia Network, the "social service" organization that is responsible for the poorly run Verve Hotel in LIC and which is planning to open a shelter at the Holiday Inn Express in Maspeth, has so many problems and violations at its other shelters that the city is closing them down. "C" means closed and "P" means pending closure. So where to put all the homeless that Manhattan, Staten Island, Brooklyn and the Bronx are responsible for? Why QUEENS, of course! That's the fair thing to do after all. Burden overtaxed working and middle class homeowners so that a charity with a long history of coming up short for both the city and its clients can continue to enrich themselves.

There is no huge increase in numbers of homeless, just fewer sites to place them. You'll notice the line highlighted in green is about an adult couples shelter that has 39 rooms. The city is claiming that if the Maspeth community can come up with an alternate site containing 35 rooms, then the Holiday Inn site will be tabled. Is this why? They need to replace a closed Manhattan shelter for adult couples?

An industrious fellow on the Maspeth 11378 Facebook page also did some digging and came up with a lot of information about this so called "charity" known as Acacia Network.
I suppose the Queens papers could have uncovered this, if they weren't so busy defending Liz Crowley and Marge Markey.

And the response from City Hall?


Anonymous said...

Why is Acacia being protected like this...
Remember Pedro Espada & Soundview Clinics? Is there a connection between Acacia and individual Council member's?

Anonymous said...

Remember Deblasio managed Hillary's 2000 campaign,they are two peas in a pod, and people if wanna stick it to Blasio and the Democrats help to oust Adobo, their main goal is to take back the state Senate, by voting him out you are sticking it to them

Anonymous said...

and Addabbo has someone running against him!

Anonymous said...

"Non Profit Empire" ... says it all!!

Anonymous said...

"Is there a connection between Acacia and individual Council member's?". Certainly, the City Council President MMV has been very cozy with Acacia. Puerto Rican political mafia?

Anonymous said...

Good to see someone is finally reading my posts. Similar results can also be found about the other 'non profits' who are awarded these lucrative contracts (Samaritan Village, Housing Bridge, Help USA).

Anonymous said...

So Queens is absorbing everyone placed outside of Queens? There are NO closing shelters in Queens as per that chart. WTF?

Anonymous said... Tomas Del Rio's new position

GeminiAura said...

Thank for for linking to my Facebook post. Much appreciated. As I wrote there's more to come.

Anonymous said...

All part of the master plan. To make Queens the real 3rd world county of NY

Anonymous said...


Gary W said...

Glendale, Maspeth? At this point what difference does it make?!?!?

Would anyone be surprised if they both get shelters?

Res Ipsa said...

How much did Acacia or its members donate to de Blasio/ Campaign for One NY? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

A little tidbit on Acacia and the Council President.

Anonymous said...

To their credit, they did not donate to the Clinton Foundation!

Anonymous said...

Instead of closing all these shelters in the other boroughs because Acacia screwed up and didn't maintain them, why doesn't the Board of Health, Department of Buildings, and the Fire Department get together, total up all their violations, fine them, and make Acacia pay to correct these violations? Why is Queens the new dumping ground for the homeless? Probably because Queens has the most minorities and non-speaking population and the politicians don't care if it looks like the Third World. By the way, where is Melinda Katz in all of this? After all, she is the Borough President. Not a peep from her or all the other politicians who are supposed to represent Queens.

Lee said...

Both neighborhoods could each grt the shelter since they target different populations. Glendale for families with children and Maspeth for adults. Our city is not only sneaky, but cunning.....and totally dishonest and corrupt

Anonymous said...

How's about a giant tent city surrounding the Universe? Call it Diblasiotown, or Obamaville.

Anonymous said...

Forget about who did what to whom.

You need to remember only one thing from this.


Remember. These people can make a lot of money hoodwinking you, they know that the public has a short attention span, and that you all believe in the myth of 'public servants.'

Besides, we all have better things to do then to mind these children.

They will inevitably win in the long run. Accept it.



Anonymous said...

The Holiday Inn on Horace Harding Expressway in Corona is across the street from my home and I have noticed more and more "Tier 2 clients" roaming around my neighborhood so that place has been housing shelter clients as well...

Anonymous said...

Who is running against Addabo? I will vote for whoever that is, because of Addabo's rude and disrespectful staffers. Someone should start asking questions about who those staffers are married to and related to.

is this guy a housing court judge? Isn't this a serious conflict of interest?

Once you see one non profit, they are always connected to more.

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me Al Frankin has died and reincarnated to play a joke on Maspeth? The chart above tells me we have our own local non profit Clinton Foundation

Anonymous said...

Michael Conigliaro is running against Joe Addabbo

Anonymous said...

Of course Queens is a dumping ground.
Isn't it being touted by borough hall as the world's borough?
Translation: 3rd world dump!

ALL of the most western nabes are to be used as Queens' prime humanity dumps.

Prime nabes in the northeast get nothing but the best.

NYC's policy is all about containment.
Keep the crap in what NYC sees as the crap nabes....Maspeth, Glendale, Middle Village, maybe even Ridgewood...despite its landmark status. Uh....that status was granted purely to,upgrade the area and attract new yuppies so that it wouldn't become like East New York.

Why? Because the big wigs live in Douglaston, etc. DAMNED IF THEY WILL HAVE HUMAN REFUSE FUCKING UP THEIR CUSHY LIVES!

JQ LLC said...

Since tar and feathering and lynch mobs has long been abolished and a thorough ass kicking is considered a felony, somehow Lincoln Restler must be humiliated every day of his pampered life. That photoshop is just a start. But more needs to be done to get this weasel and discourage him from performing civic duties and whatever warped ambitions, goals and plans for elected office (his one percenter parents didn't name him Lincoln for nothing)

Remember, these hipshits have no shame and are abominable narcissists who think any insult or justified attacks on their twisted morality is flattery. Unless one is persistent. These geeks and this entire generation of youth are weak and quit easily. Remember this hipshit's name forever when you see urban blight and rampant and preventable homelessness.

LINCOLN RESTLER. Mayor Big Slow's true representative Lowlife Appointed Parasite Douchebag Asshole Geek. (put it together)

Anonymous said...

Have you ever spoken with Michael Conigliaro? He's no better than Addobbo. He used his mother-in-law's address to put his kid in PS113, which is a Blue Ribbon school, in Glendale while he lives in Rego Park. People who live across the street from the school cannot get their own children in the school because dishonest people like him are taking coveted seats in the school.

We need a third choice because both stink.

Anonymous said...

Northeast Queens is cushy?

Uh,,,been there lately?

Anonymous said...

Uh...yeah, dummy....compared to middle and western Queens , the northeast looks a hell of a lot better.
The Douglas Manor historic district is both cushy and very expensive. You are the one who is out of touch, fella!
Maybe you need to revisit your opthomolgist.

JQ LLC said...

I meant to spell LAPDOG so substitute asshole for odious.

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