Tuesday, August 16, 2016

QNS writes pro-Crowley advertisement, passes it off as factual article on Maspeth shelter

Elizabeth Crowley quite obviously called in a favor to get the laughable QNS.com, which used to be the Times Newsweekly and Queens Courier, to write a piece attempting to discredit the Queens Crap story written about her making a deal to get the Glendale shelter off the table. They wrote an opinion piece and passed it off as actual news, which I am sure no readers except for Democratic operatives and the hopelessly gullible actually believe. (Note the use of inset campaign photo.)

I'd like to point out that the "paper" interviewed 2 Glendale civic leaders who have every reason to claim that the plan is still valid. It failed, however, to ask any Maspeth civic leaders what they thought about it. And that's because they knew what the response would be - OF COURSE IT WAS A SWAP.

Furthermore, I'd like to let you know of the deception that was employed here. Take a look at this email and pay attention to the highlighted parts:

Now get a load of this:
Because this rumor originated with Queens Crap, we asked how they received their information, with the understanding that they probably wouldn’t give us their exact source.

“NYPD,” the anonymous blogger behind Queens Crap wrote in response to a QNS reporter’s email inquiry. Those four letters were the extent of their message; no other specifics were provided. There are more than 51,000 employees of the NYPD, including more than 34,000 officers.
There was no follow up email from Anthony Giudice asking more questions. I supplied exactly what he asked for on the belief that they were actually investigating this and not in the process of writing a hit piece about my reporting while making Crowley look like a saint. "On background" means that your communication remains private and unsourced. And you'll notice that the reporter credited with the article is not the one that contacted me. This was in every aspect, a setup.

The funny thing is that after attempting to call me out on the carpet, they still didn't prove that there is no deal. The entire article is built on a DHS denial (we know they'd never lie) and speculation about whether or not Crowley would make a political gamble when she hasn't even declared that she will run for another term. It's really just a convoluted mess. In fact THIS part is gold because it goes against what they are alleging:
During an Aug. 3 meeting between representatives of the mayor’s office and local elected officials, Arcuri said, Crowley asked the city if the administration was taking the Glendale shelter plan “off the table.” None of the officials there answered her question, he noted.
Shouldn't the answer have been an emphatic "NO" if the true answer is no? And then this:
It is entirely possible that someone at the NYPD may have provided information about the Maspeth shelter to Queens Crap, but the statements of Crowley, city representatives and local civic leaders fighting the proposal seem to completely refute allegations of a secret deal.
Queens Crap stands by our original story. At an interdepartmental meeting with several government officials including representatives of the NYPD, the DHS said they are no longer interested in the Glendale site - mere blocks from Crowley's house - because they are opening another shelter in the district. The source of this information was present at the meeting and the source is SOLID. You readers can either choose to believe this blog which has been proven right way more often than wrong and is beholden to no one, or a paper with a history of giving meaningless awards to politicians and raking in holiday ad money from them.

Maybe QNS can investigate why, since the city has won every lawsuit regarding the Glendale site and the work permits have been approved, the shelter is not under construction if there hasn't been a deal to swap the sites. And why there was a secret meeting that all the electeds and the community board knew to show up at but failed to alert the local civic groups about.

Dear reporters, I hope it was worth it to lose all integrity for the sake of Liz Crowley.

You know when you are a blog that no politician will admit to reading, yet have been attacked by those very politicians and the lapdog media, that you are hitting a nerve and coming very close to exposing the truth.


Anonymous said...

Deal or no deal the one sure thing is that Crowley is worthless. My $ is on Crappy!

georgetheatheist said...

"...a paper with a history of giving meaningless awards to politicians and raking in holiday ad money from them...."

And run by a narcissistic superannuated old bat whose son, the co-publisher, needs to take her car keys away.

Anonymous said...

QNS quotes Kathy Masi, president of the Glendale Civic Association, to reason why Crowley wouldn't cut a deal. The Glendale Civic Assn. is basically a Facebook page, no elections, no by-laws, and critics are shut out of the site. Masi is also a long time supporter of Crowley.

Anonymous said...

Well done Crappy!

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT! Not only was that report an obvious attempt to make Crowley look better, but telling someone you'll use info they provide on background and then putting the source and the exchange in the story is just WRONG. These folks need to retake Journalism 101.

JQ LLC said...

That headline is a pisser. Very snotty. Like it was written by a defensive 12 year old girl. Journalism has come a long and wrong way from the days of woodward and bernstein, newfield and breslin.

Isn't the courier sun also part of QNS?

Anonymous said...

great work crappy

(sarc) said...

As Mister Donald John Trump would say, bad press is better than no press at all.

I imagine that hits here on The Crapper have gone up and a few more people will find alternative information.

Journalism is DEAD.

Rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

So why would Crowley sell out Maspeth if as the article claims her family lives there?

Anonymous said...

Well she also said she lived there. She never did.

Joe Moretti said...


"Anyone familiar with Queens Crap knows that the site, with its webmaster and many of its commenters cloaked by anonymity, treats many elected officials and the local press with contempt. In the past, they’ve hammered officials such as Crowley for supporting development projects they find to be harmful to Queens."

AND anyone familiar with most of the political hacks of Queens (and especially SE Queens), where most are inept and crooked, SHOULD treat these hacks with contempt and expose these hypocritical so-called public servants for what they are. Many are corrupt (one only needs to look up these public facts), could care less about constituents (constantly ignoring people's complaints which I can attest to for years) and are a a BIG detriment to Queens, the reason Queens is CRAP. Sure QNS, use Queens Crap to take away from the REAL problem, inept & crooked elected officials, questionable city agencies like DHS and hack "journalism".

By the way QNS, why aren't you focusing on these corrupt and inept elected officials who steal, cheat and lie while completely ignoring constituents complaints or questionable agencies like DHS who dump homeless shelters all over in hotels NOT designed for long term stays or the made up homeless crisis (less than 1% of the NYC population does make a crisis, which much has been manufactured by incorrect statistics. Why are you digging about the majorly corrupt SE Queens political system.

Hack politicians and hack local media outlets posing as journalist but in fact are just puppets whose strings are being pulled by the hack elected officials.

GOOD JOB EXPOSING all of this Crappy.

Queens Crapper said...

The Queens reporters love picking up stories from this blog but all the reporters are on Twitter right now bashing me for:

Keeping sources that wish to remain anonymous private.
Calling out a reporter turned flack for Crowley (because they're friends)
Pointing out that Vickie Schneps hands out awards to pols her paper reports about.

None of them have anything to say about the reporter lying to me about my comments being "on background".

(By the way, Rob Pozarycki doesn't write like this.)

They really just lost any credibility they had with the people they cover.

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff.

The address of the Times Newsweekly that appears on Anthony Giudice's e-mail is
62-70 Fresh Pond road.
This is the same address as Crifasi Realty which a couple short months ago was the object of a puff piece in the same paper written by the same Anthony Giudice praising them for playing a major part in what Middle Village is today.

Objective reporting in this supposed newspaper? Nah, just Quid Pro Quo.

Just awful said...

How do you thank someone for linking to your stuff, then lie to them about your motive for contacting them and then publish a hit piece about them?

This is extremely underhanded and makes the entire publication seem untrustworthy. Sorry, QNS, you are very much in the wrong here.

Anonymous said...

Re: Funny Stuff.

What is also funny is the misspellings in the attached photo. You'd think they'd get the correct spelling of the last name of the senior Crifasi and the Bishop of Brooklyn, Nicholas DiMarzio.

The incompetence is mind numbing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They literally wrote more than 1200 words to come to the conclusion in the last paragraph that you might be telling the truth. This is beyond unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

>critics are shut out of the site

That always seems to be the case in untrustworthy websites and new organizations.

I disagree with Crappy on a lot, but I respect that he (she?) allows anyone to comment, no matter how strongly the disagree.

Anonymous said...

When Elizabeth Crowley speaks about her 3 generations, she fails to mention how GREAT the previous 2 generations were and how she is the ugly duckling still stuck in Queens who has resorted to backstabbing her own community in an attempt to brown nose her way up. I KNEW her grandmother and that saint is rolling in her grave watching Elizabeth turn her back on Maspeth!

Anonymous said...

"When Elizabeth Crowley speaks about her 3 generations..."

Screw her and her family. Her cousin Virginny Joe is one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the county of Queens.
Queens need a total house cleaning. It's the laughing stock of national politics.

Anonymous said...

I find the Schneps papers that are given away at all the stores who advertise in them, invaluable. I also have 2 dogs that are sometimes left alone for long periods of time.

Anonymous said...

Shame on Rob Pozarycki for writing this disgraceful promotion for the inept Elizabeth Crowley, the most inarticulate and unqualified council person in memory. Unfortunately the Times Newsweekly, since it was taken over by Vicki Schneps, is being run into the ground. In just a few years she's taken a once proud 100 year old and respected newspaper and made it an irrelevant laughing stock. Carl Clemens must be spinning in his grave to what has happened to his beloved paper. The paper has hit rock bottom.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Council Member Crowley received her B.A. in Restoration from SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology where she was a Presidential Scholar and graduated Magna Cum Laude. She also holds a M.S. in City and Regional Planning from Pratt Institute’s Graduate School of Architecture.

After college, Council Member Crowley followed a passion for the arts and joined D.C. 9 International Union of Painters and Allied Trades as a restorative painter. This led her to work on numerous preservation and construction sites throughout the city, including the renovations of Radio City Music Hall, the Central Synagogue, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

In City Council District 30, Elizabeth used her city planning experience to work with the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to establish three historic districts in Ridgewood and also landmark the Forest Park Carousel. More recently, she has been a strong presence in the push to make Neir’s Tavern in Woodhaven a true New York City landmark.

... Elizabeth and her family live in Glendale.

Anonymous said...

What else do you expect from dizzy Lizzy?
Maspeth has been repeatedly screwed by this real estate industry friendly slut for years.
Yet, who keeps on electing her?
Hmmmmm....things look bleak as long as there are knuckleheads for voters.

JQ LC said...

Council Member Crowley received her B.A. in Restoration from SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology where she was a Presidential Scholar and graduated Magna Cum Laude"

A magna cum laude in Fashion??!

Dubious honors leading to dubious qualifications for elected office. Nepotism does help immensely though.

As for the rest, that bio is a bit loaded. It looks more like a resume with enhancements.

Apparently, the standards involving city planning does not include quality and life and livelihood of the residents and more about gussying up street medians and merry go rounds.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous JQ LC said...
Council Member Crowley received her B.A. in Restoration from SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology where she was a Presidential Scholar and graduated Magna Cum Laude"

A magna cum laude in Fashion??!

Dubious honors leading to dubious qualifications for elected office. Nepotism does help immensely though.

As for the rest, that bio is a bit loaded. It looks more like a resume with enhancements.

Apparently, the standards involving city planning does not include quality and life and livelihood of the residents and more about gussying up street medians and merry go rounds.


As an urban planner and historic preservation activist and professional, I am always dumbfounded (emphasis on DUMB) that CM Crowley, who helped destroy St. Saviour's; did nothing to get Richmond Hill landmarked when it was in her Council District; was a bump on a log during the fight to get Middle Village, Glendale, Maspeth and other parts of the 30th Council District contextually rezoned; did nothing to stop the illegal dormitories connected to the Yeshiva on 88th Street; and now tries to exact revenge on a proven news outlet through lame proxies because she got caught trying to dump a homeless shelter on a part of her district that she doesn't live in to protect her own skin, has the balls to brag about her "credentials" in both fields.

Way to go, 30th Council District, in re-electing a destructive phony in 2013! Hope you do better this time around.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

QNS, quasi-news service.

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