Monday, August 29, 2016

Glendale yeshiva tries for BSA variance

From the Queens Tribune:

After clearing their violations with the City Department of Buildings, the Yeshiva Gedolah at 74-10 88th St. in Glendale is once again seeking variance to expand its dormitory quarters to accommodate 1,050 students with an additional 50,000 square feet of space.

At a land use hearing at Borough hall last Thursday, attorney for the yeshiva Jay Goldstein said that the goal is to keep more students on site so they can take advantage of early morning classes and decrease busing to and from the site, which is a major complaint in the neighborhood.

Goldstein noted that the current dorm only allows for 282 students to stay on site. He added that with rising rent costs, parents of the students who have in the past lived in Queens and Brooklyn have now moved upstate. “That number will increase,” said Goldstein.

He said if they do not receive this variance, the school will continue to operate as a Use Group 9 trade school and find facilities for the dorm elsewhere.

The school does not have a C of O for dorms and was vacated last year for that reason. They also still have active building violations. How about building a yeshiva upstate where these kids live instead of in the middle of Glendale where they require busing?


Anonymous said...

They should ONLY be allowed to build AS OF RIGHT!!!! The BSA keeps breaking the laws for the places worship. This is wrong, the laws are created for the safety of the people, they should not be broken just because the BSA is afraid to get sued by a church. The BSA needs to be completely re-vamped. They have abused their power for years and caused a lot of hardship and poor quality of life for communities that get stuck with their criminal decisions.


Anonymous said...

dorms mean homeless shelters for sure

Anonymous said...

How do you get 17 Violations and yet not 1 penny of penalty?

Anonymous said...

If you don't knuckle under and change the law you are a RACIST!

Only Hitler wouldn't support this! Are you like Hitler?

Anonymous said...

as opposed as i am to them being granted any variance, the link to the BIS page shows that all their violations have been paid. the column on the far right showing zero balances is what is owed on the violations. they have paid them all, but that should not give them carte blanche on something that was already denied once.

Anonymous said...

It's very simple: if the architect or lawyer of the Yeshiva is connected to BSA members, they'll get the variance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you get 17 Violations and yet not 1 penny of penalty?

Political connections and religious partisanship.

(sarc) said...

At some point the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals will approve this.

The next day some will retire - and retire very comfortably!

Is that not how so much of this Yeshiva were plans approved, built and Certified for occupancy.

We have seen this show before and did not like the ending then...

Anonymous said...

> Goldstein noted that the current dorm only allows for 282 students to stay on site. He added that with rising rent costs, parents of the students who have in the past lived in Queens and Brooklyn have now moved upstate. “That number will increase,” said Goldstein.

Once again, the real culprit is gentrification.

Anonymous said...

The people Upstate don't want them either.

Anonymous said...

Orthodox Jews...Sharia law Muslims...what's the difference?
Two groups living in the dark ages in the midst of the 21st century.
And they usually insist that everyone else is immoral, if they do not abide their code and practices.

Anonymous said...

Monroe , New York....big problems!

Anonymous said...

"Orthodox Jews...Sharia law Muslims...what's the difference?"

The latter group is far more likely to cut off your head or spontaneously combust in a crowd of schoolchildren.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if those Orthodox Jews in Israel did not push into Palestinian territory with their homesteading imperialism, the Muslims would behave in a more civilized fashion.
Violence begets violence. That is one thing for sure. Get over yourself and your nationalistic ideas. The world has become that global village through the Internet. We must all learn to live together.

Anonymous said...

In Monroe N.Y. The Orthodox have taken over the town and PUSHED residents out.
If you do not live by their law, you are anti Semitic Goyam!
How tolerant of them.
One question:
Why do the Orthodox insist on wearing the garb of their earlier century Polish Christian oppressors?
Is it just to show that they are as good as these old Poles?
I do not really care what clothing one dons. It was just an observation.

Anonymous said...

What was that movie quote from?
"The sands of the desert has soaked up enough blood over the years".
Something like that.

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