Friday, June 10, 2016

Some great Alley Creek photography

There's a great photo essay about Alley Creek over at Curbed today.


Anonymous said...

If they treated Meadow Lake with the same consideration and care, FMCP would once again become the great park that it once was.

Anonymous said...

The writer mentions the various fauna but misses one, the coyote. Drive along the Cross Island north and every once in a while you'll see a mother with her kits.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic article ! Thanks Crappy...

Anonymous said...

Looks far better in pix than it really is.
Ah...the magic of the exclusionary lens composition.

Anonymous said...

I guess there aren't too many stray cats or dogs near Cross Island north if there are coyotes. They wind up as coyote dinner. Coyotes will also enter peoples' yards, not stopped by fences, to dine on your small dogs left outside. Best to eradicate the coyotes while their population is small.

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