Thursday, June 9, 2016

1,000 miles of roadway to be repaved

From CBS 2:

A new project announcement will affect anyone who drives in New York City. The Department of Transportation unveiled a plan Tuesday to repave 1,000 miles of roadway throughout the boroughs, but it could come with a lot of frustration for commuters.

The more than $1 billion commitment over the next 10 years is aiming to get city streets in better shape, CBS2’s Emily Smith reported. The repaving will happen from the Bronx all the way to Staten Island.

While its welcome news for millions of drivers hitting deep potholes everyday, there will be milling on the streets for up to 20 days at a time. The conditions can make for an uncomfortable, bumpy drive or even road closures.

Queens Boulevard from:
Union Turnpike to Hoover Avenue

Hillside Avenue from:
184th Street to 188th Street
Clearview Expressway to Braddock Avenue

Utopia Parkway between:
Horace Harding Expressway & Jewel Avenue

Lefferts Boulevard from:
Kew Gardens Road to Metropolitan Avenue

Kew Gardens Road from:
Lefferts Boulevard to Van Wyck Expressway

E/B S/R Horance Harding Exressway from:
Kissena Boulevard to 164th Street


Joe Moretti said...

So asphalt is cheaper due to the lower price of oil and so our bonehead Mayor will see that our fucked up and dangerous streets (at least some streets) will finally be fixed. REALLY, the only reason is because of cheap asphalt. How about trimming all the fucking fat in the city government, you know like 32% raises for do nothing city council, how about that so that streets and roads are repaired regularly. How about all the other money wasted for studies on say illegal truck driving on residential streets to let us know what we already know, ILLEGAL TRUCK DRIVING ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS.

In the meantime, how many SE Queens and Jamaica streets, which are in AWFUL conditions will get fixed. Since they are not used for the “entitled” people to get to the beaches, why do I have a feeling they will not get done or if they are, it will be the typical bad apple shitty job. While you are at it, think you can paint some damn lines and crosswalks also or is that asking too fucking much. Hey, we have a tons of homeless shelters in Jamaica, give those folks a can of paint and paint brush, it is not like they have a busy schedule, but then hanging on street corners all day is hard work, you really can break a sweat, especially during summer.

Anonymous said...

All of the listed roads have been neglected for years. And some carry the highest amount of traffic in Queens, if not the city.

Anonymous said...

The city needs to find some way to feed money to the union mob goons.

(sarc) said...

The current asphalt used contains so much of the recycled materials from the old asphalt that it is the POOREST quality there is.

Is this our bureaucracy doing what it does best?


Job security for the Department of Transportation?

You decide...

Anonymous said...

Are they redoing the roads to fit them for bike lanes?

Anonymous said...

And which mob connected contractors are getting the contracts to pave? How much $$$$$$$$$$ will they feed the local politicians' campaigns in exchange?

Anonymous said...

I know some of those roads, and they sure need it. DOT is doing something right for a change, good work.

Anonymous said...

What's the use if coming winter the plow machines will create big ass potholes back again, it's the plow machines doing all this damage. Savvy?

Anonymous said...

And shortly after they're done paving, Con Ed or some other company will invariably dig in for some underground repair, leaving the street in bad shape.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Right on, Joe Moretti!

Now, those vile, vapid and vacuous, party machine bought, city council thugs and henchmen you so eloquently talk about, know NOTHING about the monstrous craters that betray all pretense of working city roadways, when lunch and a manicure are STILL considered a stressful day for these arrogant cowards of epic, political worthlessness---and, NOW they will do even LESS with MORE (as in 32% more!!!), while the REAL protectors, workers and saviors like the NYPD, NYFD and NYEMT (who risk life and limb every minute of every single day, no less!!), are all struggling on 1% raises and petrifified paychecks that never keep pace with ever climbing inflation BECAUSE of the corrupt, bloated bureaucracy at the top of City Hall's 300% false, fake and failed bureau crazed bureaucracy of madness and insanity, as they continue to reward monstrous fail at the expense of an entire city's hardworking, underpaid, undervalued rank and file!

And, the public be duped, bilked, scammed and damned!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Con-Ed is the worse. They dig up the streets then do a shitty job filling it up. They do give a crap on how our city looks.

Anonymous said...

Over the next 10 years? These roads have sat in deplorable condition for the last 20! Why does it take forever for anything to get done by NYC?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry...All of those streets and roads in Jamaica and Corona will be repaved sometime within the next 10 years....Just be patient.... -alfster

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Hillside Av resurfaced just 5 years ago?

Anonymous said...

How about having DOT fix all the lights that that don't work on our highways so we can see where we are going. And when you retrofit the l.e.d lights, MAKE SURE THEY ARE INSTALLED LEVEL/PARALLEL TO THE ROAD!! Why do i have to drive with my sun visor down at night?? ZERO VISION.........

Strunk and White said...

Now, those vile, vapid and vacuous, party machine bought, city council thugs and henchmen you so eloquently talk about, know NOTHING about the monstrous craters that betray all pretense of working city roadways, when lunch and a manicure are STILL considered a stressful day for these arrogant cowards of epic, political worthlessness---and, NOW they will do even LESS with MORE (as in 32% more!!!), while the REAL protectors, workers and saviors like the NYPD, NYFD and NYEMT (who risk life and limb every minute of every single day, no less!!), are all struggling on 1% raises and petrifified paychecks that never keep pace with ever climbing inflation BECAUSE of the corrupt, bloated bureaucracy at the top of City Hall's 300% false, fake and failed bureau crazed bureaucracy of madness and insanity, as they continue to reward monstrous fail at the expense of an entire city's hardworking, underpaid, undervalued rank and file!

Folks, believe it or not that is ONE SENTENCE. (We thought Iritatinglytano would never come to the period!)

This is about the worst piece of writing EVER to appear on Queens Crap.

JQ LLC said...

It's a bit alarming although not shocking that our innocent mayor announces that renovations are coming on the cheap.

Also the fact yet again that his concern is more focused for the convenience and comfort for the transients and the tourists since he mentions the beach. Also that the execution for these long overdue improvements are going to be done haphazardly and all at once like the majority of tower development throughout the boroughs

Funny that Liberty Ave pass Lefferts isn't included, it's got the worst cracks and depressions and hasn't been repaved in over 5 years. West of Lefferts under the El actually got improved but left east of it in the rotten condition. Why would they blow it off? Oh yeah, it's the dirty southeast and they are trying to cheapen the value of the land there for future speculation.

And will these roads be wavy? I have seen some re-pavings that have resulted in these forms. Could this cheap asphalt be non-resistant to heat. And when are they going to paint lanes and crosswalks. I have seen this in midtown Manhattan too. It's like they are encouraging drivers to fight and cram for space.

fucking grave.

R185 said...

Seeing the dark cloud around every silver lining.

Anonymous said...

The recent re-paving of Francis Lewis Blvd between Northern Blvd and the Clearview is real "Crappy". Lots of depressions, dips,and bumps near the sewer covers and electric vaults.
It is better then before but not a good job.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Strunk & White. You nailed it!

Anonymous said...

Braddock Ave. Needs it every 3 years, as it continues to sink to the center of the earth.

Strunk and White said...

A teaching moment?

Richard Iritano, please read today's (Friday's) front page article in the NY Times about the disappearance of the period:


Why contribute to the defining of deviancy down?

You have so much to say but your epistles are unreadable.

Would you consent to a homework assignment? Future Queens Crap submissions - with sentences ending in a period - of no more than 25 words each?

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

And, Skunk & Fright is at it again (I thought that faux, crooked law firm was disbarred!)---devaluing honesty with every knock to my CORRECT assessment of all intense, City Hall incompetence, of whom they are most certainly part of the problem. Now, did I hit another nerve, Skunk, like maybe your work for some of these derelict, vastly overpaid 32 percenters, or worse, you are one of them???

Here's one sentence for you, Mr. Skunk, that you shouldn't have any difficulty in committng to your short term, neanderthal memory bank---IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, THEN STOP READING; THEN KINDLY F**K OFF, ASSHOLE!

Wit and brevity in one fell swoop!

Strunk and White. said...

Now why can't you write that concisely all the time?

Anonymous said...

>This is about the worst piece of writing EVER to appear on Queens Crap.

On the contrary, it takes talent to write such a long sentence.

Joe Moretti said...

Skunk & Fright, a complete and utter asshole that should be focusing on the ACTUAL ISSUE at hand as opposed to Trumpism criticism. No wonder our borough is the well it is, with folks like this.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Thank you, Joe Moretti, for your unwavering support---as well as your COMPLETE understanding of the REAL ISSUES AT STAKE HERE---not unsolicited, moral instruction from two frustrated school marms like 'Skunk & Blight,' and the other sycophantic loser (who hides under Anonymous cover, no less---just like ALL nutless bullies and cowards do!), but who STILL ironically insists on jabbing me (with stalker precision!) on this thread, whilst his local, failed political leadership just keeps robbing, cheating and stealing from him blindly, with impunity---but, the big issue here is my targeted post, and their apparent dislike of my writing and syntax---as if I care about what these public-fool troglodytes think!

Someday, I swear Joe, that these two clueless misfits will FINALLY awaken from their decades long 'sleepwalk,' only to find themselves as the sole, despised minorities in a sea of total political graft, greed, corruption, cover-ups, kickbacks and payoffs, because they SO COMPLETELY ignored the issues in which have totally enslaved and disarmed them---but, oh what a great story that they will have ready to spill at the homeless shelter, over which to marvel their transient friends, regarding how they unsuccessfully attempted (ad nauseam!), to bully and intimidate a good citizen like me online, because they were too thick, simple and self-absorbed to understand what's TRULY important to their own sorry stations in life, much less understand what the words themselves mean in my thread!

Anonymous said...

This a great blog not the New York Times ! Richard gives us newsworthy information not found in any news paper. Stay on the subject and no one wants your personal attacks Strunk and White.

Anonymous said...

Typical irritating dick. Every post he writes can be summed up as 'all politicians are corrupt sociopaths.' He just throws in every adjective he can think of. And it's all about the money he thinks he's owed.

Strunk and White said...

Joe Moretti, you understood what the hell he said in that sentence?

Anonymous said...

If anything iritano posts is news to you, you obviously don't read any newspapers.

Anonymous said...

DOT crews are probably rushed to get the work done ,hence the bumps dips and seams....and the sunken sewer/ manholes. Years ago they would put a collar on to rase it up.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Strunk and White said...

Joe Moretti, you understood what the hell he said in that sentence?


Any educated informed person can understand completely what Richard stated. I personally always look forward to reading Richard's comments (and JQ LLC) and wish I could write and be as articulate as him, I am actually a little envious of him.

We are not talking macrobiotic science or advanced chemistry. Too many people, because of constant multi-tasking, MTV, texting & having the attention span of Donald Trump or any other societal devolution, if it cannot be written in 8 words or less (or have pictures) and use simplistic language or worse fucking tweeted, no one can comprehend it. Hell, look at what Time Magazine has been reduced to. Here was a magazine as a teenager I could not wait to read, now it is the equivalent of the Highlight Magazine for dumb down adults.

What I cannot understand is some of the idiotic one sentence blabbering from ANONYMOUS folks that, I go, "now what the fuck is that person even attempting to say or get across.

Anonymous said...

Queens "Crap" at it's best ! Where everyone's opinion counts.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Thank you, Joe Moretti---that's because many, if not all of the 'Anonymouses du Jour' (all cowards of epic fail---because they continue to unjustifiably lampoon me---without provocation, no less!---whilst intentionally detouring off topic with their obsessive agendas of 'Attack And Retreat,' and 'Accuse And Evade')!

And, the last, Anonymous public fool even went as far as to track down a link of a story about me (above), that has nothing to do with the content of this thread in the first place!

Hence, the philistines are scared of what real education looks like Joe---they couldn't possibly compete with my stellar, graduate level education (and highest, Magna Cum Laude rank, no less)!

And, not that I am breaking my own arm by patting myself on the back here, but they are simply angry little, establishment wage-slave nuggets who don't even know when they've been politically duped, much less care---as they continue to suspend all cognitive function, in perpetuity---and, they can do it at will!

kapimap said...

I wonder what out of state company will win the bid to fix the roads. Guys from out of state fix our highways already. When will this news equal to new jobs for new yorkers?

Anonymous said...

Not duped at all, iritano, not by the pols and not by you. Their ex employee.

Anonymous said...

Using big words doesn't make your ramblings any more intelligent, Richard Irritating. No wonder you ran for public office, you love to hear yourself talk.

BTW, it's FDNY, not NYFD, and they got a nice 3% raise. There's also no such agency as NYEMT, it's FDNY EMS, and their starting pay is way more than NYPD, and they currently do not have a contract.

Facts, Richard, facts. Not rants about BS.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

You can 'Attack And Retreat,' Accuse And Evade,' all you like, Anonymous. The fact that you continue to hide and cower under all 'Anonymous' cover nullifies your OWN rants of personal attack against me--as everyone else here stays ON TOPIC--a testament to how these chronic rants of yours now border on obsession andor, personal vendetta--or both!

But, since you insisit on remaining an 'Anonymous' online-bully-and-coward (whilst still insisting on having your say!), your words are as empty (and mindless), as your vile, vacuous loop of venomous postings, which many here have already rejected, despite how you still haven't gotten the memo!

And, while we are on the subject of accomplishment, what exactly have YOU done lately for your community? At least I ran for something in the name of public goodness, civic action and sacrifice. Now, tell me again what publicly elected positions that you ran for in Queens? NONE? Didn't think so!


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