Saturday, May 21, 2016

Employers and landlords now forced to use made-up pronouns

From NY1:

Businesses and landlords across the city must now refer to transgender people by their preferred pronouns or risk a big fine.

The guidelines, issued by the city's Commission on Human Rights in December, list some of the acceptable, gender-neutral pronouns.

They include "ze", which stands in for "he" or "she."

Another example is "hir," which is similar to "they".

The city says employers and landlords will violate the guidelines if they repeatedly or intentionally refuse to use someone's preferred pronoun.

They can also face fines as high as $250,000 if the refusal is considered malicious.

It's only a matter of time before not using these weird words will get you charged with a hate crime. When exactly did we lose our collective minds?


Anonymous said...

I'm still going with 'heshe'.

JQ LLC said...

What have we as a nation wrought here? Should I be considered a phobe of some kind to ask this question?

Really, phobe. Fill in the prefix.

A lot of innocent people are going to be unfairly taken advantage of at work and home. And this also isn't going to make lives better for the LGBT, it's only going to inflame tensions and make their lives miserable also. It's bad enough that unscrupulous employers and landlords already use diabolical tactics to get what they want and shape the environment around them as they feel and see fit. This is plain and simple fascism.

Obama is being a real dick lately, but he has been a typical dishonest politician for the past 8 years anyway, as seen by the massive economic divide that kept growing under his watch. And the tremendously fucked up thing, is that this is the executive decision he comes up with. And coming from a former constitutional lawyer too, but that did not stop him from advancing his idiotic drone assassination program, which led to the ISIS caliphate. This is going to open up a lot of court cases nationwide, and it's going to cost billions to fight them.

Fucking grave.

Joe Moretti said...

Places in Europe have unisex bathrooms (as did some clubs in NYC back in the day) but then some Europe's public bathrooms tend to be more private than USA ones, with completely enclosed stalls like a private bathroom. Since we don't have that here, it is pretty simple 1) if you have a dick (even if you have tits, use the men's room, if you have a pussy (even if you don't have tits), use the women's room. What the fuck is so complicated about this.

Christ, why does everything have to be beaten to death here.

In the meantime our quality of life here sucks, our infrastructure here sucks and our elected officials are some of the most corrupt assholes in the country and this crap we worry about and spend so much time on.

Just more distractions from doing the job at hand.

Anonymous said...

Just plain stupid!! ..and $250,000 for not calling me Mrs. instead of Ms. or isn't that one of the acceptable "Hir" and "Ze" pronouns?!

Anonymous said...

I think the People of America should own this insanity. They have betrayed their duty to their heritage, their founders, and their Constitution.

You all do know you dont own the houses you believe you do or the land underneath? Its ALL a big lie and illusion.

Haven't you heard, taxes are the price of civilization?, pay up your fair share!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Will "ze" and "hir" also have to be legally translated into Spanish, Creole, Mandarin, Cantonese, Urdu, Russian, Italian, Greek, Polish?

Just askin'.

Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous! I would scared to send my child into a public bathroom with a big man/woman. Most of these people are mentally unstable. I knew this one tranny who was 6'3 and weighed a good 250 lbs. And he/she had a five o clock shadow and wore heels everytime it came into the store I worked in. This thing was hideous! Can you imagine your little girl seeing someone like that in the woman's room? Are you kidding me? And what is to stop a non tranny from dressing in woman's clothes for one day just to rape women in the bathroom? What happened to our safety as a woman? Also, who's to say that a half way attractive tranny who is a woman steps into the men's room and he ends up raping or beating her/him? Then what?

Anonymous said...

Obama said he was going to Trans Form America,Hope and Change baby ain't it grand.

Anonymous said...

Want to see a liberal head explode,tell them your pro choice if a DNA test can tell if a kid is going to be born a LGBT Catagory kid,then say you would abort it,look out for splattering Grey Matter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There can be NO language police. You are not going to change MY language. You are stepping on MY human/linguistic rights. I refuse to comply--so sue me, dicks. Is this a late April fool's joke or what? You can get away with murder and rape an entire neighborhood in this City without a fine--and you are going to fine ME for using the incorrect made-up pronoun? Are transgender individuals going to wear an identifying tag?

A Better NYC said...

Honestly, how can anyone take these "people" seriously???

They don't want to identify with any gender, they need the federal government's help to go to the bathroom and now they have their own made up language.

Talk about a needy and hopeless bunch!

Anonymous said...

Fuck this crazy shit-it's time to move to China. This country has gone totally nuts.

Anonymous said...

Who was behind this, Dromm & Van Bramer?
How the hell can I tell nuts from roses if the tran isn't wearing a name tag?
I'll follow. Robespierre's cue and call the being in question, "Citizen" .
It must have been gay members of the Bar Association that cooked up their new meal ticket after tiring from ambulance chasing.

Anonymous said...

You are missing the point. Some contractors's lobby group is looking to add transgender bathrooms in addition to the usual ladies and gents bathrooms. More building contracts for a third bathroom...more campaign contributions to crooked pol's.

Anonymous said...

The city has gone batshit crazy.

We have to use words that don't even exist now.

Anonymous said...

OK people.
Is time to boycott (see Target) and to vote these scumbag politicians out of office.
Not interested in anybody's perversion, next will be pedophiles asking for rights and recognition.
Maybe I'll claim to be a fish who is middle aged and demand social security at age of 20.
As a minority I find the sexual orientation based rights offensive and unwarranted.
I don't care about anybody's private business, why shove it down on everybody's throat?
The powers to be are working overtime to destroy all family values in this country, so they can have iphone zombie armies for population.
They do not want a population capable of critical thinking and realizing how the system the threw them overboard long time ago is fucking them badly every day.
Where are the jobs? Where is the economy?
These are the important questions politico morons for what you have no answer!

Anonymous said...

Forced speech is a weapon of the liberal left.unconstitutional by law but that only counts when presidents obey law and don't Dictate it.

JQ LLc said...

You're gonna have to clarify,last anon, I got lost after lgbtnaacp...

That massive acronym wouldn't sound out of place in that Mary Poppins song.

heshe for penis extraction shehe for penis implanted.

Ned said...

People have no clue whats going on (see lower paragraph)
This is AMERICA not Amsterdam or France !
Trump will undo all this Obama goverment mandated commie bullshit and the woman Clinton will be in jail. This executive order was completely illegal Only ONE PROBLEM may be coming around November
We all know this president wants massive chaos, disorder (and possible terrorits attack he may have in store under his Muzlim brotherhood) so he can abuse the patriot act to suspend elections and stay in office.

Here is how it works:
According to the Patriot Act any sitting President can suspend both the Constitution & congress indefinitely, and take direct control of the Judicial system, and rule the USA by Presidential Decree and marshall law upon simply declaring a "National Emergency". Look it up for yourselves. (under keeping government continuity till order is restored) This includes using the milatary on citizens and grabbing legal guns.
This is not a joke the Patriot act allows a president to do all this if he has reason to declare and emergency. Deep DEEP shit is coming


Anonymous said...

There are only 800k trans in the US's 359,000,000 total population. This is nuts . PC and Libralism are destroying our country!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When do we say enough with this crap? The city is gonna fine someone a quarter of a million dollars because you offend a he she, but our city is crumbling into third world status and no one seems the least bit concerned about that

ron s said...


Anonymous said...

If you're trans, don't you still identify as one sex or the other? Why then do we need new pronouns?

Anonymous said...

Ned - only in extreme right wing fantasy world will this happen.

Anonymous said...

It is all Bread and Circuses, this my friends would come under Circus.

Ned said...

"Ned - only in extreme right wing fantasy world will this happen"

That exactly what ALL the Sheeple say till something happens then they roll over and say "oh well" All your cooked politicians depend on this "oh never happen" logic.
When I asked in NYC if a colored Moslem president would ever be elected president 8 years ago people said "naa never happen, Impossible, your crazy AND a racist"

Take you blinders and rose sunglasses off and WAKE UP to the fact progressives are out to do so destroy America. The only question here is why are bastards like Obama doing this ?


Anonymous said...

Ned - only in extreme right wing fantasy world will this happen.

Really? Do tell. Our rights are going away day by day, constant surveillance of innocent people who committed no crime, no privacy whatsoever and you talk about fantasy world?
Seems you are living in one, because us in the real world feel the screws tightening every day.

Anonymous said...


The NWO wants slaves and slave owners.
Do you think the destruction of Europe and the US is by accident or by design?
I'd say by design.
After 9/11 letting all kinds of people in without proper background checks is OK. Question it and you are a racist.
The media is all paid for and bought, the rulers are getting more crazy every day.
How did this great country get to this level?
4 years of Bush Sr, 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush Jr, 8 years of Barry.
That's how.
In addition these sickos pray to some owl when they not implementing the NWO plans of destroying the country.

Anonymous said...

No more she or it is now shit...

Anonymous said...

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Anonymous said...

.0001% of the population......

Anonymous said...

Can we still refer to a female dog as a bitch?

Anonymous said...

To control the people you must first disarm the people, Adolf Hitler

Anonymous said...

Soon we will have Orwell's "thought police" like in "1984"!
Gimme a break! If you can't take the heat stay out of the transgender kitchen. Keep your nuts instead of going nuts. Bruce Jenner has had second thoughts. He hasn't had his testicles nipped yet and is thinking of going back.

Joe Moretti said...

Ned states:

When I asked in NYC if a colored Moslem president would ever be elected president 8 years ago people said "naa never happen, Impossible, your crazy AND a racist"

First off, Obama is neither "colored" or "Moslem", (learn to spell a simple word). He is half black, half white and he certainly has nothing to do with taking your guns away, which to this day, no one has done, so stick with FACTS.

And if you think or anyone else that Trump will "make this country great again", you are in for a big fucking surprise. You all think the country cannot get worse, have this stooge in office and see.

Shame that some on hear are so ignorant and devoid of facts.

Ned said...

""learn to spell" "Obama has nothing to do with taking your guns away"

Hey Einstein that spelling typo was done with the intention of exposing people like yourself! Why is it spelling and racism is dominants absolutely when a liberal is out of ammo or has no real solution?
I deem this “spelling cop” is angry Joe who’s always on TV from Jamaica? Some of these people are totally blind or have gone mad and are part of the problem when they clearly have the capacity to see what's really going on.
I’m not deliberately knocking liberals or calling them stupid because many have college educations, many become, presidents, mayors, activists, lawyers, makeup the majority of educational institutions’ yet are deer in the headlights too see what's going on under their nose and what's about to hit them. They simply get frustrated and scream “racist” “spelling” and want to see the USA become another European shithole like Amsterdam, Sweden. Look what has happened to all those people in Germany with all the PCness and liberal bullshit being rammed down their throats. Now Illegal Muslim nationals are beating their women in the streets and taking over whole towns.

What’s fucking next, replacing Congress with the United Nations ? Our forefathers warned of ALL this shit and it’s the duty of citizens to fight it. If you hate America and want to live in a mudded PC correct slum under socialist control move Canada or across the Atlantic !!
Question: What happens when one of these trannys leaves the toilet seat up in the women's bathroom ? Do we get feminist rampage, lawsuits, protests, fights and loads of other bullshit to overload courts ?


Anonymous said...

Joe when your boy king leaves office you will always have his hope and change poster and Obama/Biden bumper sticker to worship,as for me,I'll vote Trump

Anonymous said...

Ignorant and devoid of facts,where have I heard that before? MSNBC/NYT.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell JOE California voted 11 new laws on Friday to take away your guns
Facts are only facts when it's a democrat making them up.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this. Enough. If your special gender self needs a special bathroom, go find a unisex, single-user bathroom. The everyone else alone with this waste of time, distraction, bullshit.

Anonymous said...

No way I'll be forced to use some words made up by some crackpot, whack-job academic.

I won't use he/she either, I'll just say, hey freak!

Anonymous said...

Wait until transgenders want to play in the NFL or MLB....a nightmare is brewing .

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous stated:

Don't tell JOE California voted 11 new laws on Friday to take away your guns
Facts are only facts when it's a democrat making them up.

There were NO laws in California to take away your precious fucking guns, so maybe you should try and get the facts and even show me ONE law that takes away a person's gun. ONE, that takes your gun away, just one.

Most recent laws were to make the sale of assault firearms with easily detachable magazines illegal and that make residents turn in any ammunition magazines they have that are capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

HARDLY taking away your guns. There has not been one law anywhere to take away your guns. It is all about gun control, not taking your guns away.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated "Ignorant and devoid of facts,where have I heard that before?"

Ah, The Donald.

Anonymous said...

Whoever proposed this one deserves to have their balls cut off for stupidity.
I'll gladly perform the surgery, gratis! LOL!
Anyone who becomes a tran has some serious self hatred issues.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, isn't a gun without bullets the same as a car without gas. Oh wait, that will be next.

Anonymous said...

Coddling mental illness and sexual perversion helps no one.

Ms. Tsouris said...

As usual, micromanaging and then making money off "violators"?? What human rights commission?? Whose human rights??? DeBlasio and his city government are a bunch of hucksters. All they do is pass laws where someone "pays"!!! I haven't seen one thing improve my quality of life!! And when that idiotic fine for using plastic bags kicks in, I'm shopping in Nassau which I often do anyway. They're gesturing towards "human rights", not actually supporting them

Anonymous said...

The Human Race: you are either with it or not.

Anonymous said...

At first glance, I thought this was an article from The Onion and chuckled. Till I took notice that this was a NY1 story.

I will say that I'm disgusted with some of the comments here regarding the issue at hand. Trans have been using bathrooms for a long time with no issues. Go in, use it, wash hands, leave. That's it. No hanging around waiting to rape kids or rob people. NEWS FLASH! Most rapes/robberies/assault that occur in bathrooms are committed by hetro males and usually towards women, trans, LGBT, and children. And, it's been going on WAY longer than this bathroom issue has become a hot button topic. And please, find me three legit stories of trans raping a woman or child. Go on, I'll wait....

Wake up. This is just a diversion from the real issues that are going on such as the economical divide between rich and poor, corporate buying and selling of our freedoms and rights, lack of affordable housing, the over militarization of police, the dwindling middle class, foreign wars, I could go on about what we really need to be upset about and discussing, but instead they want you to focus on if one sits or squats because they don't want to to focus on the fact that they are squatting on us.

Anonymous said...

The issue at hand is the use of Ze and Hir to describe human beings, not which bathroom they use. The bathroom issue centers around not what parts the trans people have but the fact that anyone can claim to be of the opposite gender and invade the privacy of everyone else. It's already happened in gyms and locker rooms. Maybe you should be the one to wake up.

JQ LLC said...

Wake up. This is just a diversion from the real issues that are going on such as the economical divide between rich and poor, corporate buying and selling of our freedoms and rights, lack of affordable housing, the over militarization of police, the dwindling middle class, foreign wars, I could go on about what we really need to be upset about and discussing, but instead they want you to focus on if one sits or squats because they don't want to to focus on the fact that they are squatting on us.

Exactly. Spot On.

It's a diversion. Divide and conquer. The only sick minds are not the people who are against these labels, or even the prejudiced and the perverted. It's the fucking fucks making these crazy laws and have the infinite luxury of never dealing with it in their billionaire towers and gated communities with their private security guards and lifetime secret service detail.

It's only the regular free thinking people that suffer the most. This is the new depression. Not only economical, but mental.

It's why we have so many pills to choose. Our only freedom to choose that counts with them.

God bless America. And have a HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY.

Sons of Liberty said...

NYC is being beta tested. First it was sanctuary cities to provide cheap labor. Now its time for foreign landlords in NYC to get inline via the penalties. The "elite" are moving faster to push their agenda onto the American Citizens. Patriots will be forced to stand tall. Lock & Load.

Anonymous said...

Have residents turn in magazines.......sounds like the Nazi's..... The only magazines they'll get from me has a photo of Alfred E On the cover!

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