Monday, March 21, 2016

NYPD recruits hogging up College Point parking

And whose fault is this? Let's see what the papers have to say:

From the Times Ledger:

Before the police academy in College Point opened up, the city had an agreement that residential parking would not be affected. I live on 128th Street between 23rd and 25th avenues. And there were several occasions when NYPD cadets would park on the very block I live on and would hop into their fellow cadets cars to be driven down to the Police Academy.

When I spoke to the sergeant of operations at the new police academy, he admitted, or let’s say he was very frank, that the city had plans for more parking areas, but they don’t have the funds to build them. I would now say that this agreement that the community had with the city was a lie.

So now, this agreement that the community had with the city was not to affect parking three-quarters to half a mile away, I would like an explanation for why we who live that distance from the police academy have to be affected by their parking problem.

Richard Erdey
College Point

Also from the Times Ledger:

Gene Kelty, chairman of Community Board 7, said the NYPD had promised that parking would not be an issue, saying the board expects the department to tell the recruits to either park onsite or take mass transit.

He said the board has forwarded the parking complaint to its contacts in the Police Department and noted that it is hard to address the parking issue because no one is entitled to a parking spot in a residential area.

“We wanted all parking on site because we didn’t want this to happen,” Kelty said.

He said the Police Academy project got scaled down into phases during former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration, noting that the first phase was building part of the parking lot and the classroom area.

“It’s very nice,” he said. “We were happy that they got a state-of-the-art facility, it’s just that they were not supposed to impact the area.”

In a letter dated Nov. 20 to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton on behalf of Erdey, state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) asked Bratton to review the parking issue and get back to him with his findings.

Maybe Paul Vallone can work on this one.


Anonymous said...

Have the DOT restrict parking between 9AM and 3PM and the problem will be solved !

JQ LLC said...

The recruits must have taken their sensitivity training already.

Correction, their sense of entitlement training.

How do they not have a parking lot for a massive complex? The building looks like your standard shopping mall and the last time I checked they have ample parking.

Why don't they just park in the lot where that Target is and have some sort of shuttle bus take them to the training center?

Anonymous said...

You can be sure that College Point will see an increase of patrol cars in their vicinity ticketing drivers and parked cars for the slightest of infractions and maybe for no infractions at all.

Hell hath no fury like the NYPD scorned.

Anonymous said...

Make them wear their uniforms and take public transportation to the facility.

There is currently an increase in subway crime and this proposal just might make the subways safer.

And it will get the probies who do not reside in the boroughs a chance to see how the citizens they will protect get around this city.

Anonymous said...

How could the city build this facility without any access to mass transit??? It's in the middle of nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who didn't think this would happen is blind. The influx of vehicular traffic from the new academy was certainly going to impact the residential parking issue. The same issue arose on the other side of college point when that slum of a "spa" was built. rather than using the parking lot, the heathen would park on the street. College Point is the forgotten backwater of the boro and will never be seen as otherwise.

Anonymous said...

So you want untrained and unarmed recruits to patrol the subways? I love your training method; treat them like crap and they'll learn to appreciate you more. No wonder we are losing thousands of cops a year to other jurisdictions. The city is a joke, the police department is a joke and the citizens of this city, both illegal AND legal, are the biggest jokes of all!

Anonymous said...

All that land, all those years of designing, and no one thought about how any parking spots they would need? Oh wait, that was addressed on this board dozens of times! We thought of it, why couldn't the city planners?

Queens Crapper said...

"So you want untrained and unarmed recruits to patrol the subways?"

I think you need to read that comment again because it says no such thing.

(sarc) said...

We are the police, the ultimate authority, and we will do anything we want...

Anonymous said...

Yeah sure...agreements...DOT.
College Point is the ass hole of the area.
You can dump anything there from a NEw York Times polluting printing plant to a waste transfer station.
Try to get away putting this kind of crap In a prime real estate area and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

At least you have a crime deterrent in beer brawl College Point.

Anonymous said...

Once again the community is giving promises to shut them up, then promptly ignored.

Vallone clearly knows this and is saying nothing. The play book in Astoria got that family where they are at. Whitestone is not Astoria: they are not sullen Mediterranean hillbillies living in the 1500s easy to bully into silence.

Everytime you go after Vallone, make sure the poster says:

1. the issue he is ignoring.
2. reference to voting him out at the next campaign.

Start the next campaign NOW!

Anonymous said...

The photos are great. They all look like they have an IQ in the low-80s, and that one dude already has the look of contempt in his eyes.

Anonymous said...

Safer streets

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand why some of these guys think they are above the law.

Parking, running red lights, stop signs when no emergency, talking on the cell phone - these are infractions that normal people get ticketed for.

Anonymous said...

There also is a problem abut parking on 29th Ave.& 119th st. Nothing to do with the academy, this has to do with a automotive place that has 6-7 cars that never move! Some have been in the same spot for 3 years. How do they get away with it? Cops never give them tickets or move them. Someone is probably getting paid off.

Anonymous said...

Probies have to wear their uniform coming and going to the academy. And yes, they are unarmed. I guess most of you never saw them riding the subway in their grey outfits with those silly hats. Are they parking legally now? If so don't blame the probies, blame the ass-hats who planned out the academy without proper parking.

Anonymous said...

" dude already has the look of contempt in his eyes."

He's got that Travis Bickle, "You talkin' to me?" look in his eyes.

Alan Gross said...

This is what Tony Avella had to say in 2009:

Anonymous said...

Seeing cops walking around your neighborhood doesn't make you feel safer.

They may even become a nuisance just like squirrels digging here and there making more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Alan Gross said...
"This is what Tony Avella had to say in 2009:"

Avella needs to be NYC mayor ASAP!!!

Anonymous said...

"I cannot understand why some of these guys think they are above the law."

Well that attitude starts at the top, with Honest Joe, and works its way through Albany to City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, the article mentions nothing about the recruits parking illegally. I can understand the residents frustration, as the city should have built a lot for the recruits. But do said residents feel bad when they themselves drive into another neighborhood and "hog" a spot from the residents of that neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Lots of Cop haters on this blog.

There is no 'right' to parking in your neighborhood. Are you suggesting these people are parking illegally? Then call the precinct and get them ticketed.

You have no right to public parking on the street.

College Point welcome to the rest of Queens with alternate side, parking meters and cars everywhere.

Welcome to the party, pal!

Anonymous said...

So Bloomberg lied, and DiBlasio doubled down?

Never trust the city or cops, that's the takeaway here.

Anonymous said...

Instead of blaming the individual recruits who are coming and going to work, lets put the blame where it belongs, on the city and Mayors office who agreed to provide enough parking, and then backtracked on the agreement. They lied to College Point, they should be held accountable. I like a solution I saw, for the city to rent out or buy the extra multiplex cinema parking lot on Ulmer st, its never used. This would be a great solution for all involved. Or angle parking could be installed on 28 avenue in front of the building and provide for a few hundred spots and still allow two way traffic, since it is so wide.

Queens Crapper said...

"Are you suggesting these people are parking illegally?"

No, what is being suggested is that the city was supposed to have provided parking for them at the academy and apparently did not. I guess you're ok with being lied to by government?

Anonymous said...

Instead of blaming the individual recruits who are coming and going to work, lets put the blame where it belongs, on the city and Mayors office who agreed to provide enough parking, and then backtracked on the agreement. They lied to College Point, they should be held accountable. I like a solution I saw, for the city to rent out or buy the extra multiplex cinema parking lot on Ulmer st, its never used. This would be a great solution for all involved. Or angle parking could be installed on 28 avenue in front of the building and provide for a few hundred spots and still allow two way traffic, since it is so wide.



Alan said...

"Are you suggesting these people are parking illegally?"

Blogger Queens Crapper said...
No, what is being suggested is that the city was supposed to have provided parking for them at the academy and apparently did not. I guess you're ok with being lied to by government?

Alan said...
You took the words right out of my mouth!

Anonymous said...

Actually, a lot of the posts above have more to do with bashing cops than being lied to by the government.

Anonymous said...

Old news. Article is from Nov. 2015.
Wonder if situation is any better

Queens Crapper said...

The photos were taken on St. Patrick's Day. That's why it's not old news.

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand why some of these guys think they are above the law.

They're practicing for when they're assigned to a neighborhood precinct, which also has no parking lot, and where they'll have to park on the sidewalk, block fire hydrants, or compete for the scarce on-street parking. That's not cop bashing - that's just the way it is for those who live near precincts, or who want to shop in stores located near precincts, or who want to visit friends or relatives who live near precincts. And those with "official" license plates are the worst offenders. In downtown Jamaica, on the corner of Jamaica Ave and 165th Street, there's a military recruiter (with federal plates) who parks in the bus lane, even though there are spots elsewhere on side streets (such as 165th St) that wouldn't affect the traffic flow. But the bus lane is right outside the door to the recruiting station, and they shouldn't have to walk a block or two away, right?

Camel bladder said...

Hey who the fuck do you people think you are complaining about the privileged police class. Don't you remember that they will do what they want and anyway it's because the City screwed up the budgeting for this project. But just remember you local homeowners if you continue to complain about the NYPD they will fuck you over with a ticket writing campaign that will make you shut up. Know go watch your March madness games, be entertained and shut the fuck up.

Ned said...

This is the best the NYPD can do ?
Looking at these new recruits I'd say New York and NYCPD is headed for some really deep shit.


Anonymous said...

The city should locate places for the students to park and provide a shuttle service to the academy.

A places like Cunningham Park or Fort Totten. Students sign up for a location and the city uses city buses to get the students back and forth.

Anonymous said...

Ned - this is the best the NYPD can do, because they NYPD doesn't pay well enough to attract better.

Anonymous said...

See what the papers have to say? Why? I thought they were all just liars for the establishment. Crappy told me so.

Crappy changes her mind faster than trump.


Show you're a man and approve this post, anonymous blogger.

Unknown said...

Lots of luck Peter Valone didn't even write me back about not one no truck zone where speed bunks and all these 18 to 8 wheelers driving throught 25ave and 120th street all the way up the 14th roda where the true truck zoned street is for so don't hold your breath College Point is shot once the Asian I mean Orientals moved in they ruined it College Point when it was all white race Italian, Irish Germans and greeks we all got along you can't even say boo to these Chinese with out giving you the finger birdy and calling you Ass h---- and F U that's there famous words to tell the white race I don't surrender I am a whistle blower and no intention moving out like the rest of good old Pointers I'm staying and give them a hard time by reporting every single wrong move they do I am reporting and they do get busted ! It works if you only call on them and take the address for illegal activity in there houses without permits and Commercial trucks deliveries for there resterants . There really disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The Cadets can not park at the Academy unless they car pool, so some do leave their cars park & car pool with others.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the Police parking on my block, if it's not them, it would be someone else.

Anonymous said...

The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."

Anonymous said...

So having a recruit in their first months of training is a deterrent ? No knowledge of law or tactics would cause more harm then good. They are also told not to get involved. Observe and they're on probation and know if they screw up they will be canned.

Anonymous said...

Have to laugh at guy defending newspaper. First "story" is letter to editor and second story is about letter to editor. What groundbreaking journalism!

Anonymous said...

Yes, having recruits is a visual deterrent whether or not they get involved. Next?

Anonymous said...

I see recruits on buses and subways all the time, so why is it a big deal to require them to use public transportation? They don't need protection from the public.

Anonymous said...

Just a FYI..I was in the police academy in 96 in Manhattan on E 20th & 2nd ave, gave it up a few months later ..but at that time we were told we weren't aloud to park our cars ( if you even attempted to drive in that was ) within a like four or five BLOCK RADIUS of the acadamy and that they had officers checking license plates daily because they have your info an that if your car was found it would be towed and you would also get a CD command discipline... I work in college point everyday and have seen the it TRIPLE and grow in such traffic congestion over the last few years which in due more than the acadamy to I think the Building of all the new apartments, co-ops, condos, illegal multi family apartments in private houses which all bring in much more volume of traffic and cars !!! Flushing is so corrupt and has been sold out !!

Anonymous said...

College Point residents don't like their public parking being taken up because they have nowhere to park because their garages are converted to illegal rentals.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous from the Academy-did they throw you out for spelling and grammar?

Anonymous said...

I would build gates on 20th ave,14 ave and CP Blvd and make it a prision with all the guards already in place
There are only 3 ways out of College Point,PD,FD or OD

Anonymous said...

I would gladly surrender all my liberties for safety. Makes perfect sense.

Unknown said...

It happening my girlfriend got towed twice this week on112st 14 ave and they give me the run around and do the blaming game pct on 111stsats its109pct fault and the 109 blames it on towing company where as my girl friend has to pay 300 hundred dollars this needs to be looked into or investigatef

Unknown said...

I got to my house at 145pm.cadets taking every spot around 26th ave.finally got a spot at 315 lie.they hold spots for there has to stop.

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