Thursday, March 24, 2016

NY1's dumb population analysis

From NY1':

The five boroughs added more than 55,211 people in the year that ended last July 1, bringing the city’s population to more than 8,550,000, according to an estimate released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

It's the first time in history that more than 8.5 million people have called the city home.

“It shows that we're a place that people want to be, want to come, want to stay, want to grow a family,” says Carl Weisbrod, chairman of the city’s Planning Commission.

The city's population has been on the upswing for some time. With the new numbers released Thursday, the city has grown by more than 375,000 people in just the last five years, an increase of 4.5% -- or more than the entire population of Pittsburgh.

For several years, Brooklyn led the five boroughs in population growth, but that changed last year.

According to the Census Bureau, Queens added the most number of people last year 16,700. Brooklyn was a close second, at 16,015, followed by the Bronx (13,687), Manhattan (7,552) and Staten Island (1,257).

The growth will inevitably put new strains on the city's infrastructure. But it's a relatively good problem to have, as the five boroughs continue to be the place where people want to live.

This is a good problem to have? It means taxes go up for everyone with infrastructure problems outpacing upgrades. Overcrowded schools, trains, roads. Busted sewers. What great problems to have!


Anonymous said...

The figures are net increases. How many people have actually left the city? Where's that piece of data?

Anonymous said...

These news reporters are on crack. The only reason why anyone comes here to live is because we are the city who is the easiest to give away welfare to every single person who asks for it. I bet you that half of these 55,000 people are living in homeless shelters and receiving welfare. I work in a hospital and all I see is medicaid patients walking through the doors. Most of our population also is made up of illegals who don't even like america but like the american dollar and nyc sure does love to hire illegal workers! We are an illegals dream city....have all the illegal brats you want and we will demand the working class citizens to pay for your illegal brats!

Anonymous said...

“It shows that we're a place that people want to be, want to come, want to stay, want to grow a family,” says Carl Weisbrod, chairman of the city’s Planning Commission.

Carl Weisbrod is an idiot! What is shows is that we keep creating shitty quality housing and we'll accommodate every single person who has no where else to go or is too lazy to go anywhere else. Buildings used to be built to last and have character, now everything is built fast, cheap and with no oversight. Carl Weisbrod and Mayor Deblasio are turning NYC into a cheap city. Which will get more customers a 99cent store or a boutique? Those two idiots are trying to turn NYC into the 99 cent store. Pretty soon we won't have trees or parking and you will have people with poles shoving you into a subway.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

We'll never see the math behind the taxes, as tax-payers. Demand for services increases but so do tax revenues, in theory. I would want to see the breakdown by estimated tax revenues flowing in. Again, we'll never see the math. Can't have the plebes seeing things clearly, can we?

Anonymous said...

"What's happened, and what I think really turned it around, and what's driving the population is the large number of births,” said Andrew Beveridge... Anchor babies.

Welcome to New Rome said...

Two trends are happening and when their lines cross means an ominous doom for the city.

1. hipsters are coming here because there a no opportunities in the middle of the country.

2. forward thinking people, the kind that started NYC in its upward trend 40 years ago when things were at its worse, are now thinking about recycling empty rustbelt factories into creative spaces, and buying down at the hills Victorians in those cities for a pittance.

Sooner or later the hipsters will want to get married and raise a family and wake up to life in a shipping container within a city that does no planning except lining the pockets of developers and politicians.

Awareness that these new communities are built on brownfields, brought into your front door by the first flood, that building a social life around talking endlessly about beer and cheese will become tiresome as will be museums that are little more than artspaces filled with pictures of cats and dogs, and Broadway shows of little more than tiresome retreads or knockoffs...

.. add a trigger to this lethal mix, as some terrorists importing their grudges to Time Square or the realization that taking a bike through 6 inches of snow to an internship does nothing to retire a 5 figure college debt...

... and something will snap.

It will be sudden and relentless.

The best and brightest of this city will leave.

We will have a small elite in Manhattan towers in their little cosmopolitan world, and millions of seething immigrant and poor living in 50 story towers.

By 2030 the chickens born today will come home to roost.

Thomas Robert Malthus said...

But it's a relatively good problem to have, as the five boroughs continue to be the place where people want to live.

So go live in Karachi, Pakistan or Lagos, Nigeria for a couple years, and tell us how that experiment was!

Anonymous said...

This information will be central to the re-election campaign bid of the boy mayor. He will claim that he is doing such a great job that more and more people want to call NYC home and that is why we need MORE development and affordable housing with tax abatements galore. This is why we need the Trolley to nowhere. This is why we need higher water rates, higher taxes, more control of our lives by the 51 idiot bobble head dolls in city hall and why we need to let illegal aliens vote in all our elections.
We are a Global City, a magnet for the indigent and usurpers of government and it's services.

Anonymous said...

I work in a hospital and all I see is medicaid patients

If you worked in a Michelin 5-star restaurant you would only see the socio-economic top-tier.

Anonymous said...

It shows that however much "affordable" housing gets built, it will never be enough, it will just make NYC more crowded.

Anonymous said...

The analysis does not accurately account for illegal immigration. If you take that into account, we are talking about close to 100,000 people who have come to this city via human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

It is estimated that NYC has a minimum of 500,000 illegal aliens residing within it's borders.

How many apartments and houses do they occupy illegally?

Anonymous said...

“It shows that we're a place that people want to be, want to come, want to stay, want to grow a family,”

... want to get more social services on the backs of the middle class than they can get anywhere else, want to live in a sanctuary city with plenty of "NGOs" and "special interest groups" to protect them, want to live in neighborhoods to difficult for the authorities to find their illegal selves...

Anonymous said...

Will all be coming to Flushing?

Anonymous said...

It's a better problem to have than people *leaving* the city in droves. Look to Detroit to see how that ends.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry folks your population will decrease then be replenished as more Islamic Terrorist thin the heard,don't think so,someone screaming
Aluh Akbar on a train does not mean I LOVE AMERICA !
I'M sure the Empire state bldg will be lit up Red White and Blue in the near future as long as it's not the Target.
Hillary 2016 because she Loves the religion of peace that be heads infidels
Throws gays front roofs and stones woman for showing to much ankle and teach
I'll stick with the Catholic church,they only ask for 1 dollar twice in a single mass to earn your way to heaven.
Catholicism does not require me to kill people to make God Smile.

Anonymous said...

So who destroyed Detroit hmm can you say it or will the speach police come to your house and tazer you?

Julie B. said...

anonymous #3, we've needed people with poles shoving folks into the subway cars for a while now, because NOBODY bothers to step all the way in. Since there will never be the pole shovers. what will happen first is the platforms will literally overflow with people

Anonymous said...


Good for you. Mentally disturbed patient.
Is not about the party as you can see there is no difference between the DemocRATS and the GOP. The GOP is actively sabotaging the presidential elections to get the Dixie Mafia Queen Hillary elected.
Keep buying into the illusion that you have a choice.
You don't - you have owners.
They own you.

Anonymous said...

"There is no difference between the DemocRATS and the GOP" BINGO !
That's why Mitt blew the last election.
Remember his first debate he nailed it. The last two with Barry O the fix was in !

JQ LLC said...

"But it's a relatively good problem to have"

Is it really Carl? Because if you think so, then you are as mentally sick ill and willingly oblivious as the predatory developers benefiting from city govt largess of funding and policies, that unelected superpac Campaign for One new york that was loitering in City Hall since your big slow ass boss's arrival, and the rest of your associates concocting these irresponsible plans.

I suggest that with the inevitable displacement of families and individuals from the shitty city council decision to make forced gentrification official law, maybe these people can build a tent or cardboard city on the vast lawns and powerwashed sidewalks wherever you Carl and all your tone deaf associates and oligarch overseers live and maybe you bastards will see how relative this problem, or more fittingly, crisis is.

You stupid motherfucker

JQ LLC said...

@Welcome To The New Rome

That is Generation Gentrification to a Fucking T

Although the correct nomenclature of this imbecilic sucker demographic that the triad of developers, hedge funders and electeds are pandering to is Hipshit, not hipster.

But still spot on.

RIP Garry Shandling, Phife, and The White Shadow

(sarc) said...


So it was all Bush's fault.

OKAY, I now understand...

Anonymous said... many people are here ilegally or on visas?
Rigged figures of I ever heard them.
Why? Uh hum....this boosts up the need for building more and more and more.
Pay no attention to our rotting infrastructure. We must remain "vibrant". There's that fucking word again.
REBNY's favorite...we must remain a vibrant city.

Anonymous said...

YOu calling them folk dumb?

Anonymous said...

At least in America I GET TO DECIDE who owns me.
In a monarchy, I don't! Imagine living in Saudi Arabia?
I'd have to wear a head scarf just to walk the streets and I'm not even a drag queen.

Snake Plissskin said...

Interesting thread if ignore the hacks trash talking each other to shoo people away.

Anonymous said...

I blamed Bush cause its a bumper sticker,it was sarc

Anonymous said...

"Look to Detroit.."

Some people think what's happening there is bad, poster. But the people here would prefer it. Less crowded, less development, less hipsters, no gentrifying, it's just what they want.

Queens Crapper said...

"Some people think what's happening there is bad, poster. But the people here would prefer it. Less crowded, less development, less hipsters, no gentrifying, it's just what they want."

No one here wants this. People here like having jobs. They don't like being squished into a string of sardine cans on the way to and from work, have no open space and sewers that overflow. Get with the program.

Anonymous said...

Really, Crapper? No one here would like to see people move out of the city? The hell they wouldn't. That hate monger JQ for one would take another depression over gentrification of the neighborhood any day.

Every day you and your fans here call for the conditions that indicate an economic slowdown. Deny it all you want. People can read.

Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet when it comes census time, and time for the seats in the House of Representatives to be reallocated, this huge population boom will suddenly disappear/not count?

Queens Crapper said...

People here want to see infrastructure upgraded before increased development. People also don't want to see 20 people living in a 1-family house or people sleeping in shifts. This is NYC in the USA, not a third world country. Sad to see that you're ok with the status quo.

Anonymous said...

People here want to see infrastructure upgraded before increased development. People also don't want to see 20 people living in a 1-family house or people sleeping in shifts. This is NYC in the USA, not a third world country. Sad to see that you're ok with the status quo.

I just want to see all the illegals deported out of this city! That will free up ALOT OF SPACE. That's all I ask for but of course that will never happen and I won't hold my breath!

Anonymous said...

Every day you and your fans here call for the conditions that indicate an economic slowdown. Deny it all you want. People can read.

You are really stupid.
You can read, but means shit since you don't understand what you are reading.
Not breaking laws, zoning regulations, respecting the environment, adequate infrastructure is what most people want! Except you.
For you it would be an economic slowdown.
I bet it would.
Maybe you and your bosses couldn't take all that cash under the table.
Stupid fucker that you are.

Anonymous said...

Queens and most of N.Y. is changing fast for better or worst.
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
Will Rogers

JQ LLC said...

"No one here would like to see people move out of the city? The hell they wouldn't. That hate monger JQ for one would take another depression over gentrification of the neighborhood any day."


I hereby take offense at these accusations and assumptions.

I don't want another depression, although with close to 60,000 homeless including families, veterans and even hipsters (I swear), those praising these ossifying these population and tourism stats are clearly trying to deny one exists. And how convenient is it when the masses that come to the city to visit or yearn to live here cover up the malaise and any visibility of impoverishment.

And I don't monger hate, I only monger uncomfortable truths. Like all these officials from DeFaustio on down to his confederacy of douches and douchehags that are more concerned with providing services for tourists than for residents who live and work here every day. That are more enamored with pandering to a lifestyle than people's livelihoods. That are providing housing clearly for people that will wind up being priced out of certain areas as long as they remain in Brooklyn and can continue their frivolous spending habits and food fetishes. And doing all this as the subways and elevated train lines are falling to pieces and facing indeterminate shutdowns and suspensions.

This gentrification is happening to fast. It's unnatural. And it's overwhelming and overcoming every one and every thing that has made this city habitable, tolerable and affordable.

And it has not done a damn thing to staunch crime as the recent spate of knife and machete attacks have shown. And these are happening in supposed hip towns too. But at least you can get drunk and pee on the streets (well in Manhattan, but guess what certain demographic benefits mostly from that)

But my ramblings certainly won't dissuade anyone from being giddy,glassy-eyed and blissfully ignorant about this influx like our appointed official quoted above. Especially since this is the prevailing mindset in City Hall, even with the departure of that illegal adviser lobby cabal superpac.

"A lot of people outside New York City understand what happened in the first year of New York City better than the people in New York City,”
Bill De Blasio

“We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin … the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anonymous said...


Nothing to justify my friend.

A political shill is getting desperate and spills the beans when he is worried about some economic downturn (less bribes).

We all feel the same and has nothing to do with hate or racism.
If the stupid shills can't tell the difference or this is their excuse -
well they can all go f.... themselves.

Business as usual is over boys and girls.

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