Thursday, February 11, 2016

Behold the most beautiful yard you've ever seen!

You may remember this post from 2014 regarding the property located on 60th Drive in Maspeth. I was told at the time to wait until the owner was done because it would be the nicest yard we've ever seen. Well, here you go. That's a humdinger of a horizontal enlargement.

It's a good thing I'm getting my allergy shots what with all that green on the property!

How many garages does one family need?


Anonymous said...

It's most likely being used as a motel to help defray the mortgage.

georgetheatheist said...

And also behold the most beautiful building you've ever seen!*

How many warehouses does a neighborhood need?

Steinway Mansion Historical Heritage Site, 42nd Street, Astoria: update.

*And soon will no longer be seen.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a small Motel Add-on

JQ LLC said...

Maybe those garages are for cooking meth or maybe a local chop shop.

I guess the owners prefer flooding than flora. Hideous.

JQ LLC said...

Oh duh, Airbnb rentals.

(sarc) said...

The parking spots just keep disappearing.

I guess you must do what you have to...

Anonymous said...

This is getting so ridiculous and out of hand....where do these people expect to park their cars or how do they expect that government services is going to keep up with this multi family crap? We had zoning laws in place for a reason and it seems like all of those laws were just thrown out the window.

Anonymous said...

Typical Queens - no fucking class! Mediocrity reigns supreme!

Student of the history of architecture said...


Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes! The Bukarivinianina style! Lovely. So classy. So elegante du jour. Can probably house 20-30 of their extended family in there. The American dream!

Anonymous said...

Sort of explains why public space is being eaten up by large tree pits and 'bio-swales' and we all need to get rid of our cars and ride bikes to lower the carbon footprint.

Jerry Rotondi, moving on said...

Oh, but you've got the Queens Museum. LOL!

After visiting the Brooklyn Museum yesterday, I have come to a conclusion.
Not only is our borough bereft of any real significan art or culture, it is a vast wasteland!

What have we really got to offer?
A substandard transportation system and developable land, which will confined to be filled in.

No municipal historic district for my nabe Broadway Flushing. That is for sure.

I've been thinking of sharing a four story townhouse in the Crown Heights historic district with a good friend.
We figure I'd I sell my home in Broadway Queens , and he does also in Astoria, we can afford the purchase price of living in a rapidly
upcoming Brooklyn neighborhood.

See what a historic district can do for a nabe!

Maybe in about a year, we are gone from Queens!
Am I bitter? You betcha! Corruption reigns supreme in Queens!

Anonymous said...

The tree has to go.

Anonymous said...

These are Italian folks who own an auto collision business, moved from Williamsburg and have brought their special brand to Maspeth. You really need to experience them in person to understand. The garages are for their collection of overly expensive cars. When you have "some" money, but aren't top dog, this is what you do. Find a small house in a modest neighborhood and supersize it so you can appear to be a big fish in a small pond.

Anonymous said...

Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, maybe the owner really does think this piece of crap is beautiful. The pièce de résistance would have been a few Fedders, though. His architect didn't follow the script.

Anonymous said...

If Astoria is rapidly becoming the asshole of Queens, the Maspeth is the potty.

Anonymous said...

LOL..."Italian folks"?
Sound more like goombah goof balls with no Klass!
"Casa Mia...garaga mia".
Bah fa en coola!

Anonymous said...

These are Italian folks who own an auto collision business, moved from Williamsburg and have brought their special brand to Maspeth. You really need to experience them in person to understand. The garages are for their collection of overly expensive cars. When you have "some" money, but aren't top dog, this is what you do. Find a small house in a modest neighborhood and supersize it so you can appear to be a big fish in a small pond.

You see that same in upper Ditmars - the effort is as laughable as the old guard's effort to remain relevant:

Anonymous said...

Oh, but you've got the Queens Museum. LOL!

After visiting the Brooklyn Museum yesterday, I have come to a conclusion.
Not only is our borough bereft of any real significant art or culture, it is a vast wasteland!


That's because the lo-voltage leadership in Queens is frightened of anyone with a flicker of creativity and intelligence. All you need to do is continuously blindside them as you point and laugh. Yes, also make sure that you keep trips to Brooklyn and Manhattan in your schedule so you can keep a foot in the real world.

Anonymous said...

You know, even the Bronx community Boards are (finally) fighting this bs, with some success. Queens and Staten Island need to each grow a pair...

Anonymous said...

The owner is Camel Popa-Strocchia.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Schwallbach is turning over in her grave.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hideous. Why do people do this? I will never understand. Doesn't anyone value green space?

Joe Moretti said...

Whatever happened to the law that went into effect several years ago, that a certain percentage of residential land had to have green space.

Anonymous said...

That's not a legal curb cut. Too close to both the utility pole and the hydrant.
Call it in


Anonymous said...

Absolutely hideous. Why do people do this? I will never understand. Doesn't anyone value green space?

they do - but with the reputation of Queens no one with wits about them wants to come over here and try to enlighten the locals - something about lipstick on a pig comes to mind.

until 'official' channels thinks this is important, no one will listen to you, believe what you say, or even worse, stand stupidly around saying that they have no idea what to do - you will have the do the work for them.

and since 'official' channels are keenly aware that they have no other career options but managing peasants to keep harvesting the land itself there is no prospect for change in the immediate future.

Anonymous said...

i'd like three of these please.

Anonymous said...

But those two garages are behind a cement wall that looks like it doesn't open. There's no curb cut, no gate to open onto the street. Or did I miss it with the overwhelming brick. And frankly, I'm schocked they didn't tear down the tree.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, the gate is behind the mound of dirt/truck.

Anonymous said...

"De gustibus non est disputandum"

I quite like it but then again I'm Italian. My Itish friends refer to this as a "palaza Stucatza".

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the dormers without windows in them! So useful!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL..."Italian folks"?
Sound more like goombah goof balls with no Klass!

The last Italian with any class died in about 1650, in Florence. Then again, nobody south of the Tiber ever had any to begin with, which is where most of the Goombah-Americans originate.

Anonymous said...

When you have "some" money, but aren't top dog, this is what you do. Find a small house in a modest neighborhood and supersize it so you can appear to be a big fish in a small pond.

Boy, you ain't kidding! When low-education gets a few dollars in their pockets, this is what they do with it.

Its really no different than using your tax rebate to buy a set of rims for your leased car.

georgetheatheist said...

"...south of the Tiber..."

Attenzione Signore Disparagement. You probably mean south of the Arno?

(I gots to get outta here.)

georgetheatheist said...

"My Itish friends refer to this as a "palaza Stucatza"."

I'm sure your Itish pals must have meant "palazzo stucazzo". But what do the Itish know?

(Please, someone find for me the exit. I'll be forever grateful.)

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the dormers without windows in them! So useful!!!

Closets with cathedral ceilings.

Anonymous said...

No, George. My Irish friends call it a "Palazzo Stucazzo" but my Itish friends call it a "Palaza Stucatza"

Anonymous said...

It's no secret that community boards and elected officials are being bribed by realtors and developers.

JQ LLC said...

Wait a minute, how do they get the other car in there? would a K turn even work? That driveway looks small.

Unless is for storage. Or more likely, one of those chronic hoarders.

This looks like something in Howard Beach east of Crossbay. (new Howard). But more ostentatious and quite unpractical for whatever use those garages are for. And fugly.

Abeets said...

Hey Nunzio. A Palazzo Stucazzo is where a Bonzo Stronzo lives. Gabeesh?

Anonymous said...

Si, Io Capisco

Anonymous said...

Palaza Stunada

Goombah John

Anonymous said...

So, he wants to maximize the use of his property. It's his right. Italians don't like trees and grass, anyway.
Too much work. Now give them cement and they are ecstatic. Clean...easy to maintain.

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