Monday, January 25, 2016

How Queens electeds handled the snow debacle

Well folks, this is what represents you.

Koslowitz thinks there's 20 feet of snow.
Crowley can't form a grammatically correct sentence.
Dromm is too upset about the cancellation of a gay pride event than the fact that his district got hit the hardest.
Van Bramer wants you to know that he didn't miss brunch.
Vallone managed to turn his constituents' grief into a commercial for himself.
The rest of them can't seem to agree on whether the response by the city was fantastic or sucked ass.


Anonymous said...

Surprised the Queens BP didn't interject the BS about the diversity and 857 different languages spoken in the borough. Also, if she keeps touting her idiotic refrain "if it's good for families, it's good for Queens" one more time, I'm moving! By the way, unplowed streets are not good for families!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Koslowitz is out of the country on vacation.

JQ LLC said...

look at Merrick blvd. Jamaica's so hot right now.

All that snow cleared on the major aves. are has now returned. Businesses are pushing the snow back out on the roads, stupidly assuming that it will melt. It gives the feel of maneuvering thru an asteroid shower.

Jerry Rotondi, registered Democrat said...

Sounds like a snow job from a lot of the electeds.
If my street , 165th, is not plowed by late Sunday evening, Councilman Paul Vallone does not get my vote.

GaryW said...

Life in a one party town.

None will be primaried, most will run unopposed, all will get re-elected.(barring term limits)

Anonymous said...

Really, Paul Vallone, it's not a ll about you and your week in review. How about some indignation and outrage that side streets in your district did not see a plow for 39 hours and are still insufficiently cleared to support two way traffic. Why don't you take a walking tour.

Snake Plissskin said...

Manhattan has good cleaned streets because the pols there ensure that their communitie have the infrastructure as well as the equipment to handle emergencies.

In Queens, they spend the same amount of money, but the focus is career promotion, getting jobs for hacks, helping campaign donors (read developers and foreign nationals) and harvesting votes.

So instead of having equipment to melt the snow, as across the river, we put in money in bike lanes, ferries on the East River, and dog runs (good God, those dog runs)

The thinking is illegals and hipsters have no idea what the f$%%*k is going on and the typical Queens voter is a sheeple that will go back to their holes once the snow melts. Can't upset the pols now - that is bad manners!

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Thanks for the "agile" response, AirBdB!

ron s said...

All you have to do is read the message from Crowley to see why Queens is such a joke to outsiders.

Anonymous said...

Who cares how they treat you?

You will forget about this with the first spring tulip, and will stand passive while non-hacks are eased out of the election process, and dutifully (and most politely) vote for the hack you are told to.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the likes of Francisco Moya to DEMAND answers. If you can understand what he is even saying half the time. And I'm Spanish.

Chester the Dog said...

I love it! Poor grammar galore and Sunday brunch is more important the the needs of the residents!

georgetheatheist said...

Really, Paul Vallone, it's not a ll about you and your week in review. How about some indignation and outrage that side streets in your district did not see a plow for 39 hours and are still insufficiently cleared to support two way traffic. Why don't you take a walking tour.

Overheard by Stinky: "Is this good for the Jews"?

Anonymous said...

Koslowitz called for 20-24 feet of snow!! Can't this woman just go away?

Anonymous said...

How about some of that discretionary spending that these pol's have go to, oh, I don't know, maybe getting a couple of small contractors with plows, back hoes, etc. to get the job done?

(sarc) said...

Elizabeth Crowley:

"...need more resources here to BLOW our neighborhoods streets and we have been promised that they are on their way."

I could not have said it better...

Anonymous said...

So what did we learn from the snow storm? Ulrich is on the ball; Van Bramer was having a gay time in the snow and Crowley is an idiot. Oh yes and de Blasio is clueless. Nothing new here.

Anonymous said...

ron s
Why was the snowman smiling?
He heard the snow blower coming ;-)

Anonymous said...

The Sanitation Department hires anyone with a strong back and willing attitude to shovel out Manhattan. Why can't they do that in Queens, too?

Jerry Rotondi said...

I did not mean, in any way, that CM Vallone is here to take care of only my personal needs...excluding others' .
I am not as narcisistic as the councilman.
I merely exercised my right to challenge CM Vallone , to clear my street....
and all of the others along with mine , would be standard operating procedure.

If everyone else put their politicians on the spot to do the jobs we elected them to do, then they would, indeed, do their jobs.
Remember...they work for you. You hired them at the voting booth. There is no need to fear your electeds. They should be fearing you.

And, if CM Vallone has too thin a skin , then he should leave the hot kitchen of politics and return to the family business.

Anonymous said...

How about YOU expressing some indignation to Vallone as to why YOUR street has not been cleared.
If each voter would squeeze their pol's balls hard enough, we would see action.
You scream. I scream, we all scream and things get done! Kisss a pol's ass and you'll get brown along with all of the white snow.

Anonymous said...

We simply do not express indignation out here in northeast Queens.
We are as polite as can be. We socialize together at church auxiliary teas.
We have been kissing ass for decades and have been highly successful, thereby, in getting service from our representatives.
You say that times have changed and we are stuck in the mud (snow)?
But the only thing that we are well accomplished at , is knowing how to blow.

Anonymous said...

The Sanitation Department hires anyone with a strong back and willing attitude to shovel out Manhattan

For $13.50/hr. That is a joke.
Didn't the mayor campaign for $15.00/hr for McDonald workers?
I see when is someone else's money is OK to stand for higher wages.
Shoveling is much harder my friend!
So pay for it accordingly.
Typical liberal attitude, stop traffic, do nothing and complain about the weather, streets, people, pretty much about everything else, but his own lack of management skills.

@Jerry Rotondi - As long as REBNY is good he is good.
Taxpayers are just plain annoying with all their minuscule problems like over development, landmarking, preserving history.

Did you know that a second Sheraton is coming to Flushing? On 35th Av?
Got to find the latest news, unflipping believable what goes on.
They have no shame!

Here I have found it:

Crappie maybe a separate article is due on all these wonderful development news.

Anonymous said...

JVB and Dromm , prominent queens of Queens making light of it all.
"Let's all party"!

(sarc) said...

"For $13.50/hr. That is a joke."

Wait until they take out for FICA, City Taxes, State taxes, Federal Income tax.

Do as I say, NOT as I do...

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