Sunday, December 13, 2015

Strip club shut down

From the Daily News:

The Show Palace, an “all nude” strip club in Long Island City, Queens, was shuttered by court order Friday after investigators learned that servers were selling both marijuana and cocaine along with non-alcoholic drinks and lap dances, officials said.

The NYPD Narcotics Bureau conducted a number of investigations at the Show Palace, according to officials. A week before it was closed, a shooting took place outside the club, a police source said.

“Waitresses were selling drugs to customers,” the source said.


Anonymous said...

Well in all honesty, to look at some of those girls, you do need to make them look better by any means necessary.

Anonymous said...

All-in-one service shop.

Anonymous said...

The timing of this could NOT be more convenient!!! This "investigation' comes right on the heels of a blog post written in favor of Show Palace
and also comes 3 days before the club's liquor license hearing!!!! Sorry, but this is an abuse of the nuisance abatement law. It's a stalling tactic. They will find a way out of this because they didn't know the waitress who is actually a dancer and an independent contractor (not an employee), was selling anything. They're not going to search every dancer's purse every time she comes in to work. The SLA knows that. If management was behind it, that's a different story, but it's not the case here. This is the work of our community board chairman who does corrupt sht like this when he thinks things might not go his way. I think Show Palace had a great chance at getting their liquor license this time and Pat O'Brien got scared. What a fat little brat! Now we know for certain how corrupt our local politicians, community representatives and precinct really are. This is total retaliation and it's pathetic! I would sue the sht out of all of them!

Also, DN is gonna have to print a retraction. There was no shooting outside the club last week. They also don't allow weapons in that club and search you at the door. The shooting was months ago and was on another street. The victim was a customer, the perpetrator was unknown.

Anonymous said...

Prison industrial complex + war on drugs = profits galore

(sarc) said...

This is just a continuation of the war on women.

Poor girls trying to make an honest buck.

Now where am I going to go to relax???

Anonymous said...

Now we know for certain how corrupt our local politicians, community representatives and precinct really are.

This is here because when they wanted to clean out Times Sq our very own Walter McCaffey passed legislation designed to move them out of Times Sq making it ripe for development and moving them into industrial areas like .... McCaffey's own district.

Not clearly reported in the local press and not a single media or other elected said anything. Of course even if the locals read it they did not put this together - even though it was spelled out pretty clearly.

Anonymous said...

Prison industrial complex + war on drugs = profits galore

Yep nothing like free labor.
That's why we have so many laws and that's why mostly everything is against the law.

Anonymous said...

>That's why we have so many laws and that's why mostly everything is against the law.

That, pearl clutching moralists, and lawyers, politicians and police looking to justify their existence.

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