Friday, December 18, 2015

Report says Jamaica to be the next hot nabe

From AM-NY:

As New Yorkers continue the eternal struggle with high rents in Manhattan and Brooklyn, they’re increasingly setting their sights on Queens, according to a report.

Demand in the borough is set to rise in 2016, according to real estate site StreetEasy, with Jamaica shaping up to be the top neighborhood to watch, according to Alan Lightfeldt, a senior analyst for the company.

Five of the ten neighborhoods predicted to be the most in demand for renters next year are in the borough, according to StreetEasy. Jamaica’s cheaper rents (a median monthly rent of $1,750 in 2015), proximity to public transportation and major highways, as well as recent redevelopment efforts, launched it to the top of StreetEasy’s list.

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, who set up a “Jamaica Now Action Plan” this year to create a blueprint for its future, was thrilled by the presence of Jamaica, Jamaica Estates, Woodside, Elmhurst and Kew Gardens Hills on StreetEasy’s report. She emphasized the importance of keeping the borough affordable amid the predicted influx of new renters.

“While the growth is necessary and encouraged, the challenge for government will be to aggressively expand affordable housing stock to meet the ever-growing demand,” she said in a statement.


Anonymous said...

Yep. Queens is finished.
Manhattan is too congested, too many buildings, not enough space, Queens is next.
Expect skyscrapers, condos, malls and exorbitant rents, taxes and cost of living.

Anonymous said...

Coming to Jamaica,Hipster cafe's that don't take EBT Cards

Anonymous said...

The report is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamaica already leads the borough in Homicides, littered streets and zombie homes!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to live next door to terrorists and crackheads!

JQ LLC said...

"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth"

"To attract people, to win over people to that which I have realized as being true, that is called propaganda. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall."

Joseph Goebbels


the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.

"We're not talking about truth, we're talking about something that seems like truth – the truth we want to exist"

"Truthiness is tearing apart our country, and I don't mean the argument over who came up with the word…"Truthiness is 'What I say is right, and [nothing] anyone else says could possibly be true"

"It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that's not the case anymore. Facts matter not at all."

Stephen Colbert

This is how desperate it's become for the collective sloth and vermin of the vulture hedge funders, predatory developers, spineless power clutching electeds and the putrid misinformation and irresponsible specualation espoused and enabled by our local and national advertainment news media and websites like streeteasy.

So now after they labeled and branded Brooklyn, with the exception of East New York, gentrification is suspended because of community outrage and Brownsville because well some of the residents there will kill you, these modern day huns have decided to declare Jamaica hot because it's near a lot of train stations.

All one has to do to douse this speculative arson is go to Moretti's specifically title website for abundant scenery and the daily news recent splinter gang map. But guess what, these are just minor inconveniences. Even superfund sites like gowanus and newton creek will not impede them. Just call all that garbage "street art" and all the bums peeing and shitting in public and thugs roaming the streets "local denizens". Frankly, I think the target demo (generation gentrification, sorry I like that term I know I forcefully try to implement it) likes to live vicariously amongst the dregs to have some sense of slumming and living dangerously to seem like a genuine citizen, and is dumb enough to spend thousands a month in a micro unit or tenement dump to prove it. And as long as there is a demented market for it, it will not stop anytime soon.

And The Queens Steamer, the incorrigible Miss Katz cannot be more transparent in her duplicity now. Despite her recent decision to temporarily shut down REBNY's, I mean Campaign for One New York, I mean the Mayor's zoning plan, she makes a statement like this to mollify the motherfuckers who are behind this scheme to put the true citizens of Jamaica and any other towns in Queens under duress.

I don't scare easily, but it's getting scary now. It's bad enough crime is on the rise and there are gangs literally everywhere but now you gotta worry about having a roof over your head and it makes moving to a better place even harder. By the time the minimum wage gets to 15 even that won't be enough, since you have to skip breakfast and lunch to make the rent. And all that will be left won't even be enough to eat ramen noodles for dinner. This bullshit has to stop.

Anonymous said...

They've been saying that Jamaica is on the way back since 1969.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until Kew Gardens Hills gets rezoned:

Marcelo Odebrecht said...

Jamaica, Queens will always be "the neighborhood of the future", just like Brazil will always be "the country of the future".

Anonymous said...

If they get the homeless out of the streets, fix the traffic congestion issues and make the neighborhood safer, i think that it it achievable. Jamaica could be the next downtown flushing, but better.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to eat the organic fried chicken

Anonymous said...

Queens isn't expensive enough already, now there's an open hitlist of which neighborhoods will be targeted by the hipster next?

They won't be happy until we're all priced out and living in Poughkeepsie.

Anonymous said...

Affordable housing us code word for " come on in developers".

Anonymous said...

"They won't be happy until we're all priced out and living in Poughkeepsie"
Have you been to Poughkeepsie recently ? It looks better than most of Queens...

Anonymous said...


Actually the huns were pretty OK dudes. Including Attila their leader.
There is a great book somewhere not sure if there is an English translation for it that describes in detail the corruption of the Roman Empire seen through the eyes of the huns.

NYC reminds me of the Roman Empire.

JQ LLC said...

Forgive my reverse metaphor,last anon, best regards for acknowledging it.

Then we gotta assemble some huns of our own.

And fuck you assholes at Streeteasy, the median rent and income does not equate with the majority of the citizens of Jamaica,and the rest of queens and the bronx, and even Manhattan and Brooklyn Goddamn. Cut the shit. Especially the lobotomized marionettes in the advertainment news media. Do some thorough researching and find some goddamn integrity.

Or have you all no sense of deceny left?

Anonymous said...

As if......

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Obama is re-homing approx 68,000 Syrian refugees in Queens.
They are cutting a HUGE check to DeBlasio for taking them.
Look around for links the White House has ordered a media blackout on who's getting these checks and how much. Backroom deals, No transparency NOTHING this is just crazy !! People better get ready for HUGE trouble, remember this is an ISLAND !!

Joe Moretti said...

Of course those of us here in Jamaica certainly would like to see this be true and even if it brings some better quality of people to come and check it out that would be great, but it is quite apparent this is just a real estate lobby big advertising blitz that they do with all neighborhoods and communities they want to exploit. PLANT A SEED.

No doubt Jamaica needs something to be done, that is for sure. But as I read the various articles that seemed to have come out this past week on Jamaica, there were many untruths and a lack of facts, pretty much like the Republican Debate the other night, that stated so many things that were not true or not facts (Fiorino being the biggest).

A glaring example was the median rent in Jamaica of $1,750. That is absolutely false, not even close. More like maybe $1100-$1200, which that is even high for this area. Plus that is not considered cheap rent as the article states. Cheap for who. So now it has come to this, that $1750 is considered cheap. For who, not the average worker in Queens.

Also the "recent redevelopment efforts", while many developments are supposed to take place, there have only been two or three at the most that have actually happened in the past five years.

This is all one big advertising blitz. But SOMETHING must be done to improve an area that has been neglected for decades by the same people who are not attempting to exploit it.

Julie B. said...

Jamaica has not been habitable since 1955, I'd say. Jamaica is the land that time forgot, that has defied gentrification. It just is NEVER going to happen. It is a blighted wasteland. The people who live there will cut the newcomers like a bitch

Anonymous said...

Well said Joe M. and JQ.

Right on about the median rent. I pay $1000 in Flushing. Amazing, but I have roots in thye neighborhood and the landlord likes me. But still, the median rents that the article cited are for the Manhattan and North Brooklyn flock. They are predisposed to move only habitate in areas that are considered "happening". For this, they pay ridiculous sums of money. They are literally two sets of medioan rents in NYC. The working class neighbvorhood median rent, and the east bushwickburg median rent.

Anonymous said...

Hot for what....filth and crime?
We are running out of "hot" NYC nabes and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel to fleece hipsters.
East New York is next!

Anonymous said...

People like jq and Julie can try to keep Jamaica a ghetto all you want - whether it ever becomes something else will have nothing to do with your irrelevant selves. The market doesn't give a fuck what you think.

JQ LLC said...

The market doesn't give a fuck what you think.

You think the free market is some sort of entity like a god and me and my opinions(and Julie's) are irrelevant?

And I don't want towns to be ghettos, I want towns to be affordable and equitable for everyone, not all poor people are robbers and gangbangers. I just call bullshit on what the AMI is. Besides it's misnomered, Streeteasy's rent calculation as well as the cities calculation for their sham affordable housing is the AGGREGATE not AREA median income. What these hucksters are doing is similar to the redistricting scams in some of the "red states" to swing majority votes to hardline republicans and to re-elect the biggest trust fund baby of all time George W. Bush.

Irrelevant, _____ please.

Julie B. said...

JQ, thanks for helping me out. Have the others critical of us actually been to Jamaica??? When you would pull into the 169th street F station in the evening, the smell of raw sewage would hit you even before the doors opened. HIllside Avenue and 169th is one filthy, grimy area--but I STILL feel safer there than Sutphin/Archer because I see families walking on Hillside. JQ and I are keeping Jamaica a ghetto? For god's sake, the Jamaica courthouse crowd has long been deprived of a decent lunch spot. Obviously a market there, so why haven't people capitalized on it?

Anonymous said...

El Rey on Hillside and 148 isn't a good lunch spot? This German-Irish kid loves their mofongo.

Outside of that though, there isn't much around there, but then again Kew Gardens has the same problem keeping good places across Queens Blvd from Borough Hall. You need a dinner crowd to sustain a restaurant and who wants to hang around courthouses at night?

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