Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Paragon building to be developed into condos

From LIC Post:

The owners of the Paragon Paint building are seeking a zoning variance so they can develop three residential buildings alongside the well-known factory that would in total create 334 apartments, about 14,000-square-feet of retail space and a public park.

The owners, Brent Carrier and Simon Baron Development, filed an application with the New York City Board of Standards and Appeals on Oct. 2, as they aim to get permission to build the dwelling units on property zoned for manufacturing. The application is currently being reviewed by Community Board 2.

The developers plan to keep the front section of the Paragon Paint building, located at 45-40 Vernon Blvd., and add three additional buildings of varying heights across three contiguous parcels they own.

One building would be 28 stories and would be attached to the existing Paragon Paint building, while the two others would be 13 stories and eight stories respectively. They are also requesting variances for height.


Anonymous said...

28 stories?

Can you say Affordable Housing?

Try not to laugh.

Hipster paradise!

Anonymous said...

Just wait. First they move in, then they start complaining about all the inconveniences and noise of living in an industrial zone, and try to force everyone else to change their behaviors.

Anonymous said...

I was at a wedding at The Water's Edge in August. I had to walk back to the hotel where the couple was staying and where I left my car at 11 pm on a Friday nite, in a tux. It was about a mile. Walking in the dark with my iPhone map guiding me I was a little concerned until I started walking. The only people I came across were all hipsters, whether it was outside a bar, outside a restaurant, or leaving the wall climbing gym.

This area is on an upswing but doesn't have the infrastructure (sanitation, schools, parking, etc) to support it.

Instead of blocking it we should make our electerds prepare the area without increasing taxes.

A pipe dream!

Anonymous said...

Another perfect example of a scumbag developer.
They just bought this manufacture zoned propery two years ago and now they want to build condo? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

But of course!

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