Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mayor No Show

From the NY Post:

Bill de Blasio isn’t just mayor of New York, he’s also King of the Road — spending nearly twice as much time as his predecessor on personal weekday travels outside the city, The Post has learned.

During his 22 months in office, de Blasio has spent 33 weekdays taking nonofficial trips as far away as Italy and California, according to a Post analysis of his mayoral schedules and other records.

By contrast, Mayor Mike Bloomberg spent just 19 weekdays on the road for anything other than official city business during a comparable time in office, from January 2002 through October 2003.

De Blasio’s travels — many paid for with tax dollars — have taken him to Europe four times and to Puerto Rico twice. He has also made multiple treks to both Boston and Chicago.

One getaway last year saw Hizzoner tour Italy with his family for nine days — five of them weekdays — marking the first time in more than two decades that a New York City mayor skipped work for longer than a week straight.

De Blasio’s six-plus workweeks’ worth of travel don’t even include jaunts to Albany or Washington, DC, where he was presumably conducting city business, The Post’s analysis found.


Anonymous said...

The people have spoken,and now they must be punished.

JQ said...

Unadulterated Hubris. And isn't it convenient that you can never find him unless there's some repressed press conference touting some half-assed program that falsely helps the true citizens. And isn't it also convenient that he's not around to see the hyper-development devouring the streets in the past year.

to those who nostalgically yearn for the Fun Size Mayor's presence again, Mayor Big Slow intentional lack of action and his toadying to the predatory developers proves it's still felt.

And in a way, he fulfilled his promise of making this one city. For it's now a gaudy ostentatious warehouse metropolis theme park for the uber plutocracy, we just happen to work in it.

This chump is the phoniest of all time. A descendant of all the false liberals that feign concern for the middle and lower classes from Bill and Hillary Clinton to that incompetent ineffective reality show celebrity president Obama, who has made the word hope devoid of meaning.

Which is the state of the city it's in now, unless you have disposable income and a young liver.

Anonymous said...

So are we talking 6 weeks of vacation in nearly 2 years? I don't like the guy but that's not excessive. Or is this on top of his paid vacation? Or is he lying about doing work when he's really just on vacation?

Vacation travel certainly shouldn't have been paid with NYers' tax dollars!

(sarc) said...

Just like Obama, he deserves and will take advantage of "we the people" paying for his Vacations...

Anonymous said...

Has he been to Israel, Ireland and Italy yet? it's a must trip before running for re-election!

Anonymous said...

working real hard

Anonymous said...

Liberal about his vacationing too.
Aside from his jaw flapping a mile a minute, even when he's in the city, he ain't really here.
Duh Blasio is forever out to lunch!

Anonymous said...

Just wait until he is Governor BeBlasio,

Anonymous said...

I'm a democrat but not a hardcore radical nut like DiBlasio. If you want to raise your national profile do a good job locally first, then maybe the media might pay some attention to the good that you are doing. this prick of a mayor thinks he's going to use job as mayor of the most powerful city in America to jet set around the country and the globe all in the name of promoting himself well as Ross Perot would say NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!

Tail Spin NYC said...

de Blasion vow to fix income inequality since the day he announced his campaign. After 22 months in office I have yet to see a single policy from him that would fix income inequality.

City handouts do NOT fix income inequality, allowing the homeless to sleep in parks do not fix income inequality, and stopping Charter Schools from opening do not fix income inequality.

He does want you to believe raising the min. wage to $15 would fix it. From what I hear from the local McDonald's staff, many would work fewer hours after this raise because they don't want to lose their public assistance.

Anonymous said...

He really is detached from reality. Look at the indifference in his face. Say what you want about Rudy, but after his 5th (10th?) firefighter or police funeral after 911 - he sat on the steps of a church and openly wept. Can't see this guy doing the same.

Anonymous said...


(sarc) said...

It is easy to level the income inequality.

Rather than bring everyone up just drive out the taxpayers, and all you have left is a bunch of poor people sucking equally on the government teat...

Welcome to Detroit!

ron s said...

My guess is that LaGuardia, Koch and other mayors that actually accomplished anything for the city were in the city for a much greater amount of time.

Anonymous said...

Hold the praise for LaGuardia, it is because of him NYC has a Rite to Shelter law.

Anonymous said...

A tale of two cities,
The one I run
The one I run from
Da Blas

Queens Crapper said...

The "right to shelter" came about in 1981 and was decided by a judge based on the state constitution. It's a safe bet that LaGuardia had nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Crapper but the right to shelter was put in the NY constitution in 1938 (LaGuardia was Mayor of NYC at the time) but the Court case involved backing it came years later.

Queens Crapper said...

LaGuardia was the mayor, not the governor or legislature.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, you underestimate LaGuardia's influence. He was a friend of F.D.R. and a strong New Dealer. He built public housing and was a Progressive. They even named the large City run homeless shelter in Chester NY, Camp LaGuardia.

Anonymous said...

after the KOCH Adm. destroyed the TRUMP-WOLLMAM skate rink ice equipment for 6 yr,Donald Trump repaired it in 6weeks and the millions of nyc teens enjoyed skating again.

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