Monday, November 2, 2015

Bayside community not fooled by SCA & Vallone

Received from someone who did a lot of homework on the Bayside high school/Paul Vallone issue:

32nd Avenue Construction


Anonymous said...

We all know who wrote this, Chadney Spencer. Can we please these bayside elitist any spot light? I know we all dislike vallone, but for god sakes this is a school were talking about here, not some 50 unit development.

Anonymous said...

Vallone-y baloney....unmasked with precision.
Yes, somebody really did their home work very well.
Now do yours. Dump Paulie at the next primary election.

Anonymous said...

The problem with not overcrowding the schools is that the Bayside highs schools will have too many of the "you know what kind of people" that always do well academically and would blow away even top schools in the suburbs. Cardozo was a top 100 ranked school nationally before it was dezoned after closing all the failing schools in Southeast Queens. They needed to diversify the high schools in Bayside as well so they killed two birds with one stone by busing in all the kids from outside the school district.

Queens Crapper said...

I don't know who Chadney Spencer is, but I can assure you he did not write this.

Anonymous said...

We all know who wrote this, Chadney Spencer. Can we please these bayside elitist any spot light? I know we all dislike vallone, but for god sakes this is a school were talking about here, not some 50 unit development.

Thanks for clarifying, Crappy. I know for a fact that it was not Chadney Spencer, as I was also a recipient of this email. In fact, it was a concerned resident who has been living in Bayside for decades who did the research himself (and annotated it in a later email).

Fun fact:

If the Bayside Jewish Center were to be developed, it is zoned R3X. A total of 12 two-family houses could be built on the site.

I'll take 24 families investing in Bayside's future rather than a high school starting with at least 800 students being pushed by Councilmember Vallone against the will of the community. Not to mention (as the author of this chart stated), how much did the Vallone family benefit from this deal?

High School = Bad Councilmember

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

I don't know why it's so difficult to not just build up on top of francis Lewis high school. Is the foundation not sturdy enough or something to add another 3 or 4 floors onto the building? It is a large space and I'm sure it will help with the overcrowding if they just built another few floors on top of this school. Was this ever proposed instead of just sticking another school in?

Anonymous said...

Francis Lewis currently has about 4100 kids according to a community board meeting I recently attended, and according to others it's closer to 4500. When exactly would they be able to do such a huge project? FLHS opened in 1963, so it's not a new structure. It's impossible, since there's no way to clear out that building. Lewis, being well located for bus transportation, also has summer school. Building floors on to Francis Lewis would be nice to consider if there were somewhere to put all these kids

Anonymous said...

I could only imagine what the congestion would be on like on Utopia Pkwy if there were more students at Francis Lewis HS. As it is now, it's tough to make it past there in the morning without getting stuck for a few red lights because parents have to double park to drop their kids off.

Anonymous said...

Not only do the Vallones have close ties to the major real estate developers in queens, that have ruined so many neighborhoods, but they also have connections to the dept of education and school construction authority. Their consulting/lobbying firm recently worked out deal for the leasing of a building to be used as a school by proclaiming "we can get you a foot in the door to city hall", so they could negotiate a better leasing deal and that included bringing in a real shyster real estate broker, who supposedly was the only one that could talk to sca after vallone "opened the door" to places the property owner couldn't get to. As it turns out the supposedly experienced consulting firm brought in a real estate firm which is in conflict to sca building lease deals according official paperwork and other irregularities that an experienced firm should know or did they all conveniently forget. The retention of said firm for commission is a direct conflict, and the price paid for the firms supposed work is in excess of $500,000. Sounds a little unethical. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

The Vallones are political Mafiosi , maybe the real thing too.
These thugs have been connected for years. It all started with judge Charles Vallone in the 1950s.
This shady family's grubby paws have to be kept from ruining northeast Queens, just like they did to Astoria.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Melanie La Rocca?

Anonymous said...

Please sign the petition if you are against it (need 5000 signatures at least.. so far 5 days it's only over 250):

Anonymous said...

permitting Gov.Facilities to be built in a community that has no need for a SCHOOL, is a waste of taxes and makes space for the onslaught of U.I.A from Cent. America and "MUSLIM SYRIAN REFUGGES" form the Middle East . The 18-40 age men should be defending their fam. and homeland.

Anonymous said...

S.E. groups allow 7 kids /room of 30 seats. that is where the "OVERCRODING "is calculated from.

Anonymous said...

see: P.S.993 S.E. sites in local Queens schools.

Anonymous said...

read wiki, Charles Martel Battle of Tours 732-age of the caliphis-Umayyad dominance stretches from the Middle East to Iberia to include Narbonne port.

are we paying for our suicide in the near future?are our leaders Marxist /Muslim Quislings ?

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