Tuesday, November 3, 2015

AirBnB now wants to cooperate

From the Daily News:

The apartment-sharing website — which includes many listings that are illegal under state housing laws — agreed to sit down with officials to discuss sharing its data following a contentious City Council hearing Friday.

Christopher Lehane, head of public policy for Airbnb, told City Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal that the company would meet with her before Thanksgiving to discuss what data they could share to crack down on illegal operators.


JQ said...

Fuck them. These lousy little shits have got to go. A lot of laws were broken, even though not enforced and the virus they have brought to the boroughs has done insurmountable damage to the cost of modest affordable living in this city. Look at what they done to their home base in San Francisco, which this city is desperately replicating.

Fuck them and chase them out of town. Man, if only we could modernize witch trials and put these worthless app execs on the stake.

Anonymous said...

The apartment-sharing website — which includes many listings that are illegal under state housing laws — agreed to sit down with officials to discuss sharing its data following a contentious City Council hearing Friday.

Christopher Lehane, head of public policy for Airbnb, told City Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal that the company would meet with her before Thanksgiving to discuss what data they could share to crack down on illegal operators.


Anonymous said...

AirBNB will never work in NYC because the people that will use it are low-class, lying scumbags - both the owners and the renters!

There will be theft, adult sex parties, underage sex, drugs and alcohol parties. And then the guns and knives will come out. It's not fair to the neighbors - whether you're in a rental, coop, condo or private home - AirBNB in NYC will lower the quality of life.


(sarc) said...

"So Helen, how much campaign money do you need???"

Anonymous said...

Make Airbnb post a $10,000,000 bond, and draw down $10,000 as a fine for each violation made by an Airbnb client. Repeat as necessary.

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