Thursday, October 1, 2015

Contractor license yanked for first time

From the Daily News:

For the first time, the city has revoked the license of a bad-actor construction contractor for racking up a mountain of dangerous code violations, officials announced Wednesday.

MRMD NY Corp. was cited for more code violations than any other contractor in the city, running up $834,000 in fines for repeatedly putting workers and the public in danger at their job sites, officials said.

The company reached an agreement with the city Law Department back in November to clean up its act, but building inspectors kept finding more violations after that.

By last month MRMD had piled up another $600,000 in fines. Last week the city moved to revoke MRMD’s license after finding the company and owner, Michelle San Miguel, in default of the November agreement.


(sarc) said...

It got pulled, not for the lousy work, but for his non payment...

Anonymous said...

they have over 300 outstanding violations that total $1.011 million. about time it got pulled

camel bladder said...

the problem is that GC licenses are like headaches, anyone can get one. now that this asshole has run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties that he will now never pay he can get his uncle or grandmother to get a GC license from DOB and start all over again. everyone at DOB knows that this is how it works and no one seems to give a shit. they seem to believe that taking away a GC license has the same effect as taking away a plumber's or electrician's license. but a plumber or electrician must work in the trade for 7 years and pass a written and practical exam to get their license so if they loose it uncle Bubba can't help them.

Anonymous said...

So what is the limit?
Cool million until it gets pulled or like the climate change crew, as long as you pay is OK.
Now where will the money come from?

(sarc) said...

Don't worry.

You will be paying for him and his family, when they are in the nice new homeless shelter...

Anonymous said...

but I thought Obama opposed such licensing to begin with on the grounds it kept minorities out

Anonymous said...

What happens to the job that they have pulled permits on that are existing. There is one on my block. They should be shut down. Don't you think that would impact that GC's income.

No license -- no jobs.

Anonymous said...

Step in the right direct. We need to see the the DOI and DOB keep up the momentum.

It appears from the NYC DOB Website that MRMD has pulled thousands of permits overtime. It is obvious that allegedly all they do is, for the most part, pull the permit(s). There is no way a firm this size could possibly supervise and coordinate construction at all the sites they have pulled permits for. They put their insurance on the line -- for which they are probably well paid. Big Business apparently. The insurance that is needed to operate as a GC in NYC should no longer be available to them. All the projects that have active permits in place should be issued immediate FULL STOP WORK ORDERS. Especially the jobs that have serious past and present safety violations. The jobs should all be AUDITED. The violations are serious enough in many cases to precipitate audits and site safety reviews. All inspections for the issuance of COs should be scrutinized as well prior to COs being issued.

The professionals (architects, engineers, owners and contractors) associated with the job have to have been part of the pulling of the permits and work in some ways. Surely, on residential projects the OWNERS who hire them KNOW. Consequences should be attributable to part takers in scam.

Anonymous said...

Question: Why have they been able to keep their insurance. Are they insured? The DOB should have the ability and right to contact insurance carriers to verify the insurance coverage. They should also report serious violations, especially when they start mounting up.

We know from past experience the DOB does not investigate the insurance coverage probably until an accident happens.

That is the way they operate.

Anonymous said...

THE DOI has to put together the evidence to prosecute these individuals. That may be in the works already.

Of course, they need to do that before the statute of limitations runs out.

Most times the evidence is there. Start with their active jobs and work backwards.

Issue STOP WORK ORDERS ON ALL OF THEIR JOBS IMMEDIATELY due to the fact that they now do not have a licensed G.C. Inspect all the job sites. Audit all the jobs. Review the filings and documentation for falsifications. Issue no Certificates of Occupany on any of their jobs, until all violations are clears and fines paid.

Check to see if their insurance is current and the insurance forms on file are authentic.

Anonymous said...

All active jobs should be issued a STOP WORK ORDER. The G.C. must provide insurances for the project. The fact that his license has been revoked -- means the project is not insured. If you are harmed while the project is not insured -- you will -- like many of us before you -- have to file and finance a civil suit to recover for any damages sustained as a result of any future wrongdoing at the project that causes damage.

Perhaps Senator Avella and Councilman Vallone can petition the DOI and DOB to issue those STOP WORK ORDERS. If you know of any active projects of the G.C. file a complaint stating that the G.C.'s license has been revoked.

Anonymous said...

Presumably, the owners that hired MRMD bought themselves a G.C. license. Scam artists. Their projects need to be held up. The investigation in the end may involve criminal charges one would think.

Maybe there is a second roundup of arrests coming.

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