Saturday, October 31, 2015

City Council wants to crack down on AirBnB

From CBS:

Proposed legislation aims to rein in landlords who evict tenants in favor of Airbnb renters.

The current fine for renting out an apartment for fewer than 30 days without an owner present is $1,600.

The proposal by City Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal (D-6th) would increase that penalty to between $10,000 and $50,000, WCBS 880’s Ginny Kosola reported.

“You’re living in what you thought was a residential community in your building, but now you have a revolving door of suitcases going in and out next door to you, disturbing your quality of life,” Rosenthal told 1010 WINS. “So the law exists for a reason, it’s illegal to rent out your apartment.”

Rosenthal said landlords on the Upper West Side are tossing out tenants and renting out the apartments at a high, daily Airbnb rate.

The law does not apply to owners of single- and two-family homes.

Then there was this priceless quote from Paul Vallone:

“The underlining and continual concern is that Airbnb makes a profit while turning our community into Animal House,” Vallone said.

(I think he meant underlying...)


Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap, Vallone, let's see action. Write a bill!

Anonymous said...

The best comment of the year, priceless!

"The underlining and continual concern is that Airbnb makes a profit while turning our community into Animal House,” Vallone said."

Really councilman? Did you keep a straight face while making the statement above?
Or do you have an urge to look in the mirror and exercise some self criticism?

Vote this dude out of the office!
He is begging for it!

Camel bladder said...

This Airbnb thing has the potential to be very dangerous. What no one seems to be talking about is that this web site advertises for people to rent a room to a stranger from out of town or another country, sometimes while the owner is home. Now I know this may sound crazy to some of us, but these progressive screw balls that participate in this think it is just great that people can just get together and share space. I mean after all we are just one big warm and fuzzy global happy community right? Why don't these pointy heads at city council start asking Arbnb what they are doing to at least try to vet out some of the pervert predators that may be lurking on both sides of these Airbnb deals before someone gets raped or butchered in one of these deals?

JQ said...

good analogy Williams. This guy, despite some gaffes, might turn out o.k.

The potential has been reality for quite some time, this parasitic livelihood killer in addition to the other invading junk social economy peers uber and the atrocious facebook and snapchat are worth billions. And with this unjustified worth, they surely feel that they are too big to fail and will continue to lobby despite being loudly rejected by the true citizens of this fine city,for they reek of the stench of false entitlement and the inability to feel shame as with all that have the electeds that sold out and feign ignorance,as well as the enslaved masses of app-based consumerism and those desperate to keep frivolously spending beyond their means to live in goddamn Brooklyn.

The media again, as shown with the briefness of this story, is not doing it's job informing the public. It's like they only do these stories as if it's an annoying obligation. As with the recent shooting in Bayside and ludicrous listings for van and pod dwellings all in a span of 4 months, this is a scandal that might have possible ramifications and indictments for those soulless millenial douches that run the site. But that's if Scheiderman finds his balls first.

Anonymous said...

AirBnb can make it easy for TERRORIST to move around and stay undetected

Anonymous said...

"The underlining and continual concern is that Airbnb makes a profit while turning our community into Animal House," Vallone said.

And then after the cameras and reporters left, Vallone and REBNY started chanting, "Toga! Toga!"

Anonymous said...

I'm confused: are us progressives in favor of air bnb or against it?

The one guy says: " these progressive screw balls that participate in this (Air BnB) think it is just great that people can just get together... just one big warm and fuzzy global happy community right?"

The other guy says: "what right do you progressives have in telling someone what to do with their property? This isn't North Korea. Communists!"

Please consult with Fox and your AM radio gods to tell us whether Air BnB should be left alone as a shining beacon free market American greatness or a terroristic threat that should be met with the full power and might of American militaristic justice. Remember, it can only be one or the other. And no matter what the outcome, all blame for anything remotely agitating must be traced back entirely to Democrats.

I'm pretty sure I'm dead set against Air BnB, REBNY control of city government and the Bloomberg plutocracy that put this insanity into hyperdrive.

Anonymous said...

They're not getting their "Honest Graft" from air bnb, that's why they're making noises about it. Once they get their "Squeeze" they'll pipe down... And we'll vote the same clowns into office next time around...

Jerry Rotondi, community activist presevationist said...

Vallone-y baloney!
REBNY plays a tune, and Paulie dances to the beat.
I love the, "Toga! Toga! Toga!" reference.

Anonymous said...

If you are pro Vallone, you're a cheese head.
Hey , Valloney baloney and Provelone make a good combo for a political sellout sandwich.

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