Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Another one bites the dust

The historic Bloom farmhouse at 90-11 56th Avenue in Elmhurst is coming down:



chico0100 said...

Applicant of Record Information
Business Name: STEVEN KUO ARCHITECT Business Phone: 646-812-7703
Business Address: 141-17 25 AVE WHITESTONE NY 11357 Business Fax:
E-Mail: SCPKUO@GMAIL.COM Mobile Telephone:
License Number: 029144
Applicant Type: P.E. R.A Sign Hanger R.L.A. Other


Anonymous said...

So no one thinks this was an illegal fire? This property was just purchasd by a questionable developer and all of a sudden the house caught on fire! How do these people get away without any investigation? Guess that's how our city works now!

JQ said...

@ anonymous 2

Our city has been working like this for years. The D.O.B. is a farce. My theory on why this house got murdered is no one seem to notice it was there. If George the Atheist didn't document the excavation around the Steinway mansion, an "accident" would have occurred to render it demolished.

So what's going to be there, a luxury hotel or a ostentatious palace for a greedy miser asshole?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful....more housing so more of china can come and take over here! I still don't understand how they afford housing here when the yuan isn't even worth close to the dollars worth. Also, why does all of china get to buy american property without anyone questioning where any of their money is coming from but meanwhile as a citizen, I have to fill out so much paperwork just to get a mortgage and have to make so many copies of my ids and pay stubs and answer so many questions about where and how I'm getting my down payment even? Doesn't any of these worth less politicians find this a little bit peculiar? Doesn't any politician care about who is buying american property anymore? Isn't american land worth anything to the government anymore besides dollars?

Anonymous said...

Did the fire marshal investigate? What was the outcome?

(sarc) said...

The big question is if there was a fire insurance policy.

Probably not, because they would be the ones to force a real investigation, and not need to pay out.

So, was this a suitcase full of money deal?

A new McMansion or a half burned pile of lumber...

Anonymous said...

Chinese lightning!
Tommy Huang wrote the book on that.

Anonymous said...

Thats how NYC has always worked.

Is this guy related to Huang?

Anonymous said...

Whatever Steven Kuo designs for this property, you can be sure it won't make the AIA Guide.

Had enough in Elmhurst said...

I grew up in Elmhurst and was by this place many, many times.

It was a nice looking old house being encroached upon by apartment buildings and a shopping center.

It isn't some sort of 'historic' home. No one heard the name Bloom when it was recently sold or when it had the fire. No one felt it was an integral part of early Elmhurst.

It is a shame but save your sympathy for a site that really has a historic pedigree.

Queens Crapper said...

One dolt's ignorance of his community's history does not detract from the home's historic value. If that were the case, nothing in this town would have ever been saved.

Queens Crapper said...

And by the way, the name "Bloom" was mentioned when it had the fire. BY ME. And also back in 1923 by Eugene Armbruster. Sorry you came late to the party.

Anonymous said...

Preservation in Queens: always a decade too late and a few million dollars short

Anonymous said...

Guys, take heart!

You know all the new people that are moving into our community - the ones that we are told are "revitalizing" it?

They have PLENTY of money cause the politicians are falling all over them (which is great to see as said politicos all but ignore the rest of us in the community).

So here is the deal.

Ask the DOG RUN PEOPLE! They got a million (and dedicated space under the bridge for Fido). Hell to get that much, so quick, means they can do it again no sweat!

So ask them for the money that we can at least store this in a container next to St Saviors - if not make a down payment on the property and have our councilman hook us into the gravy train of QUEENS CAPITAL PROJECTS!

They will not mind. Hell, a lot of them hate that space and you know those people - if something doesn't fit to their perfection they expect adults to rush to make it so.

Perhaps we can even establish a facility for such a collection of special containers. May I suggest the former Civic Virtue location or Margaret Carmen Green in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Dictionary: ARTICULATE RACIST

~ someone with a cracker mindset writes with Harvard prose, generally a staffer for a politician hired to monitor and respond to negative social media.

Wonderful....more housing so more of china can come and take over here! I still don't understand how they afford housing here when the yuan isn't even worth close to the dollars worth. Also, why does all of china get to buy american property witho

Anonymous said...

"Wonderful....more housing so more of china can come and take over here! I still don't understand how they afford housing here when the yuan isn't even worth close to the dollars worth. Also, why does all of china get to buy american property witho"

Hahaha, they have our bonds and own our debt.
Maybe is time to pay up. Don't know, just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I drove by this house recently and noticed the home to the left had graffiti sprayed on it.

Seems to me that house will be part of a demolition along with Bloom and a couple of Fedder's barracks will be erected to house immigrants. Then the small front lawns will be paved over for parking spots and the small balconies will be covered with trash and multiple electric meters will appear on each building and then the graffiti will reappear.

The continued downfall of Elmhurst. A tear in the eye of Poor old Newtown.

Anonymous said...

Let's work with the Newtown Civic Association to see what we can do to preserve this historic house ( and others in the future ).

Anonymous said...

China is our super power rival so I don't like Chinese settling in America. They aim to flood in and take over such as in Vancouver and California and now Queens and NYC. I am not racist because I like the Vietnamese, Koreans and Japanese and could care less if they immigrate. They are not our world competitors.
One good thing about South Florida-- Not many Chinese there though I did have a problem with a Chinese dentist. What a weird place office he ran.

Anonymous said...

ok hacks, go home - there is nothing to see here.

we don't need your racist hand-ringing.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Dictionary: ARTICULATE RACIST

~ someone with a cracker mindset writes with Harvard prose, generally a staffer for a politician hired to monitor and respond to negative social media.

Wonderful....more housing so more of china can come and take over here! I still don't understand how they afford housing here when the yuan isn't even worth close to the dollars worth. Also, why does all of china get to buy american property witho

YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACISM? Why don't YOU talk about how racist the chinese people are then? Do you have any idea of what the chinese think about the rest of the world? Look it up, go right ahead! They don't allow muslims to pray in china, they make muslims sell alcohol in their stores anymore, they don't let other countries buy into their stock markets, they don't like black people, they go into Africa and put up signs in their stores that says "no black people allowed after a certain time of night", they look at people who is not one of their own kind when you shop in their stores.....and YOU want to define "racism" have got to be freaking kidding me! You either are a) chinese yourself or b) a stupid liberal who knows nothing about what's going on in the world around them! Read the papers more and get a freaking clue!!

Anonymous said...

Racist? You must be really stupid. Walk along Union Street in Flushing and tell us about all those signs that you see by the stores.
Then walk into one of the stores and tell us about your experience and race relations.
Better yet take a truckload of cash and go the China and try doing some of the things they do here. Start with some landmark or historical building.
See how far you get.

(sarc) said...

China is covering reefs in the south china seas creating actual islands, that they will claim the surrounding 200 miles that they will rape the all of the natural resources and air rights.

Be happy it is only a neighborhood or two and some houses here...

Anonymous said...

China’s Creepy New Form of control coming to a government near you soon - can you say NSA?

Anonymous said...

Chinese did not do this to this mansion, our political elite did it with their unrelenting drum beating that buildings like this stand in the way of progress. Chinese developers and whatever you think to blame are here because our political elite let them do their dirty work.

All along we should not really criticize developers or real estate people - they act within the guidelines our political elites gave them - legal or illegal.

The same with illegal immigrants and day labor at construction sites. They were permitted here because our political elites want them here, and no one is going to go after them because what they are doing is - you guessed it, what our elites want.

Sometimes you punch something in one area, and you see stink coming out from somewhere else and you say to yourself - aha they are somehow connected.

So lets go back to the original spur that created this torrent of vile Chinese comments.

The hipster kids, all 10 of them, that got a million dollars should give something back to the generous community that gave them all their hard earned money so the at some political elite can buy their vote.

Give that money back to Elmhurst to buy this property - I bet the 'evil Chinaman' would even go along with it if they make money - and I bet our political elites would raise the greatest objections because their tired sorry-assed schemes were short circuited by the herd of cattle they all see of us.

Anonymous said...

This house was not landmarked! It doesn't matter if it is historic or not. It is a waste of money to try to restore it. - alfster

Anonymous said...

It was not landmarked because the councilperson of that district did not want it landmarked. In any other borough it would have been landmarked.

There are hostility against historical societies and civics in Queens because they give people a reason to love and believe in their communities, while the pols stand aside as their donor's flood the media with pro-development bullshit.

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