Tuesday, October 13, 2015

And so the SWO violation continues


Anonymous said...

Although its dissapointing, I'm not surprised. I mean what do/did you expect? Its 1 or 2 human beings writing letters, maybe a phone call, against a NYC govt agency. Who do/did you think will win out? If you're waiting for justice or what you wish as the outcome, don't hold your breath.

Anonymous said...

The DOB need to be clean .

(sarc) said...

What do you expect?

It was a holiday for the city.

Tis easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission...

Anonymous said...

Tip: Call the Police -- it seems to me that I recall reading somewhere that the Police can and will respond to violations of STOP WORK ORDERS. Read the following first.

Full Stop Work Order

Stops all work on a construction site or building, excluding any necessary remedial work to make the site safe


Lifting a Stop Work Order To lift a Stop Worker Order:

Correct all the violating conditions that resulted in the issuance of the Stop Work Order.

Request a re-inspection from the unit that issued the Stop Work Order to verify that all the violating conditions have been corrected.

Pay any applicable civil penalties. UNFORTUNATELY, they are frequently for some reason waived.

Violating a Stop Work Order -- If the Department finds work being done against a Stop Work Order, additional violations may be issued: First Violation of a Stop Work Order:

Any subsequent violation of a Stop Work Order: additional $10,000

The penalties for these violations must be paid before the Stop Work Order can be lifted.

SUGGESTION: LET'S HAMMER THE CITY AND THE DOB to COLLECT THE FINES. If they did, the coffers would be overflowing. For instance: MRMD, the G.C. who just had his license REVOKED (first time this has ever happened - step in the right direction -- is said to have accumulated over $1 million dollars in fines. That's what happens when you "really" do not do the job that is required of you as a G.C.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If they are still roofing today -- look for worker safety violations. For example: no construction hats; lack of harnesses; unstable ladders, no safety gargles; no dumpsters for debris, etc.

Call OSHA and insist that the workers are not protected as they should be. OSHA is on Marathon Pkway in Little Neck. As to speak with a Supervisor. If they say they only respond to worker's complaints, tell them you are seriously concerned that someone will get hurt.

They will issue violations if need be to the roofer.

Anonymous said...

If you feel this way, yet you are praising certain people, what do Senator Avella and others say about solution to getting these suggested results and solution to these problems?

Anonymous said...

This is how the system works. It works against "us". The Counsel for the City protects all their agencies.

Example: A NYS Senator requests a meeting with the NYC DOB Queens Borough Commissioner to discuss important issues surrounding a highly publicized; unsafe and illegal construction project(s) and the notorious owners of the property.

The REQUEST made repeatedly FALLS ON DEAF EARS. The meeting NEVER TAKE PLACE. The ball gets dropped.

Suggestion, perhaps the Senator should request the Governor to make the request on his behalf. Then maybe the Governor could request that the Mayor facilitate the meeting.

Joe said...

Nothing will happen!
The contractor (like many I have spoken to) will continue to pay the payola and fines as a tax for getting things done because that's the way the mayor wants it.

Make the fines and enforcement a joke including anything to block bust and "break" the people that dont want this shit so they give up, sell, move. Also dismantle the law piece by piece to create a NYC nobody will recognize in 10 years.
Stupid NYC voters continue to elect (and re-elect) these sick corrupt democrat progressives and as Ed Koch warned they will endure their punishment brutally!! "the people will be punished" (his exact words)
Crazy old Koch saw this impending disaster coming and warned of it when that imbecile Dinkins was elected !

Anonymous said...

The mob, DOB, contractors are tied together.
Try and clean up the mafia and DOB at the same time?
Whoever rats on mobsters winds up with a Cuban neck tie!

Anonymous said...

Contact Greg Mocker channel eleven.

Anonymous said...

Koch may have had his eccentricities but he was definitely not crazy. I would vote for a Mayor like him in a heartbeat compared to the current crop of politicians.

Anonymous said...

The guy with the nail gun works like it was the 1st time he ever used it. Tip to builder, get to 69th St early if you want the good laborers.

Anonymous said...

NYC has a lot of good laws.
NYC has a lot of shady politicians.
NYC is lax in enforcing imany of its good laws.
So....why do they keep on passing new ones that rarely enforced?

It's for show and it makes it all look good.

Maybe it's because politicians like Paul Vallone can boast that he introduced new legislation to protect us from lawbreakers.
Do they get passed?

What about his new bogus bill regarding Rickert Finlay deed restrictions?
There is no flagging of these restrictions required by the DOB.
There is no enforcement required by NYC.
Yet, Vallone thinks this is a good bill he has introduced.
For who? REBNY, perhaps, not for Broadway Flushing residents.

I guess that REBNY clients pay higher retainers to the Vallone law firm than any tribute homeowners ever could.
His pay check comes before Don Vallone's caring for his constituents.

Anonymous said...

there is no rule of law anymore

its over folks



Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Contact Greg Mocker channel eleven. ".

I'm not sure Mocker would actually cover this story. I do, however, think there is 1 or 2 investigative reporters that might do something. Why don't you, or our politicians/public service persons contact one of them?

(sarc) said...

"no hablo en ingles"

Can we assume these roofers are illegals?

No papers, no ID, no speak English.

So whoever shows up will have no one to issue summonses to, will get frustrated and leave.

Remember we are a sanctuary city, so they cannot run them through the system because that would be racist...

Anonymous said...

The DOB: Shoveling Sh_t Against the Tide

A G.C. applies for and gets an AHV for the last several Saturdays and more going forward.

It is an Alt-1 Major Alteration (that should have been completed long ago had they worked during the week during the 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. times allowed. Much work has been done at night after 6:00 p.m. and for a long period of time on weekends with any any variances at all.

The AHV allows work on Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. (?)


construction work going on after 6 pm and before 7 am on Saturday Definitely, outside the permitted hours even with a VARIANCE. Going on for far too long.

DOB Inspector's Response:



Their is a G.C. and the project is in fact being run by the HOMEOWNER.


Anonymous said...

If the NYPD was in charge of handing out fines for obvious buildings violations the same way they do with traffic tickets... the city would be rich.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this is a DOB issue, not a Paul Vallone issue. The 311 complaints are getting looked at and inspected, the DOB just does little to no enforcement.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree. The council members have interagency phone numbers that we don't have access to, plus they can call the DOB commissioner directly to have something handled. If Vallone wasn't busy parading on 5th ave and attending Mets games, he would have taken care of it.

chico0100 said...

Paul Vallone ‏@PaulVallone 4h4 hours ago

@BillLeahy1 We have reached out to @NYC_Buildings to quickly enforce SWO. As of yest., DOB aware of ongoing issue http://tinyurl.com/qc8y4ca

No shit Paul...many people have complained...no one is stopping it.

Anonymous said...

That's a good point - why is the city suddenly afraid of handing out fines?

They have no problem fining people who don't completely stop before a stop sign in the middle of the night with no one around; why won't they fine people who are blatantly flouting laws for profit?

(sarc) said...

If they put a stop work order there, with the homeowner doing the work, we all know it will be there like that for many years with a beautiful blue tarp for a roof...

Joe Moretti said...

Paul Vallone ‏@PaulVallone 4h4 hours ago

@BillLeahy1 We have reached out to @NYC_Buildings to quickly enforce SWO. As of yest., DOB aware of ongoing issue http://tinyurl.com/qc8y4ca

Being aware is completing different from actually fucking doing something. And a good point was brought up about council members. They have plenty of contacts at various agencies, that they can call and have something done pretty quickly be it DOT, DOS or DOB. From my experience, when I contact my councilman's office about an issue, the person there would tell me I will forward this to my contact at such and such and the issue would get much quicker attention than a regular 311.

Anonymous said...

"They have no problem fining people who don't completely stop before a stop sign in the middle of the night with no one around; why won't they fine people who are blatantly flouting laws for profit?"

That stop sign, red line ticket is nowhere near 5000 bucks for violating a SWO.
I have checked a couple of sites where I see work is done around Flushing, no permit, violations, blatant lies about alterations and not much is being done by the city.
Why have laws, regulations if they are not enforced or selectively enforced?
Something is not right here.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this is a DOB issue, not a Paul Vallone issue. The 311 complaints are getting looked at and inspected, the DOB just does little to no enforcement.
Disagree. He can show leadership. He can call a press conference. He can try to clean up the workers loitering on our streets and drain the swamp of laborers that work on these projects. (I like all this concern the Democrats have for them - but the real reason is to continue to provide labor for construction.)

He will do none of this. Like his papa and brother, he is in tight with the developers - and his voting base are the walyo gombas that make money on con-crete.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the NYPD WILL come and enforce a Stop Work Order if it is clearly hanging on the fence ... which is why so many contractors take the SWO down...but that, in itself, is a violation.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ.
Greg Mocker HAS covered such stories. It is worth a call.
The time you spent posting could have been used to call Mocker.
What have you got to lose?
From the looks of things, you have lost already.

Anonymous said...

Call Help Me Howard, WPIX 11! See: Bayside Squatter Article

Anonymous said...

DOB website states inspector was onsite Tuesday and could not gain access. Case was closed.

Anonymous said...

side bar to you crappy... thanks for not having the video start automatically when we got to the page. appreciate that!

Anonymous said...

" I beg to differ.
Greg Mocker HAS covered such stories. It is worth a call.
The time you spent posting could have been used to call Mocker.
What have you got to lose?
From the looks of things, you have lost already."

Well, guess what? I contacted Greg Mocker ( and another reporter) and he did not respond! Neither did the other reporter for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Par for the cost. Case was closed.

Sometimes they do not even visit the site -- they just close it ADMINISTRATIVELY.

REALLY, we have to put a team together and go after the DOB.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
DOB website states inspector was onsite Tuesday and could not gain access. Case was closed.

Now you understand what I'm saying when I say this isn't a Paul Vallone problem, its a DOB problem. They don't listen to anyone. Individual council members have very little influence, the council body as a whole actually has authority. Until DOB is overhauled, nothing will change, regardless of whose in office. Look at avella, he's on top of.these things too, no? Yet not a single presser he has actually materializes into results.

Time to leave flushing guys

Anonymous said...

This IS a Vallone issue!
If he had any steam in his boiler Vallone would sit on DOB until this got resolved.

Funny how the same....worse....DOB was fucking around when Julia Harrison was a council member.
She always found a way to get those lazy crooked bastards off their asses. She even got DOI to investigate the DOB.
Result....9 Queens building inspectors got arrested.

If Vallone were not a pro building industry lobbyist, he could be doing more than Simonizing his dome and blowing smoke up our asses.
Vallone is like an old gentleman farmer....a country squire who enjoys the prestige of his job.
But he will never raise a callous working in the fields.
He reserves his sweat for his REBNY clients.

If you want to kiss Vallone's sphincter, be sure you wash your mouth before you kiss your children good night.

Anonymous said...

They don't listen to anyone. Individual council members have very little influence, the council body as a whole actually has authority.

So why don't they? Because they don't want to! Chrome Dome stands accused.

Anonymous said...

This is why there are no "starter homes" left in Flushing.

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