Friday, October 16, 2015

Alley Pond dumpster saga continues

Thanks for the post the other day about the overflowing dumpster at Alley Pond Park.

I would like to report to everyone that maybe the Parks Department got the message, sort of. The problem isn't the overflowing dumpster anymore. Now they just leave the garbage for days in front of the park house. WTF is going on with these guys?



Anonymous said...

Just walked by both garbage areas at the park. The dumpster isnt overflowing yet and the garbage by the front door has a few less bags then yesterday.
Maybe some one from parks should take a walk around Alley Pond Park . The garbage cans on the path are also filled and overflowing. who's in charge of this park and why is this accepted?

Jackson Heights Johnny said...

I think the dumpster was never really emptied; someone just took some of the bags out and put them in front of the building....

The old ploy: move stuff around, make it look like something was done, but they really are just SPREADING IT AROUND....


Anonymous said...

This is what you call "A quick fix". Dam shame. Now lets see all the rats chew through the bags. I want to see how they going to fix that?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Stan know what's going on. I see him cleaning the path almost everyday.Thanks to Stan the path look pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Wait in a couple of days there will be two dumpsters in front of the park. Tennis usually contracts a dumpster for the winter.Lets see where their dumpster gets placed this year.Last year they had it on the bike path for most of the winter.

Camel bladder said...

This is government and government employees, careless, incompetent and vengeful shit. You had the balls to complain? Now they will fix your ass. If this were the private sector someone would have to be and should be fired for shit like this. But this is government and civil service employees. The only solution is to contract everything with the exception of MAYBE police and fire protection to private enterprise. If we can't accept this fact then we had better learn to eat shit and lots of it.

Anonymous said...

Waste your time and call 311 for the open dumpster

(sarc) said...

Garbage in - garbage out...

Anonymous said...

Here is some real garbage to worry about.
Off-duty cop slashed in face during Queens park mugging.
This is happening more and more and in broad daylight.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing at least the trash is in bags and their IS A DUMPSTER
In Forest park if you go down by the golf club parking (the old lovers lane) you think your walking through a redneck country landfill. One or 2 over flowing UN-maintained trash cans that haven't been emptied for weeks, cans, bottles, needles, used condoms, litter its unreal. Its much like those abandoned lots seen in Bushwick in the early 70s.
Those park bosses and workers all need to be fired, why are they being paid all this money and gold packages of benefits to do nothing ?

JQ said...

this was placed clearly out of spite. These city workers are petulant brats reacting to criticism. Unless they really don't have sufficient receptacles for the amount of trash they collect. But that dumpster is still in full view, so there is no other excuse.

I would say that you wouldn't see this shit in parks in affluent or recently gentrified areas, but that's generally false. Forest Park, especially in light of Melinda's priority spending on just the path to the bandshell, has always and will always be a blighted area with garbage everywhere. And I seen all kinds of debris, broken bottles and trash in parks like mccarren to riis (on my hipster summer migration trek).

The city has seen a massive influx in development, businesses, entertainment and wealthy individuals in the past 5 years. Where is the money from the taxes they supposedly contribute going to?

I would ask Mayor Big Slow, but he's in fucking Israel. Why is this lardass in Israel?

Anonymous said...

gotta love government employees!!!

JP said...

Its not the employees. These guys do what they are told. Its management just disregarding a problem that needs to be fixed.They always use the same excuse. No money or man power, C'mon enough with the BULLSHIT. Use some of the millions of dollars that the public is being over charged for park projects.
Does anyone know what the budget is for Alley Pond Park and where the money is being spent?

Anonymous said...

This is at most NYC parks. They're disgusting!

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