Thursday, October 8, 2015

All Queens libraries will be open 6 days a week

From DNA Info:

All 62 branches of the Queens Borough Public Library will soon be open at least six days a week, thanks to increased city funding, the library announced Tuesday.

The last time all library branches in the borough were open six days a week was more than a decade ago, the library said.


ron s said...

Did they sell the smoking deck on ebay and use the proceeds for extra hours?

JQ said...

Something that should have been done already. The only way this decision would have any merit is if Galante would have been indicted for stealing tax dollars for his leisure.

Anonymous said...

Great news for parents who work on Saturdays and can now drop their kids off at the local library and expect the staff to take care of them.

Anonymous said...

Things can be fixed.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that the illegal immigrant parents can drop their kids off for the day and get free babysitting. Maybe they could drop in and learn a little English and assimilate.

Anonymous said...

In my local library it is Asians and old people. It isn't illegal immigrants who drop their kids off for babysitting (?). It is families who want their children to succeed. It is a good use for limited funds.

Anonymous said...

Well look at that. A little bit of media heat, the oversight we were supposed to have all along, throwing out a few fat cat bums wasting the money, and Queens can have nice things again. Think we might be able to repeat the pattern?

Anonymous said...

Last time I went to the library hardly anyone was reading books. There was a long line of people waiting to use the internet.

Anonymous said...

you can get every book & encyclopedia on your phone & tablet

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about this. It's good that people will have access to the libraries. On the other hand, I'm finding that more and more homeless/mentally unstable people are hanging out in the libraries. I work near the Court Square branch and I stop in a couple times/week. It's a small space, but there's always at least 2 smelly men and one or more mentally unstable people in there. Inevitably during a 10 minute visit, one of them will yell at or start loudly talking to other patrons who are trying to mind their own business. I've also seen something similar on my trips to the Richmond Hill, North Forest Park and Rego Park branches.

I get that homeless people have to go somewhere, but some of these libraries are quickly becoming the equivalent of Port Authority bus station with books.

Anonymous said...

Those over-controlling goons don't need funding. Most libraries got rid of their best books so they can be video rentals, elder care and child care centers. They got nursery teachers teaching nursery rhymes. All you need is free wimax to the hoods and access to all the bibliographic databases, not another rubber room for UFT flunkies.

Anonymous said...

Well look at that. A little bit of media heat, the oversight we were supposed to have all along, throwing out a few fat cat bums wasting the money, and Queens can have nice things again. Think we might be able to repeat the pattern?

Nothing is changed - none of the people responsible for the library has been brought up on anything - as matter of fact, one is running to chair a community board!

This is expected - after the bad publicity you have the beep coming out (sorry, poor choice of words) that the library is (magically) fixed! and now we have six days like the other boroughs (likely cause the city may be into looking to take it over) - but you can be assured that once the Queens sheeple go through their 5 second attention span, it will be back to the old schedule.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Peter Vallone Sr's chiropractor is designing historic murals for the Hunters Point Branch.

I kid you not. These people are beyond pathetic - and in their final stages of dotage.

Change a commin' Queens, change a commin.'

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that they will hire American citizens and abolish the so called "New Americans" Program that caters to illegal immigrants? Can a white American get a job at Queensboro Public Library? The answer is NO. read the Diversity statement. That's code for no white Americans need apply or if you do - you will be harassed by blacks and immigrants out of the job. So much for Open Borders.

I'm disgusted by the free babysitting, out of control teen age gang members and the nonsense at the Far Rockaway branch. Go there and see how gangbangers control the Queens Library.

Anonymous said...

Go there and see how gangbangers control the Queens Library.
Good heavens, notify your councilman. They have two options - ignore you on your dime, or do something for you on your dime.

Either option would be of interest to your devoted fans on the 'ol Crapper.

Anonymous said...

Kew Gardens Hills has its own resident reeking bums taking up seats in the library and muttering aloud to imaginary fellow conversationalists, now in the postage-stamp-sized "temporary" storefront that serves as a "library". Books are piled up in several layers on a cart while the lazy-ass "librarians" gossip to one another on and on and on without making any effort to reshelve the books. Only 1 of the 3 checkout machines ever seems to work, yet repairs are never requested. Our local library branch has been under renovation for over 2 years now, 1.75 of those spent without a single workman ever seen on site. I've had to schlep to branches here and there, far away, to get books. It is a total disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Kew Gardens Hills has its own resident reeking bums taking up seats in the library and muttering aloud to imaginary fellow conversationalists, now in the postage-stamp-sized "temporary" storefront that serves as a "library". Books are piled up in several layers on a cart while the lazy-ass "librarians" gossip to one another on and on and on without making any effort to reshelve the books. Only 1 of the 3 checkout machines ever seems to work, yet repairs are never requested. Our local library branch has been under renovation for over 2 years now, 1.75 of those spent without a single workman ever seen on site. I've had to schlep to branches here and there, far away, to get books. It is a total disgrace
It goes far beyond a 'fat-cat smoking deck.'

Queens cannot manage the library. The city should take it over and merge it into the Manhattan system.

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