Saturday, October 17, 2015

$1B spent on NYC homeless

From the Daily News:

Spending on the city homeless shelters rose a whopping 62% in the past eight years, with the total expected to reach close to $1 billion this year, according to a new report.

The staggering number includes all money spent on the city’s 271 shelters from city, state and federal funds, according to the Independent Budget Office report released Thursday.

In 2007, the three government entities spent a total of $604 million on Big Apple shelters.

That will rise to an estimated $976 million this year.


Anonymous said...

You would have to be nuts to invest in any housing in LIC if the hotel or residential building across the street from you could flip on a dime as a shelter.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful....can we please start deporting now?

(sarc) said...

"Fundamental Transformation"

You are all paying for this.

How will they pay for the increases? You guessed it - More taxes!

I cannot wait to see how it is once all the Syrian migrants get here...

Middle Villager said...

With a 62% increase you would think some politician (City, State or Federal) would be calling for hearings on how our tax $ are being diverted into the pockets of the non profits that run these hell holes. I guess wasted tax money does not bother them.

Anonymous said...

NYC should only house people who are residents of NYC. People come here from every state in the union because the payoff is so great. Deport all illegal immigrants that claim to be homeless. Once the residency law is in place and the illegals flee to other states, watch the numbers drop. When are our politicians going to stand up for the taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

what a waste.

Anonymous said...

illegal immigrants know how to work the system. they sign into a shelter but have relatives who will put them up, they go there with numerous children and old people to be placed at the top of the list for any and all housing subsidies.

Eliminate the Dept of Homeless Services. Deport illegal immigrants and get rid of the day laborers. Stop giving their baby mama benefits.

then there will be plenty of housing. there wasn't large scale, armies of homeless until the Republicans came in. sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't government establish trailer parks for the homeless? A trailer would be paid for once. It would be much cheaper and better than the $3000 per month that is paid to the shelter for people to live in one room. Better yet, build tiny houses that you see on tv. For a $30,000 investment, you have permanent housing. Something to think about.

Anonymous said...

To the trailer genius: who do you think is going to pay for heating the trailers?

(sarc) said...

Why would they want to get rid of undocumented democrats???

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous #9 - Of course the taxpayers would pay for heating and air conditioning. It would still be cheaper than paying $3000 to $4000 per month per family to live in one room.

JQ said...

this is a goddamn scandal. it's basically vertical integration with the nexus of luxury development and the fraudulent 10 year affordable housing scam. All encouraged and enabled by the city and state officials.

Follow the money, I bet that those who contribute or invest to these non-profits work in hedge funds, developers and former city planners. The homeless crisis has become as much of an investor's cash cow as the privatization of prisons.

this is gross exploitation. the poor and desperate are literally merchandise and products, same with these neo-citizens who can afford the 80% abodes.

You just can't live and be anymore in New York.

Anonymous said...

A trailer would be paid for once.

Are you kidding?
Utilities? Physical maintenance? Policing these new shanty towns?
And build them where? On prime real estate near public transit? If not, how will you get these people to basic necessities?

You MUST be trolling...

Anonymous said...

We need to deport politicians! They allow this mess to continue to happen.

Loyal Democratic Party Hack said...

there wasn't large scale, armies of homeless until the Republicans came in.

3 Republicans out of 51 NYC Council members -

Yes, it's GOT to be the fault of the Republicans!!!!

Anonymous said...

Liberals are destroying America.

Do you care?

Then stop voting for them.

S.O.L. said...

This nothing more than a shifting of wealth.

Your tax dollars into the hands of the wealthy and politically connected.
More future voters for left.

How's that change going?

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