Friday, August 21, 2015

This week's de Blasio leadership summary

He's giving up on banning horse carriages.

He's removing pedestrian plazas in Times Square to prevent bad behavior (but the one on Northern Blvd is still apparently a go).

He's sending Willets Point back to the drawing board. (Which is kinda interesting, because as public advocate, he thought the plan was just fine.)

What do you think of these decisions? Good? Bad? Spineless? Is he learning when to hold em, fold em, walk away and run?


Anonymous said...

"“I’d prefer to just dig the whole damn thing up and put it back the way it was,” Bratton told 1010 WINS’ Juliet Papa, adding, "The activity is not occurring anywhere else in the area."

Another car-lover idiot. All that would do is put the hucksters back on the main sidewalk -right where the three-card-monty and other cruds were decades ago.

Get you cops to PATROL that immediate area! That is what we pay them for.

Anonymous said...

He's such loser AND so are the People who Voted for Him!

Anonymous said...

The losers also include the 76% of the eligible voters who didn't bother to vote!

JQ said...

Mayor Big Slow/Big Pussy Wilhelm is a two faced load of oblivious hipster shit.

He is only there to give his limo liberal and fountainhead conservative developer pals all the zone and air rights they want which will lead to a cushy less stressful job lobbying for them in the future. But as his past dalliances with Ratner as public advocate and the continuing proliferation of towers and homeless as shown he may have been lobbying for them all along.

The horse ban was definitely going to vaporize, for some reason the dailies only call him out for his complicity with the shady organization that was looking to snatch properties that the stable was on.

As for the pedestrian plazas, that was a creation of Mayor Fun Size and his street succubus Jeanette Kahn which has made congestion worse. It's a damn shame that our lousy Mayor and the worthless EDC had to resort to censorship to get rid of those awful plazas which has made the area a tourist cesspool. But art is in the eye of the beholder, especially if those eyes believe that it will bring down profits. But all those victoria's secret ads and that jumbo HD digital screen american eagle video ad that features teenage girls in their skivvies is just fine and dandy.

He has been running since day one, crapper and he knows it. If a scandal doesn't erupt soon (and I believe it will involve his bloated self important unelected wife) then it's one term for him. This dope has done for liberal politics and beliefs the way the establishment elected republicans nationwide have done to their own. The next election will have the lowest voter turnout in history.(unless Avella gives it a shot)

Anonymous said...

He's a piece of shot. Used animal people to get elected but did nothing behind the scenes. He never even tried. Sold out to the corrupt working family party. Cares more about pedophiles than horses. Lined up the community unit with overpaid do nothings Marco carrion and rebecca lynch. Don't vote her either. Another piece of shot living off taxpayers. He is getting paid somehow to harass topless ladies. Even create task force to check their residency Abd unreported income. Piece of shit. While horse abusing industry makes millions tax free yearly off horse abuse and tax fraud. Many carriage drivers don't report the income. They are classified as independent consultant. Many don't have residency Abd live off govt programs as well. One driver on disability yet driving carriage. The few owners of this Industry have so much money. They are not the working class. Don't ve fool by theur ugly appearance or classless behavior. After working the horses for years they dump the horses. Deblasio is a piece of shit. Beware of rebecca lybch.

Anonymous said...

DumbBlasio needs to go. He's the biggest loser I've ever seen. Too bad no one can convince Trump to run for mayor of NYC. He has no chance of becoming president but would actually be a pretty good mayor.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwe...the poor horsies.
At least when they are dumped they'll become food for the doggies.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor and his other cohorts the PC and Cuomo are the real salacious Boob Jobs. He won't talk to Cuomo about real issues but their Pander Prancing brought them together on common ground. New Yorkers are growing completely despondant on the overbuilding in both the land of the rich and it's pencil necked phallic edifices and the FluShingization of a once placid borough is worse than what the horses leave in their hay stalls. Have you seen what is going up or the plans filed for 35-08 146th St.? A 15 story god damned monolithic replacement for a row of single and two families. It'll go to right behind a dry cleaners bordering Northern Blvd. And just s bit north back down 146th St. on 35th ave. a row of 6 or so garden apartments have been leveled already for another structure. Gotta keep packing those Chinese mothers, fathers and grand parents who the fixers keep enabling entry into the US so they can get Benefit Cards, and all the Social Services, people like me can't. The absurdity of De Blahsio is that he thinks he is doing well, blames the press for getting bad press, and at 6'5" still can't see to the end of his nose. Maybe the Denudas can have the 156th Roosevelt Plaza all to many of them live in Jackson Heights already.

Anonymous said...

Horse Carriages Matter....

Anonymous said...

Mayor Fugazio is the best thing to happen to NYC since the Little Flower.

Anonymous said...

Worst Mayor ever and so are the free range city council running wild.

Anonymous said...

There is less room for your "cruds" on the sidewalk...THEN....the cops can arrest them for impeding traffic Fred Sanford would say..."YO BIG DUMMY!"

Anonymous said...

35-08 146th St ?

Those were four family homes, not one and two.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"There is less room for your "cruds" on the sidewalk...THEN....the cops can arrest them for impeding traffic Fred Sanford would say..."YO BIG DUMMY!""

Grow a brain. The only thing cop can arrest for here is harassment and/or menacing. they can do that right now.

Putting more goddamn cars on those streets is just going to make them as trecherous as they were.

The plazas there, and in Madison Square Pk are among the only good legacies of Bloombag.

Anonymous said...

I think that Igor gave Dr. Frankenstein the wrong brain when he implanted it into your skull.
Cops have more power than you think.
Plazas are magnets for weirdos...perhaps like you? Get a real life.

Anonymous said...

I was down T.S. today. We have a restaurant in that immediate area. There were hundreds of people on each of the pedestrian plazas. One is torn up with a longterm infrastructure project, but the others were packed.

Here is one irony, the southern plaza is just north of the police precinct.

If that dumb bastard Bratton can't simply get "a" cop patrolling those few slivers of pavement, then we need someone who can.

As for what power the cops have, the answer is: Not much in this situation. Bratton has admitted that this is a "free speech" issue and the courts will slap the city if they go too far. So his boneheaded solution: Eliminate the plazas that thousands use daily and make the traffic trecherous again. Brilliant asshole.

One cop walking this small area during busy hours is all that is needed to stop harassment and insure good conduct.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why the governor, mayor, and even president are always open season, but never people from Albany (the few that are not arrested).

Even city council, it weird that some get hit hard here and others pretty much a free ride.

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