Sunday, August 9, 2015

Report: Lynch donors attempt to stoke anti-gay sentiment

From Progress Queens:

After a published report raised questions about the conduct of a politically-active Brooklyn couple, Debbie and Naji Almontaser, New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-Spanish Harlem) and Councilmember Jumaane Williams (D-East Flatbush) attended an event at the home of the Almontasers on Wedesnday evening.

The conduct of the Almontasers was questioned in a report about the couple's political work on behalf of the campaign of Rebecca Lynch, a former aide to Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-New York City). Ms. Lynch is campaigning to replace former Councilmember Mark Weprin (D-Bellerose) in the New York City Council. (Mr. Weprin stepped down from his post to accept a position in support of the Cuomo administration.)

On behalf of the Lynch campaign, the Almontasers were engaged in alleged activities that were intended to incite homophobia against the campaign of Ms. Lynch's chief rival, Ali Najmi, according to the news report written by Duncan Osborne and published by Gay City News. The Almontasers have reportedly taken issue with Mr. Najmi's pro-equality stance in respect of the LGBT community, and the Almontasers have reportedly been invoking Mr. Najmi's pro-equality support in an attempt to stoke a backlash directed at Mr. Najmi from conservative Muslims, according to the accusations.

The Gay City News report was published on Thursday, July 30. Six evening later, on Wednesday, August 5, Council Speaker Mark-Viverito and Councilmember Williams attended an event at the Brooklyn home of the Almontasers.

Well that's not very progressive, now is it? Actually, I don't think these folks even understand what that word is supposed to mean.


Anonymous said...

Federal investigation is warranted, this is a hate crime
Miss Vivorito with her going to a fundraiser at the Monsters home conspiring with Snow White LYNCH and the hate dawrfs
PROGRESSIVE TOLERANCE at its Finnest,these GHOULACRATS are Rigging the hole electoral process Citizen be Dammed!!
Their Hate and Lust for Powern is going to get someone killed
True Homophobes.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, Ms. Lynch should distance herself from the Almontasers. In contrast, Ali Najmi shows that one can be a religious Muslim and support gay marriage.

Anonymous said...

Progress Queens is such an under-appreciated wealth of information, but let's not jump the gun here? Even the source doesn't go further than claiming these are Najmi's allegations:

Anonymous said...

Queens has two contiguos districts covered by two openly gay politicians....Dromm and Van Bramer.
We can at least be proud of our tolerance.
Unfortunately both these politicians have a record of being owned or being knuckleheads.
Being gay has nothing to do with that, though. Most of Queens' straight politicians are anything but straight when it comes
to honest dealings with their constituency. In Queens being straight....politically speaking....has to do with being a follower of the county political club. In that case....they are kept men and the Democratic machine sugar daddy.

Anonymous said...

I thought Almontaser's name sounded familiar - she was the principal of the Khalil Gibran Academy, as well as involved in the controversy over the "Intifada NYC" t-shirts. Sounds like the kind of tolerant person that Speaker Mark-Viverito would be linked to.

Anonymous said...

Scum seeks scum to hang out with. I immediately recognized Almontaser's name as being connected with the Muzzie school. She has a long history of political activism and rabble rousing. That she would seek to associate with Viverito and that she would take issue with Najmi's stance in an attempt to rouse conservative Muzzies in the city is actually rather scary. What other causes would she attempt to incite the city Muzzie population for? Was this a test case? It sure makes one quake in their shoes that someone like her would be in charge of shaping young minds.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I understand, do Muslims dislike gay people,I thought Miss Vivorito was gay,why would she associate with someone like the Almontasers,I just read about the t shirts,did Miss Vivorito know about that?.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crappy,love your site,is there any room for the DiBlasio count down Clock,its really good,just asking

Anonymous said...
Count down clock

Anonymous said...

Referring to Muslims as "Muzzies" (sic) does not help your argument.

Anonymous said...

Is islamofascist politically correct?

Anonymous said...

LYNCH supported Ban the Box so an employer has no right to ask a job applicant if they have an arrest record
CRIMINALS support CRIMINAlS Dumpn Snow White NOW!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like this story is a complete fabrication and without one will actually come forward. Perhaps one of Ali Najmi's paid advisers planted it? The Democratic field is certainly crowded and I understand that it must be frustrating to try and create a niche for yourself, but Najmi doesn't see the writing on the wall, he has little chance of winning. Hiring people to undermine Lynch will leave a long, sad, trail of tears for him in the district. Building unity in the community is the challenge and Najmi's dirty politics are divisive. And if he wants to succeed in the future, he should pack up and get on board the Lynch campaign.

Anonymous said...

Qur'an (3:28) - "Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them..."

This last part means that the Muslim is allowed to feign friendship if it is of benefit.

Renowned scholar Ibn Kathir states that "believers are allowed to show friendship outwardly, but never inwardly."

BTW did you catch the new ISIS video?

Something out of a Hollywood shoot'em up action flic

They put the "Unbelievers" kneeling on top of explosives
Body parts everywhere
I guess it is better & quicker than the burnings & drownings.
They must have gotten the memo from the human rights commission.

As President Obama says: "Islam is a religion of peace."

Anonymous said...

Queens could use more queens. They are bright....have good taste....dress well.
Would you rather have more Toby Stavisky's?

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