Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CB7 agrees to hand over records to Feds

From the Queens Courier:

“A subpoena was issued requesting meeting records and committee reports,” according to a CB 7 statement on Monday. “In discussions with the city Law Department and the U.S. Attorney, we made it clear we would disclose the issuance of the subpoena to the full board membership.”

The U.S. Attorney’s office subsequently agreed to rescind the subpoena in exchange for full compliance from CB 7 regarding the matter. The documents provided to the grand jury are all available to the public.

CB 7 insisted that the investigation related to the rescinded subpoena does not center on the board or any of its members.


Anonymous said...

"Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage..."

Oh wait! They do!!! Snap!

Anonymous said...

Well, did they have a choice? Let's see how long it takes for the resignations to start rolling in.

Anonymous said...

The Feds must have asked the CB nicely, been turned down, and the feds resorted to subpoena to compel the delivery of documents. "Full compliance" indeed.

Anonymous said...

So CB7 leaders have finally agreed to inform all the CB7 Board members about the FBI subpoena? Why did they not let them know right away on May 29, when the court order was issued?

Anonymous said...

Bet this will amount to nothing

Anonymous said...

Community Board 1 is next.

Anonymous said...

So the records will be made available to all board members?
How many of these board members are sharp enough to know what is going on at each meeting they attend, let alone or understand the contents of these records anyway?
For example, member Arlene Fleischman needs to retire followed by a few other out of touch members.
And member Pablo? Pablo seems clueless and when he votes it's usually for a development project. Then you have the boisterous
Kim Ohanian. She is always ready to vote "NO" at top volume. But she strings along with Apelian and company.
Does she have designs on Chuck? LOL!
What a soap opera the shenanigans of CB7 would make.

Anonymous said...

CB7 would not comply earlier because there was a whole lot of shredding going on.
Anybody see any of those "Iron Mountain" trucks that shred on site around their digs?
Then there were computer hard drives to wipe clean.
The FBI should be checking out ALL CB7 members individually, not just subpoena records.
Check all cell phone records, etc. as part of a standard investigation that any sharp law enforcement agency would be doing.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

But of course the request for records had nothing to do with the activities of CB7.
Yeah, right. Santa Claus is coming to town....making a list...checking it twice.
The Feds were just curious and had nothing better to do at the moment with taxpayer money.
FUCK THEM all at CB7!
The Feds ought to be going back further than 2005 in scoping CB7.
Who are you kidding, Chuck, Gene, Marilyn? Everyone there is playing in the same sandbox.

Anonymous said...

It is the subpoena that is being made available to all CB7 members –- but it is wrong for CB7 to tout that as any kind of special decision, since the subpoena is actually addressed to "Queens Community Board #7." In other words, the subpoena is addressed generically to the board, not to any particular board member or administrator. That being the case, of course all board members should be entitled to see it. To withhold the subpoena from any CB7 member when it is addressed to "Queens Community Board #7" would be unjustifiable.

Apparently, the records demanded by the subpoena consist of committee reports and CB7 voting records, which are already public records that anyone can request to see. It seems that the U.S. Attorney and FBI are interested in how CB7, or how certain CB7 members, voted on land use applications at the committee level and at final board votes. Prosecutors have to 'connect the dots' and such records could do that.

Anonymous said...

Prosecutors have to 'connect the dots' and such records could do that.
Money and bribes is how the dots are connected

Anonymous said...

A case on a bribery charge would be more ironclad if it is proved that action was taken in exchange. CB7's records of its votes show what actions were taken by the full board, and by individual board members. So, the voting records are essential to 'connect the dots.' A charge of bribery, when the person who is allegedly bribing does not perform as the payer expects, would not amount to much.

Anonymous said...

Might the Feds uncover any Prestone printing contracts that Chuck Apelian got from Valllone and some developers?
C'mon, this is a part crooked and part dumb community board.
And I agree with another commentor. CB1 should be next on the list to be checked, followed by CB2.
CB1, the community board from hell, is where the other Vallone brother had connections.
This political mafia family needs investigation.

The Vallone dynasty is highly suspect, going back to the 1950s when
Charles Vallone was first appointed a judge.

Returning to home...
Paul,Vallone voted to approve Joey "d'or" Franco's White House restaurant mega expansion when he was a CB7 member.
The news media connected Franco to the Gambino crime family.
La Famiglia di Vallone needs intensive scoping. Keep the probe open and dig real deep.
You will likely be surprised at what dots will be connected to who.
Good work and good luck, FBI!

Anonymous said...

The community boards are just a "recommendation" organization that makes the people think they have a voice and a part of what happens in their community. The powers that be do whatever the hell they want!!! This is a fed "laddering" opperation. That is where they catch a small fish, threaten to charge them, UNLESS they squeal on a larger fish, and on so on, and so on, and so on......
Realize that the federal laws are so vague and open ended that YES, you can indite a ham sandwich. Even if they have nothing on you, they will go after you with all of the resources of the federal government. You will be bankrupted by legal fees in a heartbeat. What do you do? Say whatever they want. It is just like a confession from someone tortured. You say anything to make the pain stop. And these people will sell out whoever is the target of this witch hunt.

Good luck and may God help them all.

Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent
Book by Harvey A. Silverglate

Anonymous said...

You got it fella! CBs are advisory groups so we do not really need them. Bye, bye Marilyn Bitterman's $90,000+ a year salary.
How long has she been a DM? Look at all that money which could have been put to good use. Now multiply all that by all of the DM's salaries throughout NYC. Quite a bundle. Then there is the paid staff.

Anonymous said...

Would queens have a functioning economy without bribery and the mafia?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen this week's Queens Cronicle?
Apelian goes ballistic over the finger being pointed to his land use committee.
He notes that the FBI's look into CB7's records is not people centered.
Well, WTF is it if it is not focused on the people who comprise the community board?
Is it peopled by robots?
Follow the buck Chuck is crapping his pants with agitation and fear.
I'll bet his good buddy Paul Vallone, is doing likewise.
Chuck was his campaign manager and Chuck's printing company, Prestone, printed his materials.
This is just the beginning of the road . What other rotten fruit will be dropping off the corruption tree?
Squeeze DM Bitterman. She will squawk like a crow when put to the question.
If she was too dumb, which has been said of her many times, to be blind to the chickanery going on
all around her....then she should be fired for incompetence if not for complicity.

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