Sunday, May 3, 2015

Whitestone to rally against development plan

From We Love Whitestone:

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday May 17 - 1PM

We Love Whitestone will be holding a RALLY on May 17 at the location at 1PM. I will be setting up an EVENT INVITE - share with your FB friends, share it with your neighbors....please come and support your everyone WE HAVE A VOICE!


Anonymous said...

Another rally of no consequence.
It doesn't matter how much everybody loves Whitestone. It matters that Walyo Vallone does not really represent you. He represents builders. The Vallone law firm lobbies for developers.

Do not expect a crooked councilman to champion this cause. Whenever he shows up at any public meeting all he seems to be able to do is paste on a shit eating grin, stroke his bald dome and offer compromises that mean nothing. Hey, you all voted for him. I certainly did not.


Anonymous said...

The point is that many people feel they are bad news and erode every neighborhood they touch.

The best thing you can do about Junior Chrome Dome is to belittle every statement he publicly makes about your community - for example, ask him when he raises an issue if Daddy's consulting firm is involved in same way, or if someone has made a donation to the Family in some fashion.

Work on church, his base. Spread ideas and suggestions. Hint at their record.

Make him history.

Anonymous said...

Demand it be made a park.

Anonymous said...

Should we belittle the statement vallone made opposing this project? Why would we do that? Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is as shady as they come!!!!! He's so full of crap when it comes to this community!!! He has his foot into everything so he can get a pice of the pie and get paid!!!!! No one believes a thing he says!!!! He's another loser politician who thinks no one sees through him!!! Thats what they all think till they get caught!!!!! His day will come....Oh and by the way.....I didnt vote for him!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Should we belittle the statement vallone made opposing this project? Why would we do that? Please explain.

We should be very careful about taking Vallone at his word about anything.

He has been in office for less than 1.5 years and has already lied on numerous occasions, including taking "lulus", extra $$$ for being the head of a committee chair on the city council, which he swore he wouldn't as a candidate, flip-flopping on his position in two days on banning horse carriages, etc.

All of his BS has been covered in the Daily News, NY Post and other papers so this isn't just made up.

Finally, the Vallone family lobbying firm took over $200,000 when this property was being rezoned ten years ago. It wouldn't be surprising if they got involved again for big $$$.

Anonymous said...

Vallones statement was "quadrupling the original plan was absurd". Nothing about doubling it. Avella said 52, Braunstien is in agreement.
Vallones statement seems vague. Intentionally vague. Let's see if he shows up at rally and what he says.

Anonymous said...

Vallones statement seems vague. Intentionally vague.

Well, hell it always works in Astoria.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is in with a lot of "goombah" developers. The mob boys have their political mobster to watch their backs.
Remember....was it Joey "d'or" Franko of the Whitehouse Restaurant? Didn't the news media identify him as a Gambino friend?
When Vallone was a member of CB7, he voted for the huge Whitehouse catering hall expansion project.
Paulie smiles but carries a big knife....ready to slice up his own district. Of course, he gets a big share of the pizza for payment.

Anonymous said...

While Tony Avella was denouncing this project from day 1, Vallone was silent. My guess is that he had to check in with his developer buddies and promise them that though he would show outrage forthis proect to the public, he would let them continue to call the shots.

Anonymous said...

It's quadrupling because it went from 52 single-family houses to 203 units.

But hey, lucchese spaghetti vallone ciao roma italia sicilia parmesano, right?

Anonymous said...

So Tony denounced the project.
Press conference Avella , apparently , hasn't been able to stop it.

Anonymous said...

At least Tony spoke up .
Chrome dome Vallone was missing in action.
Or he was as inactive as usual?

Paulie has got to kiss the ring of the deveoper before he's allowed to say anything.
Vallone is just a thug....not even qualified to be a hard working "soldieri".

The Don is the developer.

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